Papers by Arjun K. Shrestha

Journal of Business and Management Research, Oct 8, 2017
There is growing interest in examining the influence of workplace spirituality (WPS) on employee ... more There is growing interest in examining the influence of workplace spirituality (WPS) on employee attitudes. However, there is still lack of studies that examine the relationships between WPS and employee attitudes and moderating effect of other variables on these relationships. This study examined the relationships between WPS and two job attitude variables -job satisfaction and job involvement. It also examined the moderating effect of perceptions of organizational politics (POP) on these relationships. Survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 employees working in two Nepali organizations, of which 480 questionnaires were used for further analysis. Structural equation modeling and multiple moderated regression analyses were used to test the hypothesized relationships. Results indicated that WPS is significantly positively related to job satisfaction and job involvement and POP moderates the relationship between WPS and job involvement. Research implications are discussed and limitations of the study are highlighted.
Journal of management, spirituality & religion, May 1, 2022
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Management and Labour Studies, 2020
This article examined the direct influence of workplace spirituality on employee negativity—organ... more This article examined the direct influence of workplace spirituality on employee negativity—organizational cynicism, counterproductive work behaviour and turnover intentions. The proposed framework also examined how psychological capital buffers the relationship between workplace spirituality and employee negativity. The sample of the study included 138 employees, working in different private and public sector organizations in Nepal. Linear regression analyses were employed to test the hypothesized direct relationships and moderated multiple regression analyses were used to test the buffering effect of psychological capital on these relationships. The analysis of data revealed that workplace spirituality negatively influences employees’ cynicism and intent to turnover. Workplace spirituality did not influence counterproductive work behaviour, while psychological capital was found to have buffering effect on the relationship between workplace spirituality and intent to turnover. The ...

This empirical study is perhaps the first study which examined the relationships between employee... more This empirical study is perhaps the first study which examined the relationships between employees' perceptions of organizational politics and their job attitudes and behaviors in a relatively unexplored Nepali context. The findings of this study revealed that there are significant relationships between employees' political perceptions and their certain job attitudes and job behaviors. This study also found moderating effects of job attitudes on the relationships between political perceptions and employees' job related behaviors. The findings are consistent with the findings of previous emprical studies which were mostly carried out in western culutral context. These findings suggest that irrespective of cultural and organizational contexts employees react in the same way when they perceive that their work environment is politically charged. These findings have practical implications for practicing managers and research implications for the researchers interested in organizational politics.

Business Perspectives and Research, 2015
This study attempted to investigate the instrumentality and generalizability of public service mo... more This study attempted to investigate the instrumentality and generalizability of public service motivation (PSM) instrument developed by Perry (1996) in Nepali context. It also examined the interactive effect of perceptions of organizational politics (POP) and different dimensions of PSM on Nepali civil service employees' organizational commitment. Cross-sectional survey questionnaire was used to collect the data. Four hundred and forty-three employees from 10 ministries and their associated departments, regional offices, and district level offices participated in the survey. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to check the dimensionality of PSM instrument. Interactive effects of different dimensions of PSM and POP on organizational commitment were tested using hierarchical moderated multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that PSM exists in Nepali context but all the dimensions are not reproduced. POP moderated the relationship ...

Journal of Business and Management Research, 2016
Several scales for measuring workplace spirituality (WPS) are available. However, a majority of t... more Several scales for measuring workplace spirituality (WPS) are available. However, a majority of the available scales were developed in the Western context that may not be generalizable in an Eastern context. Petchsawang and Duchon (2009) developed a 22-item, four dimensional WPS scale with a sample from an Eastern Buddhist-centric culture for capturing WPS in an Eastern context. The purpose of this study was to assess the generalizability, dimensionality, and convergent and discriminant validity of this scale in another Eastern context, which has a strong tradition of Hindu culture. Confirmatory Factor Analyses were conducted on the data collected from 211 individuals, and results supported the four dimensions of the scale. Other statistical analyses demonstrated convergent and discriminant validity of the scale. Limitations of the study are highlighted, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

This empirical study examined the relationship between job stress and psychological strain and th... more This empirical study examined the relationship between job stress and psychological strain and the moderating effects of locus of control, social support and perceived organizational support in this relationship. This study also examined the relationships of these variables on outcomes – job satisfaction and turnover intentions.The sample included 153 employees working in nine different Nepali commercial banks. Correlation analysis and moderated multiple regression were used to test the hypothesized relationships. The results found support for hypothesized direct relationships between job stress and psychological strain, different moderating variables, and outcome variables but none of the variables moderated job stress - psychological strain relationship. The findings can have significant practical implications for improving organizational performance by providing appropriate stress management interventions to reduce employees' job stress and psychological strain, and enhance t...

Drawing from the previous studies investigating the direct effect of emotional intelligence on em... more Drawing from the previous studies investigating the direct effect of emotional intelligence on employee outcomes, this study proposed that perceived organizational politics (POP) will be negatively related to emotional intelligence and will also moderated the relationships between EI and employee outcomes. 229 employees from 27 public and private organizations of Nepal participated in the study. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to test hypotheses. Moderating effect was also tested using graphical method. Regression results showed significant positive relationships between EI and employee outcomes – job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. POP was not associated with EI. Assessment of moderating effect showed moderating effect of POP on the relationship between EI and job satisfaction only. Practical and research implications of the findings are discussed and directions for future research are suggested. Keywords – Emotional Intelligen...
This study investigates the interrelationships between leadership styles, employee’s commitment t... more This study investigates the interrelationships between leadership styles, employee’s commitment to change, and organizational performance in a Nepali context. For this cross-sectional study, data were collected from employees working in a large technology-based organization. Regression analyses were employed to test the hypothesized relationships.The findings suggested that there is a significant relationship between leadership styles,employee’s commitment to change, and organizational performance. Regression analyses showed that transformational leadership is a strong predictor of employee’s commitment to change and improved organizational performance. These findings are discussed in terms of their practical and research implications.

The current leadership literature is based on studies mostly carried out in the West. This study ... more The current leadership literature is based on studies mostly carried out in the West. This study attempts to examine the relationship between leadership styles and employee and organizational outcomes in a Nepali telecommunication company. It proposes and tests a model suggesting direct relationship between leadership styles and employees' satisfaction with the leader, leader effectiveness, and work-unit effectiveness as well as the mediating effect of satisfaction with the leader on the relationships between leadership styles and leader effectiveness and work-unit effectiveness. Bass and Avolio’s multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) 5X (short) was used to measure leadership styles and employee’s satisfaction with the leader. The sample consisted of 115 employees working in a Nepali telecommunication company. Structural Equation Modeling was employed to test the hypothesized relationships. Path analysis results indicated that (1) transformational leadership is positively r...
Papers by Arjun K. Shrestha