Papers by Ernesto Guadarrama

El objetivo del presente artículo es realizar una breve disertación en torno al tiempo y al porq... more El objetivo del presente artículo es realizar una breve disertación en torno al tiempo y al porqué no debe considerarse como algo meramente subjetivo. Con este fin, se analizan algunas de las aportaciones, más importantes a nuestro parecer, de Aristóteles, San Agustín, Bergson y Husserl. Es claro que ellos no son todos los autores que han hecho grandes contribuciones al respecto de la temporalidad, sin embargo, por la amplitud y complejidad del tema, el presente escrito se limita a retomar solamente los aspectos más relevantes de dichos filósofos, para, a partir de ello, discurrir sobre la experiencia del tiempo y su relación con la intersubjetividad.
The main objective of the present article is to develop a brief lecture around time, and why it must not be considered as something merely subjective. With this purpose, we analyze, to our criteria, some of the most important contributions from Aristotle, Saint Agustin, Bergson and Husserl. It´s clear that they aren´t all the authors that have made great contributions about temporality, nevertheless, because of the spaciousness and complexity of the subject, the present writing limits itself to reconsider only the most relevant aspects of these philosophers, to, parting from this matter, ponder about the experience of time and its relation with the intersubjectivity.
La exclusión del tiempo objetivo es uno de los primeros pasos que Husserl lleva a cabo en sus aná... more La exclusión del tiempo objetivo es uno de los primeros pasos que Husserl lleva a cabo en sus análisis sobre el concepto de tiempo, y lo hace porque es a partir de ello que delimita de manera precisa el campo en el que se desenvolverán sus investigaciones. El objetivo del presente trabajo es hacer una breve revisión sobre el sentido de dicha exclusión y como ésta es la base de lo que a la postre se convertiría en la reducción fenomenológica, misma que es de suma importancia dentro de los estudios husserlianos.

El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una breve revisión sobre las principales contribuciones ... more El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una breve revisión sobre las principales contribuciones del Ateneo de la juventud, así como la influencia que este grupo de pensadores tuvo en la educación mexicana. Puesto que Antonio Caso y José Vasconcelos son las figuras más representativas, nos concentraremos en sus ideas, analizando su validez actual y sus posibles errores. La principal propuesta del presente trabajo es señalar la importancia que tiene establecer una estrecha relación entre la filosofía y la educación.
This article’s objective is to give a brief summary of the Mexican Youth Athenaeum’s main contributions as well as their influence on Mexican education. Since Antonio Caso y José Vasconcelos are most prominent representatives of this movement, we will focus on their ideas analyzing their current validity and possible mistakes. Our main goal is to emphasize the importance of establishing a close relationship between philosophy and education.
Conference Presentations by Ernesto Guadarrama

The aim of this paper will be to present briefly the view of Merleau-Ponty and Husserl about the ... more The aim of this paper will be to present briefly the view of Merleau-Ponty and Husserl about the acquisition of habits (or habitualities), and how this view could give some tools in order to understand the educational act. An important part of education is to correct habits or to provide new ones. As we will see, Merlau-Ponty considers that every habit implies an understanding of the world. Therefore, before the correction of a habit, it is so important to know which comprehension of the world is given in a student, since this comprehension is the condition of possibility of that habit. The phenomenology provides the elements to analyze the understanding of the world of a student and, with this, could be helpful to clarify the educational act.
In Logical Investigations, Husserl makes the distinction between normative and theoretical sciences. From this distinction, it will be necessary to explain that what I will handle in this paper is a theoretical study, not a normative one. At the end, I want to present some notes for a future project: a phenomenology of education.
Drafts by Ernesto Guadarrama

In the present paper, I will present a brief explanation of the parallel that Aristotle makes bet... more In the present paper, I will present a brief explanation of the parallel that Aristotle makes between nature creations and artificial creations, that is to say, I will explain in which sense Aristotle says that art (or technology) imitates nature.
Nowadays, is common heard that the technological things are acting against the nature, that technology is a danger. What I will try to present in this paper is that artificial things have, in essence, the same aims of the nature. I consider that, despite the technological advances in our days have achieved levels of complexity that would be unbelievable in the past —cryonics, genetic engineering, cloning, to name some cases—, it is possible to discuss and analyze these advances under the light of what Aristotle said. Moreover, it is not a setback, but it can serve to give to us a new perspective, inside the actual technological debate.
What I would like to argue here is the fact that technology can be a danger for nature is result of its bad use, that could be corrected, but per se, technology is not a danger at all (if we respect the essence of nature).
Papers by Ernesto Guadarrama
The main objective of the present article is to develop a brief lecture around time, and why it must not be considered as something merely subjective. With this purpose, we analyze, to our criteria, some of the most important contributions from Aristotle, Saint Agustin, Bergson and Husserl. It´s clear that they aren´t all the authors that have made great contributions about temporality, nevertheless, because of the spaciousness and complexity of the subject, the present writing limits itself to reconsider only the most relevant aspects of these philosophers, to, parting from this matter, ponder about the experience of time and its relation with the intersubjectivity.
This article’s objective is to give a brief summary of the Mexican Youth Athenaeum’s main contributions as well as their influence on Mexican education. Since Antonio Caso y José Vasconcelos are most prominent representatives of this movement, we will focus on their ideas analyzing their current validity and possible mistakes. Our main goal is to emphasize the importance of establishing a close relationship between philosophy and education.
Conference Presentations by Ernesto Guadarrama
In Logical Investigations, Husserl makes the distinction between normative and theoretical sciences. From this distinction, it will be necessary to explain that what I will handle in this paper is a theoretical study, not a normative one. At the end, I want to present some notes for a future project: a phenomenology of education.
Drafts by Ernesto Guadarrama
Nowadays, is common heard that the technological things are acting against the nature, that technology is a danger. What I will try to present in this paper is that artificial things have, in essence, the same aims of the nature. I consider that, despite the technological advances in our days have achieved levels of complexity that would be unbelievable in the past —cryonics, genetic engineering, cloning, to name some cases—, it is possible to discuss and analyze these advances under the light of what Aristotle said. Moreover, it is not a setback, but it can serve to give to us a new perspective, inside the actual technological debate.
What I would like to argue here is the fact that technology can be a danger for nature is result of its bad use, that could be corrected, but per se, technology is not a danger at all (if we respect the essence of nature).
The main objective of the present article is to develop a brief lecture around time, and why it must not be considered as something merely subjective. With this purpose, we analyze, to our criteria, some of the most important contributions from Aristotle, Saint Agustin, Bergson and Husserl. It´s clear that they aren´t all the authors that have made great contributions about temporality, nevertheless, because of the spaciousness and complexity of the subject, the present writing limits itself to reconsider only the most relevant aspects of these philosophers, to, parting from this matter, ponder about the experience of time and its relation with the intersubjectivity.
This article’s objective is to give a brief summary of the Mexican Youth Athenaeum’s main contributions as well as their influence on Mexican education. Since Antonio Caso y José Vasconcelos are most prominent representatives of this movement, we will focus on their ideas analyzing their current validity and possible mistakes. Our main goal is to emphasize the importance of establishing a close relationship between philosophy and education.
In Logical Investigations, Husserl makes the distinction between normative and theoretical sciences. From this distinction, it will be necessary to explain that what I will handle in this paper is a theoretical study, not a normative one. At the end, I want to present some notes for a future project: a phenomenology of education.
Nowadays, is common heard that the technological things are acting against the nature, that technology is a danger. What I will try to present in this paper is that artificial things have, in essence, the same aims of the nature. I consider that, despite the technological advances in our days have achieved levels of complexity that would be unbelievable in the past —cryonics, genetic engineering, cloning, to name some cases—, it is possible to discuss and analyze these advances under the light of what Aristotle said. Moreover, it is not a setback, but it can serve to give to us a new perspective, inside the actual technological debate.
What I would like to argue here is the fact that technology can be a danger for nature is result of its bad use, that could be corrected, but per se, technology is not a danger at all (if we respect the essence of nature).