Interviews by Veronika Katermina
Как быть ученым сегодня? – вопрос, казалось бы, банальный. Но даже при первом приближении очевидн... more Как быть ученым сегодня? – вопрос, казалось бы, банальный. Но даже при первом приближении очевидны проблемные области: удается ли заинтересовать наукой современных студентов? есть ли молодое поколение отечественной науки? какие трудности могут ждать уже состоявшегося ученого?
Papers by Veronika Katermina
Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics
South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences

Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije
This article is devoted to investigating the mechanisms of suggestive influence in plaintiff and ... more This article is devoted to investigating the mechanisms of suggestive influence in plaintiff and defendant's opening statements. The terms "persuasion", "manipulation (suggestion)", "suggestive strategy" and "suggestive tactics" are analysed. It is stated that suggestion as a means of persuasion and manipulation on a psyche is possible only due to the existence of a certain mechanism which gives a person an opportunity to perceive the suggested influences and reflect them. According to the authors, the basic mechanisms of suggestion include the "attack" and "defensive" suggestive-psychological sequences in the construction of a speech, the application of which is based on the stages of "suggestion", "preparation and creation of the implementation of justice needed" and "the implantation of the necessary adjustment." The authors suppose that the analysis of an effective manipulation of professional opponents-a plaintiff and a defendant (some basic suggestive-psychological algorithms used at the opening statement as well as suggestive strategies, tactics and methods applied) might considerably enhance the perspectives of studying characteristic features of legal discourse thus allowing to get closer to the understanding of how a person's brain works as well as the nature of consciousness and subconsciousness together with the anthropocentric approach aimed at realization of manipulation/suggestion in the course of situational institutional communication.

Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics
The paper dwells upon the study of English neologisms with a gender component in cinematic discou... more The paper dwells upon the study of English neologisms with a gender component in cinematic discourse. The paper considers gender-colored neologisms of the space of cinematic discourse, classified on a semantic basis into neologisms that characterize genres of cinema, participants of cinematic discourse (filmmakers, viewers, actors), the process of creating a film. The research material was the neological units of cinematic discourse with a gender component which were taken from modern English-language online dictionaries, guides, glossaries, social news sites. The paper gives definitions of such notions as “neologism”, “cinematic discourse” and also identifies “distorted” and “fair” gender stereotypes in the composition of the definitions and contextual field of the neologisms under consideration. The presence of a rather large stratum of new terms related to the considered groups which include a gender component indicate the connection between cultural and linguistic aspects of lif...

SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference
The article is devoted to the linguistic and extralinguistic factors while teaching anthroponyms ... more The article is devoted to the linguistic and extralinguistic factors while teaching anthroponyms in academic discourse. Being an important element of language and culture they play a crucial role in the process of mastering a foreign language, i.e. contain information about the national and cultural features of a particular ethnic group. Academic discourse refers to the ways of thinking and use of the language in special communicative situations. Its significance lies in the fact that complex social activities like educating students, demonstrating learning, disseminating ideas and constructing knowledge, rely on language to accomplish.Teaching a foreign language is considered in the educational process not only as an instrument of communication and cognition, but also as a way by which a student penetrates the cultural field and mentality of a particular nation. Knowing someone else’s culture and mentality is valuable in two ways. On the one hand, it is associated with the enrichme...
Advances in Journalism and Communication

Journal of Psychological Research
The development of bilingualism of a bilingual child is inextricably linked with the formation of... more The development of bilingualism of a bilingual child is inextricably linked with the formation of an individual folklore-linguistic picture of the world. In this regard, proverbs, sayings, riddles and folk phraseology as universal phenomena of folklore of the Russian and Greek languages, which have important linguistic and cultural potential, are of particular interest from the point of view of their presence in the bilingual speech and thought activity.The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the functioning of paremiological and phraseological units in a bilingual speech determine the content of folklore language worldview and directly depend on the type of formation of the child’s early bilingualism. Phraseological and paremiological composition of the folklore picture of the world of natural Russian-Greek bilinguals is asymmetric and directly depends on the type of early bilingualism – in bilinguals who learn two languages on the principle of “one-person-one-language...
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science
The article is devoted to the role of proper names in second language acquisition in their cultur... more The article is devoted to the role of proper names in second language acquisition in their culture-through-language aspect. Proper names being an important element of language and culture play an important role in the process of mastering a foreign language, i.e. contain information about the national and cultural features of a particular ethnic group. Knowledge of the national-cultural component of proper names helps to recognize the characteristic features of a particular nation, this or that type of linguistic personality, and prevent communicative interference. The proper name has a completely unique additional advantage in terms of enriching the intellectual potential and emotional sphere of students, namely, the possibility of developing individuality in the dialogue of cultures.
Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Church, Communication and Culture
Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics
Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics

The international scientific and pedagogical organization of philologists "East-West"
This article dwells on national character as a complex entity. Special emphasis is put on the nat... more This article dwells on national character as a complex entity. Special emphasis is put on the national culture and national understand the character of a nation, it is necessary to study, first of all, its history, social system and culture. It is important to understand that for a language personality it is impossible to draw a direct parallel with the national character but a deep analogy between them exists. It consists in the fact that the carrier of the national principle in both cases is relatively stable in time that is invariant on the scale of the personality itself, a part in its structure which is in fact the product of a long historical development and the object of intergenerational transfer of experience. The national permeates all levels of organization of the language personality, each of them acquiring a peculiar form of embodiment, and the frozen, statistical, invariant character of the national in the structure of the linguistic personality is transformed in the language itself into a dynamic, historical component. The idea that the national peculiarities cover all levels of the organization of the language personality, on each of them acquiring a peculiar form of embodimentis considered to be the basic notion.

Journal of Psychological Research
This article is devoted to the research of the mechanisms of suggestive influence represented in ... more This article is devoted to the research of the mechanisms of suggestive influence represented in professional layers – prosecutors and attorneys – speech within the English law discourse on the material of a particular witness examination part of the court procedure. Some basic suggestive strategies and tactics used in this step and brief characteristics of their intentiality and ways of representation are presented. It is stated that suggestion as a means of persuasion and manipulation on a psyche is possible only due to the existence of a certain mechanism which gives a person an opportunity to perceive the suggested influences and reflect them. The authors suppose that the analysis of an effective manipulation of professional opponents – a plaintiff and a defendant (some basic suggestive-psychological algorithms used at the opening statement as well as suggestive strategies, tactics and methods applied) might considerably enhance the perspectives of studying characteristic featu...
Interviews by Veronika Katermina
Papers by Veronika Katermina