Plugin Tag: password-protected
WP Basic Authentication
(5 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Basic Authentication for protected your development WordPress site like .htpasswd
WP Hidden Password Protected Pages
(2 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)The plugin is for hiding the password protected pages (posts) in WordPress.
Customize Private & Protected – Change or remove title prefix and more
(3 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Use WP Customize to modify elements of password protected and private posts and pages.
Sharable Password Protected Posts
(1 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Share password protected posts via secret URLs
Obvious Post States
(2 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Make the WordPress post state text (draft, pending, sticky, etc) stand out.
Lightweb Media Basic Authentication
(1 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Lightweb Media Basic Authentication for protected your development WordPress site like .htpasswd
Reset Post Password
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Reset post or page password automatically after X days.
PureDevs WP Locker
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Use PureDevs WP Locker to hide your dev site from general visitors and known bots.
Convert Protection Text
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Convert Protection Text はWordPressで記事(ページ)の公開状態を限定公開(「パスワード保護」)にしたときのテキストをカスタマイズするプラグインです。
Restrict Website Access
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Restrict Website Access enables you to effortlessly protect your WordPress website with a password-based access control system.