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Urban parks, the key domain of sustainability of the community, integrate social, economic and ecological benefits. Current research are consistently concerned in planning for sustainable and resilient cities through preserving urban... more
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    • Urban Parks
The Urban Street, beyond its mere functional and objective qualities, is expected to impart subjective qualities to ensure a healthy and livable community. Increasingly, both urban planners and policymakers are emphasized on the... more
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While global efforts in research, policy and physical improvements of 'slums' typically involve social and infrastructural upgrading focusing the women, little attention has been given toward improving their dwelling environments... more
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Bangladesh Rohingya camps have hosted 65,000 refugees fled from Myanmar only since 2017. Their compromised living environment and limited physical and socioeconomic facilities make them highly sensitive to COVID-19. The Government of... more
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      Refugee StudiesSustainable ArchitectureSustainable Rural Development
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
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      Resilience (Sustainability)Affordable HousingWater Supply and Sanitation
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
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      Refugee StudiesSustainable ArchitectureSustainable Rural DevelopmentMedicine
Cities are the place of contested living that voiced congested physical development within its defined territory. In the era of material aestheticism, the notion of form design only brushed up physical attributes, which excluding... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityArchitectural Space
Spaces in history give that spaces another dimension to promote learning and recreational facilitates to people that enrich their way of life. By providing the context needs, it ensures people's participation and creating a platform to... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HeritageHeritage Conservation and Documentation
Spaces in history give that spaces another dimension to promote learning and recreational facilitates to people that enrich their way of life. By providing the context needs, it ensures people's participation and creating a platform to... more
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      Heritage ConservationEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Urban form
Cities are the place of contested living that voiced congested physical development within its defined territory. In the era of material aestheticism, the notion of form design only brushed up physical attributes, which excluding... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityUrban formArchitectural Space
Globally, owing to significant impacts of climate change and human-induced natural degradation, archeological sites are increasingly in a vulnerable condition. While possessing the range of solutions, the evolving environmental conditions... more
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      Landscape History And ConservationArchitectural Heritage ConservationUrban and Cultural Heritage
The structure is the key to sustain a construction by ensuring firmness and makes it sound and safe for living. Evolve from the basic functional layout since ancient times; its role has been studied for understanding spatial and visual... more
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      Landscape History And ConservationRe-use of Historical StructuresArchitectural Heritage Conservation
Cities are the place of contested living that voiced congested physical development within its defined territory. In the era of material aestheticism, the notion of form design only brushed up physical attributes, which excluding... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityArchitectural Space
Spaces in history give that spaces another dimension to promote learning and recreational facilitates to people that enrich their way of life. By providing the context needs, it ensures people's participation and creating a platform to... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HeritageHeritage Conservation and Documentation
Spaces in history give that spaces another dimension to promote learning and recreational facilitates to people that enrich their way of life. By providing the context needs, it ensures people's participation and creating a platform to... more
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      Heritage ConservationEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Urban form
Globally, owing to significant impacts of climate change and human-induced natural degradation, archeological sites are increasingly in a vulnerable condition. While possessing the range of solutions, the evolving environmental conditions... more
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      Landscape History And ConservationArchitectural Heritage ConservationUrban and Cultural Heritage
The structure is the key to sustain a construction by ensuring firmness and makes it sound and safe for living. Evolve from the basic functional layout since ancient times; its role has been studied for understanding spatial and visual... more
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      Landscape History And ConservationRe-use of Historical StructuresArchitectural Heritage Conservation
The approach of preserving historically significant structures has gained much popularity in the modern world. However, the attention towards context and history seem to be missing in most adaptions of the concept. The structural... more
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      ArchitectureHeritage StudiesHeritage ConservationArchitectural Heritage
Bangladesh like many other countries of the world is facing the adversities arising from climate change for no fault of its own. There is a growing concern all over the world on the issue of climate change and its adverse impact on... more
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      Coastal ManagementArchitectureClimate ChangeCommunity Resilience
Set against this backdrop of the most worrying events and testing times that our cities and regions will have to deal with in the imminent future that involves the entire spectrum of global, regional and local, the MScHS students at... more
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      Transit oriented developmentPort citiesUrban resilience