John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Institute of Art History
PROBLEMS OF WOODEN SACRED ARCHITECTURE IN THE LUBLIN REGION COMING FROM THE PERIOD BETWEEN THE TWO WORLD WARS Wooden architecture has been a typical element of the Polish landscape for a few centuries. A special role is played by churches... more
Po zakończeniu Wielkiej Wojny Polska odzyskała długo oczekiwaną niepodległość. Dla nowo odrodzonego państwa kwestią kluczową stała się materialna i duchowa odbudowa poczucia tożsamości narodowej jego obywateli. Tożsamość narodowa może... more
After the end of World War I, Poland regained its long-awaited independence. For the politics of the newly reborn state, question of material and spiritual reconstruction of the state and rebuilding the sense of national identity among... more
Sculpture, as an element of public space, found its special place within the urban space. The 1960s and 1970s were especially important moments in the history of sculpture. Many artistic symposia and plain-airs had been held in numerous... more
The paper presents architectural plans of selected school buildings, designed during the interwar period in Lublin. Their architectural style is characterized by changes typical for tendencies present in Polish architecture at the moment:... more
The article aims at juxtaposing selected works by Adam Marczyński considering the issue of opticality or visuality of sculpture. These terms refer to Clement Greenberg’s notes on modern sculpture and his statement that new sculpture under... more
This article concerns the recent strategies adopted to deal with the heritage of Polish culture from the communist period. These strategies include: a growing interest from the point of view of monument protection authorities and artistic... more
The article aims to analyse the status of the object in the neo-avantgarde practice of selected Polish artists in 1960s assemblages, from the perspective of the ‘material turn’, initiated by postructuralism’s crisis of representation in... more
This article will cover a number of issues concerning artistic events indicated in the title with emphaisis on the activities or projects of the artists actively involved ‘ordinary citizens,’ the inhabitants of Poland’s Western and... more
This article addresses the results of the artistic event Space of the City, organised in Chełm in 1978 by Bożena Kowalska, the then curator of the Galeria 72. She invited 16 artists to create projects for sculptures that were supposed to... more
In 1965 Gerard Kwiatkowski and Marian Bogusz organized the first of the Spatial Forms Biennales in Elbląg - a city based in the so-called "Recovered Territories". Selected artists, supported by ZAMECH mechanical plant and with the... more
During the period of political Thaw, Adam Marczyński (1908-1985) – a member of a Kraków artistic group – created a series of compositions, mainly in the monotype technique, depicting organic forms reminiscent of allusive abstraction. The... more
The implementation of the new ideological and artistic concept of the Museum and Memorial in Sobibór on the site of the former Nazi German death camp selected in the 2013 competition is discussed. The winning design is analysed; apart... more
This paper addresses and compares the issue of introducing new art forms into the city space in order to revitalise or gentrify it, in two different political and economic realities: that of Poland under Communism and in the era of the... more
The article is an analysis of selected works of art of Polish artists of the 1970s: compositions by Adam Marczyński from the "Variable series" (the second half of the 1960s and 1970s), the "Multipart" action by Tadeusz Kantor (1970) and... more
Abstrakt Znaczenie zagranicznych wojaży artystów dla ich dalszej formacji jest bezsprzeczne. W niniejszym artykule autorka dowartościowuje podróże bliskie, wywodzące się z potrzeby ucieczki artystów z miasta na wieś w celu szukania... more
Abstrakt Edward Krasiński, rzeźbiarz i malarz, jeden z najważniejszych polskich artystów lat 60. i 70. XX wieku, jest znany przede wszystkim ze swoich artystycznych interwencji z użyciem taśmy blue scotch. W niniejszym artykule autorka... more