Papers by Frederik Maertens
Maertens, F., 'Karmelieten, Heksen en een Bijzondere Bisschop. Een vreemde pestmis in 1632', in: Gidsenkroniek, 56 (2023), pp.129-133., 2023
In 1632 the bischop of Bruges, Servaas De Quinckere, gave a sermon in a chapel used by the parish... more In 1632 the bischop of Bruges, Servaas De Quinckere, gave a sermon in a chapel used by the parish of Saint Catherina. This sermon was quite important, since it addressed several events the city of Bruges underwent in the last year: plague, famine and war. Bischop De Quinckere tried to wake up the population of Bruges to get rid of their sins and repenting for their previous life. The sermon also instigated the rise of the Discalced Carmelites in the city, but unfortunately also the last great witch hunt in Bruges.
'Straffe Historische Verhalen: het Leven van de Zwarte Monnik', in : Tijdingen uit Leuven, 175 (april 2022), pp. 20-23., 2022
Short article in Dutch about the life of Eustache Buskes (ca. 1170-1217), also known as 'The Blac... more Short article in Dutch about the life of Eustache Buskes (ca. 1170-1217), also known as 'The Black Monk'. Eustache was a nobleman in Boulogne, northern France, who started his life as a priest and a monk, but left the monastery after the death of his father. Gradually he turned into a notorious pirat king, making the Channel and the North Sea a dangerous place for anyone trying to cross it.
'Straffe Historische Verhalen: het Leven van de Zwarte Monnik', in : Tijdingen uit Leuven, 175 (april 2022), pp. 20-23.
'Joanna De Labaye en de Kunst van de Votiefportretten', in: Gidsenkroniek, 55 (2022), pp. 23-25., 2022
Kort artikel over het systeem van votiefportretten van kinderen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden van ... more Kort artikel over het systeem van votiefportretten van kinderen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden van de 16de tot de 20ste eeuw. De aanleiding hiervoor is de terugkeer van een portret na meer dan twee eeuwen naar de Sint-Godelievabdij in Brugge.
Short article in Dutch about the system of votive offerings of children's portraits in the Southern Netherlands from the 16th until the 20th century. The central case is the return of a portrait to the abbey of Saint Godelive in Bruges after more than two centuries.
De Poltiek-Militaire Impact van de Guldensporenslag, 2 dln., in: Gidsenkroniek, 53 (2020), pp. 156-159 + 171-174.
Short article in Dutch about the political and military impact of the Battle of Courtrai (also kn... more Short article in Dutch about the political and military impact of the Battle of Courtrai (also known as the Battle of the Golden Spurs, 1302) between the County of Flanders and the French Kingdom. Althought more often seen as a social conflict, the battle and the war were started because of political motives by Philip IV of France. The outcome of the battle thus also had a political impact, but was important too from a military point of view. The battle can also be seen as part of a wider conflict and several uprisings in Europe, such as the First War of Scottish Independence and the Battles of the Old Swiss Confederacy.
De Jeruzalemkerk en het Adornesdomein, in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 171 (2020), pp. 39 - 43., 2020
Short article about the Jerusalem Chapel and the medieval site of the Adornes family in Bruges. T... more Short article about the Jerusalem Chapel and the medieval site of the Adornes family in Bruges. This article was published in 'Tijdingen uit Leuven' as part of a new theme introducing interesting museums, churches and monasteries in Belgium.
Straffe Historische Verhalen: Het Brugs Visscherijprivilege, in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 170 (2020), pp. 18-21., 2020
Short article in Dutch about the creation of a privilege for the fishermen from Bruges by King Ch... more Short article in Dutch about the creation of a privilege for the fishermen from Bruges by King Charles II of England in 1666. What started as a small favor towards the city of Bruges in the 17th century , has had consequences for maritime law in the 20th century, and maybe it even will have an impact in the 21st century.
Published as "Straffe Historische Verhalen: Het Brugs Visscherijprivilege", in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 170 (2020), pp. 18-21.
Christelijke Martelaren: Voorstelling en Werkelijkheid, Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 52 (2019), pp. 26 - 31., 2019
Short article written in response to a guided tour in Bruges around Saints and Blessed. This arti... more Short article written in response to a guided tour in Bruges around Saints and Blessed. This article discusses the creation of the image of Christian Martyrs during the times of Roman persecutions.
Published in: Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 52 (2019), pp. 26 - 31.
Boudewijn I en de Karolingische Opvolgingsstrijd, Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 51 (2018), pp. 91 - 94., 2018
This article investigates the motives of Baldwin I in establishing the county of flanders in the ... more This article investigates the motives of Baldwin I in establishing the county of flanders in the 9th century. But here these events are regarded in the background of the different conflicts and wars between the Frankish kingdoms after the death of Louis I The Pious. With Baldwin's abduction of Judith, daughter of Charles The Bald of West-Francia, he directly interferes in the dynastic conflicts within the Frankish Empire, and forges alliances with several key players in those times. Through a short analysis it seems that Baldwin had higher ambitions than just creating a county for himself and establishing a dynasty.
'Boudewijn I en de Karolingische Opvolgingsstrijd', in: Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 51 (2018), pp. 91 -94.
Straffe Historische Verhalen: De Periplus van Hanno, in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 166 (2018), pp. 29-32., 2018
Short paper about the voyage of Hanno The Navigator (5th century BC) from Carthage to the West Co... more Short paper about the voyage of Hanno The Navigator (5th century BC) from Carthage to the West Coast of Africa.
Published in Dutch as 'Straffe Historische Verhalen: De Periplus van Hanno', in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 166 (2018), pp. 29-32.
This article is a reflection on the 19th century story from 'A Dog of Flanders', written by Ouida... more This article is a reflection on the 19th century story from 'A Dog of Flanders', written by Ouida (alias form Marie Louise de la Ramée). The story has been interpreted by Jan Corteel in 1983 who concluded the story took place in Antwerp. However, several indications in the story show that although Antwerp is featured in the story, the protagonists actually travel through several places in Belgium. This paper tries to identify the locations in the story and try to explain why these places are chosen by the Englis author of 'A Dog of Flanders'.
Publication in 'Leuven gebeiteld', in: Uit het Erasmushuis. Tijdschrift van de Alumni Letteren, 4 (2014), pp. 33 - 36.
‘Macht en gevaar van de Provincia Africa Proconsularis’, in: Kleio. Tijdschrift voor oude talen e... more ‘Macht en gevaar van de Provincia Africa Proconsularis’, in: Kleio. Tijdschrift voor oude talen en antieke cultuur, 39 (2009 - 2010), pp. 122 - 141.
Other by Frederik Maertens
Overview of the trends in book sales in Flanders (Belgium) in 2015.
Published in Tijdingen uit L... more Overview of the trends in book sales in Flanders (Belgium) in 2015.
Published in Tijdingen uit Leuven, 162 (maart 2016), p. 23-25.
Overview of the trends in book sales in Flanders (Belgium) in the first semester of 2015.
Publis... more Overview of the trends in book sales in Flanders (Belgium) in the first semester of 2015.
Published in Tijdingen uit Leuven, 161 (november 2015), p. 29-32.
English translation from ‘Macht en gevaar van de Provincia Africa Proconsularis’, in: Kleio. Tijd... more English translation from ‘Macht en gevaar van de Provincia Africa Proconsularis’, in: Kleio. Tijdschrift voor oude talen en antieke cultuur, 39 (2009 - 2010), pp. 122 - 141.
Published in Tijdingen uit Leuven, 154 (november 2012), p. 54-54.
Book Reviews by Frederik Maertens
Recensie Wendy Wauters, De Geuren van de Kathedraal. De overweldigende 16de eeuw in Antwerpen, 2024
'Recensie Wendy Wauters, De Geuren van de Kathedraal. De overweldigende 16de eeuw in Antwerpen', ... more 'Recensie Wendy Wauters, De Geuren van de Kathedraal. De overweldigende 16de eeuw in Antwerpen', in: Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 20124
Review of Wendy Wauters, De Geuren van de Kathedraal. De overweldigende 16de eeuw in Antwerpen, Lannoo, Tielt, 2023, 318 p.
Bulletin van de Classici Lovanienses, Apr 2020
Review in dutch form the book Anthony Everitt, De Geboorte van Rome, Amsterdam, Ambo-Anthos, 2012... more Review in dutch form the book Anthony Everitt, De Geboorte van Rome, Amsterdam, Ambo-Anthos, 2012, 438, blzn.
The original title of the book is 'The Rise of Rome. The Making of the World's Greatest Empire.'
This review was published in Bulletin van de Classici Lovanienses, 11 (2020), pp. 18-19.
'Recensie Philipp Blom, Wat Op Het Spel Staat, Amsterdam', in: Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 2019
Review of Philipp Blom, Wat Op Het Spel Staat, Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 2017, 223 blz. This book... more Review of Philipp Blom, Wat Op Het Spel Staat, Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 2017, 223 blz. This book deals with the changes throughout world history, and how we today are challenged with other severe changes and how they impact us.
'Recensie Philipp Blom, Wat Op Het Spel Staat, Amsterdam': in: Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 168 (2019), pp. 29-31.
Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 2017
Dutch review in Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 165 (n... more Dutch review in Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 165 (november 2017), pp. 44-45.
Bulletin van de Classici Lovanienses, 2017
Review in Dutch in Bulletin van de Classici Lovanienses, 8 2 (2017), pp. 20-21.
Papers by Frederik Maertens
'Straffe Historische Verhalen: het Leven van de Zwarte Monnik', in : Tijdingen uit Leuven, 175 (april 2022), pp. 20-23.
Short article in Dutch about the system of votive offerings of children's portraits in the Southern Netherlands from the 16th until the 20th century. The central case is the return of a portrait to the abbey of Saint Godelive in Bruges after more than two centuries.
Published as "Straffe Historische Verhalen: Het Brugs Visscherijprivilege", in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 170 (2020), pp. 18-21.
Published in: Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 52 (2019), pp. 26 - 31.
'Boudewijn I en de Karolingische Opvolgingsstrijd', in: Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 51 (2018), pp. 91 -94.
Published in Dutch as 'Straffe Historische Verhalen: De Periplus van Hanno', in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 166 (2018), pp. 29-32.
Publication in 'Leuven gebeiteld', in: Uit het Erasmushuis. Tijdschrift van de Alumni Letteren, 4 (2014), pp. 33 - 36.
Other by Frederik Maertens
Published in Tijdingen uit Leuven, 162 (maart 2016), p. 23-25.
Published in Tijdingen uit Leuven, 161 (november 2015), p. 29-32.
Book Reviews by Frederik Maertens
Review of Wendy Wauters, De Geuren van de Kathedraal. De overweldigende 16de eeuw in Antwerpen, Lannoo, Tielt, 2023, 318 p.
The original title of the book is 'The Rise of Rome. The Making of the World's Greatest Empire.'
This review was published in Bulletin van de Classici Lovanienses, 11 (2020), pp. 18-19.
'Recensie Philipp Blom, Wat Op Het Spel Staat, Amsterdam': in: Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 168 (2019), pp. 29-31.
'Straffe Historische Verhalen: het Leven van de Zwarte Monnik', in : Tijdingen uit Leuven, 175 (april 2022), pp. 20-23.
Short article in Dutch about the system of votive offerings of children's portraits in the Southern Netherlands from the 16th until the 20th century. The central case is the return of a portrait to the abbey of Saint Godelive in Bruges after more than two centuries.
Published as "Straffe Historische Verhalen: Het Brugs Visscherijprivilege", in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 170 (2020), pp. 18-21.
Published in: Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 52 (2019), pp. 26 - 31.
'Boudewijn I en de Karolingische Opvolgingsstrijd', in: Brugse Gidsenkroniek, 51 (2018), pp. 91 -94.
Published in Dutch as 'Straffe Historische Verhalen: De Periplus van Hanno', in: Tijdingen uit Leuven, 166 (2018), pp. 29-32.
Publication in 'Leuven gebeiteld', in: Uit het Erasmushuis. Tijdschrift van de Alumni Letteren, 4 (2014), pp. 33 - 36.
Published in Tijdingen uit Leuven, 162 (maart 2016), p. 23-25.
Published in Tijdingen uit Leuven, 161 (november 2015), p. 29-32.
Review of Wendy Wauters, De Geuren van de Kathedraal. De overweldigende 16de eeuw in Antwerpen, Lannoo, Tielt, 2023, 318 p.
The original title of the book is 'The Rise of Rome. The Making of the World's Greatest Empire.'
This review was published in Bulletin van de Classici Lovanienses, 11 (2020), pp. 18-19.
'Recensie Philipp Blom, Wat Op Het Spel Staat, Amsterdam': in: Tijdingen uit Leuven. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging Historici Lovanienses, 168 (2019), pp. 29-31.
Published in: Bulletin. Tijdschrift van de Classici Lovanienses, 1 8 (2017), pp. 17-18.