Papers by Arturas Razinkovas

Ocean & Coastal Management, 2014
The term transitional water is a quite recent one and was developed for management reasons to des... more The term transitional water is a quite recent one and was developed for management reasons to describe the continuum between fresh waters and coastal waters in the European Water Framework Directive in 2000. From an ecological point of view, transitional waters are ecotones between the terrestrial, the fresh water and the marine ecosystems. These ecotones are characterized by high spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability. As interface between the fresh water and the marine environment, these transitional waters are well known to be under heavy anthropogenic stress. These waters have been degraded by port activities, dredging and the pollution from urban, industrial and agricultural areas, aquaculture and fishing. These problems have a profound impact on human wellbeing in coastal areas, since the goods and services provided by these transitional waters, as diverse and special aquatic ecosystems, are affected as well. Therefore, the transitional waters of the European Union have recently received special attention from legislators. The articles in this special issue are mainly based on talks presented at the ECSA 51 conference "Research and Management of Transitional Waters" held in Klaipeda in September, 2012 and deals * Corresponding author.

Hydrobiologia, Jul 29, 2008
The aim of this study was to delineate the spatial zonation of the Curonian Lagoon based on the h... more The aim of this study was to delineate the spatial zonation of the Curonian Lagoon based on the hydraulic regime and the sediment characteristics. A finite element hydrodynamic model has been applied to the Curonian Lagoon to simulate the circulation patterns for three years. With the help of a transport diffusion model the salinity distribution and the residence times of the Curonian Lagoon have been investigated when forced by river runoff and by wind. The finite element method permitted to follow the details of bathymetry and morphology of the lagoon, describing the areas of special interest with higher resolution. The hydrodynamic model has been validated using in situ water level and salinity measurements. A statistical GIS analysis of the bottom sediment characteristics and the modeled residence times and salinity distribution led to a synthetic hydraulic regime-based zonation scheme. The derived classification scheme is of crucial value for understanding the renewal capacity and biota distribution patterns in the lagoon.

The Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Mariculture was established by the Conference of the Parties... more The Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Mariculture was established by the Conference of the Parties in adopting the programme of work on marine and coastal biological diversity at its fourth meeting (decision IV/5, annex). The Expert Group was established to assist the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) in its work on the topic of mariculture. The terms of reference instructed the Expert Group to: (a) Evaluate the current state of scientific and technological knowledge on the effects of mariculture on marine and coastal biodiversity; (b) Provide guidance on criteria, methods, techniques and best practices that avoid the adverse effects of mariculture, and also subsequent stock enhancement, on marine and coastal biological diversity and enhance the positive effects of mariculture on marine and coastal productivity. In evaluating the current state of knowledge on the effects of mariculture on marine and coastal biodiversity, the group identified t...
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2004

Transitional Waters Bulletin, 2012
1 - The concept of ecosystem services recognizes the services, and benefits, provided to people b... more 1 - The concept of ecosystem services recognizes the services, and benefits, provided to people by ecosystems. 2 - The Nemunas River Delta, in Lithuania, provides many ecosystem services to the people of the area, including food, fuel, transportation, climate regulation, water purification, natural hazards regulation, fishing, and recreation (including birdwatching and cultural benefits). 3 - We conducted a meta-analysis of existing studies done on the region to create a conceptual model for the services, using the DPSIR framework (Drivers→Pressures→State →Impact →Response). This approach allowed us to identify trade-offs between services, and synergies, where services respond similarly to pressures. 4 - This work contributes to the understanding of services in transitional waters, where few studies have been conducted, and provides a framework for future decisions and modeling efforts.
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2011
by Lenzi and Renzi to study the possible remediation of a eutrophic Italian coastal lagoon by sed... more by Lenzi and Renzi to study the possible remediation of a eutrophic Italian coastal lagoon by sediment disturbance. Finally the 'Significance of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems' is represented by the compelling study of Arbačiauskas, Višinskienė and Smilgevičienė showing that current ecological quality assessment by existing indices may be affected by non-indigenous invading species in Lithuania
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series
Following the EU Water Framework Directive along with the earlier Nitrate and Wastewater treatmen... more Following the EU Water Framework Directive along with the earlier Nitrate and Wastewater treatment directives there was a national programme to reduce the nutrient and organic load into the Nemunas river and the Curonian lagoon that was adopted in 2006. However, the implementation of the programme could shift N:P ratio even more towards the nitrogen limitation, facilitating the development of the cyanobacteria blooms. The role of the foreseen climatic trends in the region discussed along with the possible ecological consequences.
Journal of Coastal Research, 2012
Hydrobiologia, Jul 29, 2008
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, Nov 1, 2008
We investigated population dynamics, growth and feeding of an omnivorous mysid, Paramysis lacustr... more We investigated population dynamics, growth and feeding of an omnivorous mysid, Paramysis lacustris, performing seasonal horizontal migrations in the Curonian Lagoon. In autumn, increased predation pressure and deteriorated feeding conditions, due to zooplankton and phytoplankton decline in the open water, forces mysids to migrate to the shoreline, where large amounts of decaying submersed vegetation occur at the end of plant

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2012
Numerical structure and the organisation of food webs within macrozoobenthic communities has been... more Numerical structure and the organisation of food webs within macrozoobenthic communities has been assessed in the European waters (Svalbard, Barents Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea) to address the interactions between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Abundance and classical species diversity indices (S, H′, J) of macrofaunal communities were related to principal attributes of food webs (relative trophic level and food chain length, FCL) that were determined from carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values. Structure of marine macrobenthos varies substantially at a geographical scale; total abundance ranges from 63 ind. m −2 to 34,517 ind. m −2 , species richness varies from 3 to 166 and the Shannon-Weaver diversity index from 0.26 to 3.26 while Pielou's evenness index is below 0.73. The major source of energy for macrobenthic communities is suspended particulate organic matter, consisting of phytoplankton and detrital particles, sediment particulate organic matter, and microphytobenthos in varying proportions. These food sources support the presence of suspension-and deposit-feeding communities, which dominate numerically on the sea floor. Benthic food webs include usually four to five trophic levels (FCL varies from 3.08 to 4.86). Most species are assigned to the second trophic level (primary consumers), fewer species are grouped in the third trophic level (secondary consumers), and benthic top predators are the least numerous. Most species cluster primarily at the lowest trophic level that is consistent with the typical organization of pyramidal food webs. Food chain length increases with biodiversity, highlighting a positive effect of more complex community structure on food web organisation. In more diverse benthic communities, energy is transferred through more trophic levels while species-poor communities sustain a shorter food chain.
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2003

PloS one, 2017
Protected Areas are a key component of nature conservation. They can play an important role in co... more Protected Areas are a key component of nature conservation. They can play an important role in counterbalancing the impacts of ecosystem degradation. For an optimal protection of a Protected Area it is essential to account for the variables underlying the major Ecosystem Services an area delivers, and the threats upon them. Here we show that the perception of these important variables differs markedly between scientists and managers of Protected Areas in mountains and transitional waters. Scientists emphasise variables of abiotic and biotic nature, whereas managers highlight socio-economic, cultural and anthropogenic variables. This indicates fundamental differences in perception. To be able to better protect an area it would be advisable to bring the perception of scientists and managers closer together. Intensified and harmonised communication across disciplinary and professional boundaries will be needed to implement and improve Ecosystem Service oriented management strategies in...

Despite their ecological and economic importance, Transitional Waters (TWs) have fallen behind al... more Despite their ecological and economic importance, Transitional Waters (TWs) have fallen behind all the other water categories in respect to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and further, pose some interpretation problems in other existing Water Directives. The problems faced by TWs concerning the implementation of WFD are mainly related to their characteristics, including: the high spatio-temporal variability, the fast response time to perturbations, their high productivity, the fact that primary production in these systems is normally not dominated by phytoplankton, their high socio-economic importance with a long historical tradition, and the strong anthropogenic pressures which exists in these systems. The present review attempts to bring together the main elements characterizing TWs and to identify the current understanding of the process of eutrophication and the problems this raises in establishing reference conditions, in view of the need of implementi...
NATO Security through Science Series, 2007
The term food web or trophic network defines a set of interconnected food chains by which energy ... more The term food web or trophic network defines a set of interconnected food chains by which energy and materials circulate within an ecosystem. The classical food web could be divided into two broad categories: the grazing web, which typically begins with green plants, algae, or photosynthesizing plankton, and the detrital web, which begins with organic debris. In a grazing web,
2008 IEEE/OES US/EU-Baltic International Symposium, 2008
Curonian lagoon, the largest coastal lagoon in Europe is characterized by the strong seasonal and... more Curonian lagoon, the largest coastal lagoon in Europe is characterized by the strong seasonal and interannual variation in nutrient loads and water quality parameters is characterized by the dominance of the Nemunas rivers discharges. Coupled hydrodynamic and NPZD model was applied to assess the impacts of the foreseen reduction of nutrient loads prescribed in the State Plan to Improve the Quality in the Curonian lagoon, which was approved in 2006. The simulation of 1999-2000 was used as the background scenario. The NPZD model applied takes into the account the recently evaluated atmospheric nitrogen fixation by the cyanobacteria during the summer "blooms" and combined effects of temperature and wind climate.
2008 IEEE/OES US/EU-Baltic International Symposium, 2008
Among aquatic ecosystems, estuarine lagoons are generally more complex than inland waters because... more Among aquatic ecosystems, estuarine lagoons are generally more complex than inland waters because of the combined effect of the land and the sea. These systems are under the influence of land through the rivers and have a restricted and temporally variable water exchange with the seas or the oceans. Estuarine lagoons are generally productive ecosystems which offer habitats for many
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series
The daily variations in the underwater irradiance spectra at different depths were determined usi... more The daily variations in the underwater irradiance spectra at different depths were determined using a combination of in situ data and model calculations. The spectra of the attenuation depth (relevant in optical remote sensing) were derived from these data. The results are presented for four Estonian lakes (Koorküla Valgjärv,
Papers by Arturas Razinkovas