Itinerarios (Revista de estudios lingüísticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos), n. 23, ss. 15-34, 2016
The so-called discursive objectivity is understood as the distance and neutrality of the speake... more The so-called discursive objectivity is understood as the distance and neutrality of the speakers toward processes expressed by verbal predicates. Th is phenomenon is directly related to a high frequency of structures with little grammatical, deictic and temporal
information like nominalizations, agentless passive sentences and, on the other hand, to a low frequency about the speaker, of personal pronouns. Obviously, its role depends on the type of text and the use of specialized language. Detailed analysis of a electronic and manually annotated corpora allows us to state that this discursive feature is the most important in the academic and scientifi c texts and its role
decreases in journalistic and narrative ones. Th e statistical data automatically extracted from the electronically annotated corpora confi rms the trend. In spite of structural diff erences between the four languages, refl ected in diff erent frequency of objectivity markers, in each of the languages the number of such markers strongly corelated with each functional style. Th is in turn leads to a statement that the functional type of text is probably the most decisive factor for many discursive features of the language
Papers by Janusz Bień
comparationis. A detailed corpus-based analysis has led to some important conclusions. First of all, we have noticed a significant difference between the Catalan and Madrilenian headlines in the
way featured events involving two main rival football clubs, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, are presented and assessed. Unlike its Spanish counterparts, the Polish website seems to take a more
objective and neutral stance on the same facts. A frequently used strategy, in particular by the Catalan newspaper, consists of focusing the readers’ attention on less relevant characters and events. This tendency may be related to other features, such as a marked preference for a semantic and formal type of headline on both the Madrilenian and Catalan websites, and certain formal and lexical measures which they adopt more often.
lingüística moderna, el español se revela como una lengua intermedia,
con tendencias poco acentuadas. Aunque nuestro análisis parezca
superficial y carezca de bases empíricas sólidas (el análisis sistemático
de un corpus representativo queda por hacer), se pueden comprobar
sino, por lo menos presumir algunas tendencias centristas. Así, el
español es sin duda una lengua moderadamente económica a nivel
léxico y moderadamente redundante a nivel sintáctico (en
comparación con lenguas más comprometidas a este nivel, como el
polaco y el francés). El español también es una lengua
moderadamente analítica, con estructuras propias de las lenguas
románicas y de algunas de las lenguas germánicas
auteurs comme synonymes et comme notions éloignées chez d’autres.
dernier. L'apparition du SN +humain, fortement contraint en se Neu. paraît néanmoins possible là, où le verbe remplit certaines conditions qui restent tout de même à préciser. On n ’est donc pas en droit de poser que cet élément marque une limite entre les tours subjectifs et l'emploi neutre. Il serait également erroné de voir dans se Neu un tour lexicalement homogène. D 'abord parce que certains verbes échappent à des catégorisations quelconques, deuxièmement parce que la prépondérance des verbes «aspectuellement marqués«, traditionnellement associables au tour, n ’est pas décisive.
plan lexical les verbes se laissent répartir par catégories, dont les trois principales seraient: verbes de perception, verbes de dire, et verbes de connaissance, les deux premières pouvant être considérées comme catégories privilégiées dans la mesure où elles se révèlent très libres vis-à-vis de l’aspect et du STV+humain en position sujet.
w porównaniu z cechami typologicznymi języków egzotycznych.
information like nominalizations, agentless passive sentences and, on the other hand, to a low frequency about the speaker, of personal pronouns. Obviously, its role depends on the type of text and the use of specialized language. Detailed analysis of a electronic and manually annotated corpora allows us to state that this discursive feature is the most important in the academic and scientifi c texts and its role
decreases in journalistic and narrative ones. Th e statistical data automatically extracted from the electronically annotated corpora confi rms the trend. In spite of structural diff erences between the four languages, refl ected in diff erent frequency of objectivity markers, in each of the languages the number of such markers strongly corelated with each functional style. Th is in turn leads to a statement that the functional type of text is probably the most decisive factor for many discursive features of the language
comparationis. A detailed corpus-based analysis has led to some important conclusions. First of all, we have noticed a significant difference between the Catalan and Madrilenian headlines in the
way featured events involving two main rival football clubs, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, are presented and assessed. Unlike its Spanish counterparts, the Polish website seems to take a more
objective and neutral stance on the same facts. A frequently used strategy, in particular by the Catalan newspaper, consists of focusing the readers’ attention on less relevant characters and events. This tendency may be related to other features, such as a marked preference for a semantic and formal type of headline on both the Madrilenian and Catalan websites, and certain formal and lexical measures which they adopt more often.
lingüística moderna, el español se revela como una lengua intermedia,
con tendencias poco acentuadas. Aunque nuestro análisis parezca
superficial y carezca de bases empíricas sólidas (el análisis sistemático
de un corpus representativo queda por hacer), se pueden comprobar
sino, por lo menos presumir algunas tendencias centristas. Así, el
español es sin duda una lengua moderadamente económica a nivel
léxico y moderadamente redundante a nivel sintáctico (en
comparación con lenguas más comprometidas a este nivel, como el
polaco y el francés). El español también es una lengua
moderadamente analítica, con estructuras propias de las lenguas
románicas y de algunas de las lenguas germánicas
auteurs comme synonymes et comme notions éloignées chez d’autres.
dernier. L'apparition du SN +humain, fortement contraint en se Neu. paraît néanmoins possible là, où le verbe remplit certaines conditions qui restent tout de même à préciser. On n ’est donc pas en droit de poser que cet élément marque une limite entre les tours subjectifs et l'emploi neutre. Il serait également erroné de voir dans se Neu un tour lexicalement homogène. D 'abord parce que certains verbes échappent à des catégorisations quelconques, deuxièmement parce que la prépondérance des verbes «aspectuellement marqués«, traditionnellement associables au tour, n ’est pas décisive.
plan lexical les verbes se laissent répartir par catégories, dont les trois principales seraient: verbes de perception, verbes de dire, et verbes de connaissance, les deux premières pouvant être considérées comme catégories privilégiées dans la mesure où elles se révèlent très libres vis-à-vis de l’aspect et du STV+humain en position sujet.
w porównaniu z cechami typologicznymi języków egzotycznych.
information like nominalizations, agentless passive sentences and, on the other hand, to a low frequency about the speaker, of personal pronouns. Obviously, its role depends on the type of text and the use of specialized language. Detailed analysis of a electronic and manually annotated corpora allows us to state that this discursive feature is the most important in the academic and scientifi c texts and its role
decreases in journalistic and narrative ones. Th e statistical data automatically extracted from the electronically annotated corpora confi rms the trend. In spite of structural diff erences between the four languages, refl ected in diff erent frequency of objectivity markers, in each of the languages the number of such markers strongly corelated with each functional style. Th is in turn leads to a statement that the functional type of text is probably the most decisive factor for many discursive features of the language