Albert Nowacki
The profile of my research preferences is opened by the history of the 20th century Ukrainian literary process and recent literature, but I am particularly fond of Ukrainian literature of the 1920s and contemporary Ukrainian literature. I try to look at the subject of my research mainly through the prism of historical, socio-political events. In my research I also consider the issues of Polish-Ukrainian relations and mutual influences in the field of culture. My research preferences complement the issues in the field of linguistics (history of the Ukrainian language) and translation studies, including practical translation of literary, functional and technical texts, as well as lexicographic issues.
Address: Katedra Literatury Rosyjskiej, Ukraińskiej i Białoruskiej
Instytut Literaturoznawstwa
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Al. Racławickie 14
20-950 Lublin
Polska / Poland
Address: Katedra Literatury Rosyjskiej, Ukraińskiej i Białoruskiej
Instytut Literaturoznawstwa
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Al. Racławickie 14
20-950 Lublin
Polska / Poland
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Books by Albert Nowacki
This publication is devoted to the research on literary work of a Ukrainian writer Mykola Khvylovy, who was one of central figures and, at the same time, one of the initiators of Ukrainian literary discussion, who began his literary activity at the beginning of the 1920s, at the dawn of modern Ukrainian statehood. In fact, from the very beginning he aroused much controversy: he raised inconvenient topics, urged to search, demanded more, promoted ideas unpopular in the circles of the official soviet powers. His name was on the lips of Ukrainian cultural and political activists as well as average citizens keeping trace of events on the Ukrainian cultural scene. At the same time, Mykola Khvylovy is one of the most controversial and perhaps tragic figures in the history of Ukrainian literature.
Moving the border of the European Union did not weaken strong neighbourly bonds between Poland and Ukraine. Instead, one may notice an intensification of economic, cultural, scientific or sporting contacts. More and more Ukrainian tourists are coming to Poland and from the Polish side there are more group or individual trips being organised to Lviv, Kiev, Podolia or Crimea on the Black Sea.
Jointly organised economic, scientific and cultural ventures, both at national and regional level, aim not only to tighten cooperation between the neighbours, but also to bring closer unity between Poland and Ukraine, as well as opening up to guests from other countries. Such an action jointly undertaken by Poland and Ukraine is the organisation of the European Football Championship [EURO 2012].
In order to meet the requirements set by the changes on the map of Europe we decided to draw up a so called “Quintessential language guide” whose aim is to make it easier for tourists, businessmen and football fans travelling to Poland or Ukraine to communicate with their hosts.
Let’s Talk is an indispensable title drawn up mainly for English speaking foreigners going to Poland or Ukraine on business as well as for social or touristic reasons. Thus the order of languages which is not accidental: English-Polish-Ukrainian.
Let’s Talk will also prove to be indispensable for Polish people going to Ukraine, Ukrainians visiting Poland, as well as citizens of these two countries in situations when they have to speak English (e.g. at the airport, in a hotel, contacts with policemen, city transport, medical help etc.).
Detailed vocabulary and numerous phrases in common subjects (e.g. ‘medical help’, ‘police’) will certainly be helpful for representatives of various professions in contact with an English speaking or Ukrainian speaking interlocutor. We hope that this booklet will be appreciated not only by potential tourists who would like to try to communicate with representatives of different nationalities on their own, but it will also arouse interest of medical and emergency services and all kinds of uniformed services such as the police or Border Guard.
Particular thematic sections (e.g. Information signs, Travel by car, In a hotel, Police, Border, Railway and bus stations, Airport, City, Food, Finances, Internet Cafe) apart form basic vocabulary include numerous questions and possible replies with phonetic transcription.
A mini tourist guide is an additional asset of the Quintessential Language Guide. It contains general information about Poland and Ukraine but you will also find descriptions of the biggest Polish and Ukrainian cities there, as well as necessary emergency phone numbers and useful Internet websites.
Перша частина збірки містить праці, присвячені патріарху польської славістики Професору Телесфорові Позняку, який 2012 р. відзначає свій вісімдесятирічний ювілей. Друг частина це літературознавчі, культурологічні, історичні та політологічні тексти, для яких девізом стали слова „Звільнити майбутнє від минулого? Звільнити минуле від майбутнього?” – цитата з книжки Центрально-східна ревізія Юрія Андруховича, яку 2000 року разом з есе Корабельний щоденник Анджея Стасюка видано під спільним заголовком Моя Європа.
Книжка предзначена для всіх, хто цікавиться сучасною Україною.
Papers by Albert Nowacki
arose in the process of the revival of Ukrainian culture during the 20s. 20th century In the article a brief description of the most important literary associations is given, and special attention is paid to the essential differences between them. The author divides them into two main
groups: 1. associations that approve of the official party line, propagandize mass literature (hence, low quality literature) (Hart, The Plow, Molodnyak, VUSPP); 2. associations that respond to official trends, striving for elitism and high aesthetic qualities in prose (futurists, "neoclassics", VAPLITE).
This publication is devoted to the research on literary work of a Ukrainian writer Mykola Khvylovy, who was one of central figures and, at the same time, one of the initiators of Ukrainian literary discussion, who began his literary activity at the beginning of the 1920s, at the dawn of modern Ukrainian statehood. In fact, from the very beginning he aroused much controversy: he raised inconvenient topics, urged to search, demanded more, promoted ideas unpopular in the circles of the official soviet powers. His name was on the lips of Ukrainian cultural and political activists as well as average citizens keeping trace of events on the Ukrainian cultural scene. At the same time, Mykola Khvylovy is one of the most controversial and perhaps tragic figures in the history of Ukrainian literature.
Moving the border of the European Union did not weaken strong neighbourly bonds between Poland and Ukraine. Instead, one may notice an intensification of economic, cultural, scientific or sporting contacts. More and more Ukrainian tourists are coming to Poland and from the Polish side there are more group or individual trips being organised to Lviv, Kiev, Podolia or Crimea on the Black Sea.
Jointly organised economic, scientific and cultural ventures, both at national and regional level, aim not only to tighten cooperation between the neighbours, but also to bring closer unity between Poland and Ukraine, as well as opening up to guests from other countries. Such an action jointly undertaken by Poland and Ukraine is the organisation of the European Football Championship [EURO 2012].
In order to meet the requirements set by the changes on the map of Europe we decided to draw up a so called “Quintessential language guide” whose aim is to make it easier for tourists, businessmen and football fans travelling to Poland or Ukraine to communicate with their hosts.
Let’s Talk is an indispensable title drawn up mainly for English speaking foreigners going to Poland or Ukraine on business as well as for social or touristic reasons. Thus the order of languages which is not accidental: English-Polish-Ukrainian.
Let’s Talk will also prove to be indispensable for Polish people going to Ukraine, Ukrainians visiting Poland, as well as citizens of these two countries in situations when they have to speak English (e.g. at the airport, in a hotel, contacts with policemen, city transport, medical help etc.).
Detailed vocabulary and numerous phrases in common subjects (e.g. ‘medical help’, ‘police’) will certainly be helpful for representatives of various professions in contact with an English speaking or Ukrainian speaking interlocutor. We hope that this booklet will be appreciated not only by potential tourists who would like to try to communicate with representatives of different nationalities on their own, but it will also arouse interest of medical and emergency services and all kinds of uniformed services such as the police or Border Guard.
Particular thematic sections (e.g. Information signs, Travel by car, In a hotel, Police, Border, Railway and bus stations, Airport, City, Food, Finances, Internet Cafe) apart form basic vocabulary include numerous questions and possible replies with phonetic transcription.
A mini tourist guide is an additional asset of the Quintessential Language Guide. It contains general information about Poland and Ukraine but you will also find descriptions of the biggest Polish and Ukrainian cities there, as well as necessary emergency phone numbers and useful Internet websites.
Перша частина збірки містить праці, присвячені патріарху польської славістики Професору Телесфорові Позняку, який 2012 р. відзначає свій вісімдесятирічний ювілей. Друг частина це літературознавчі, культурологічні, історичні та політологічні тексти, для яких девізом стали слова „Звільнити майбутнє від минулого? Звільнити минуле від майбутнього?” – цитата з книжки Центрально-східна ревізія Юрія Андруховича, яку 2000 року разом з есе Корабельний щоденник Анджея Стасюка видано під спільним заголовком Моя Європа.
Книжка предзначена для всіх, хто цікавиться сучасною Україною.
arose in the process of the revival of Ukrainian culture during the 20s. 20th century In the article a brief description of the most important literary associations is given, and special attention is paid to the essential differences between them. The author divides them into two main
groups: 1. associations that approve of the official party line, propagandize mass literature (hence, low quality literature) (Hart, The Plow, Molodnyak, VUSPP); 2. associations that respond to official trends, striving for elitism and high aesthetic qualities in prose (futurists, "neoclassics", VAPLITE).