Papers by Trine Villumsen

In the last decade, critical approaches have substantially reshaped the theoretical landscape of ... more In the last decade, critical approaches have substantially reshaped the theoretical landscape of security studies in Europe. Yet, despite an impressive body of literature, there remains fundamental disagree- ment as to what counts as critical in this context. Scholars are still arguing in terms of ‘schools’, while there has been an increasing and sustained cross-fertilization among critical approaches. Finally, the boundaries between critical and traditional approaches to security remain blurred. The aim of this article is therefore to assess the evolu- tion of critical views of approaches to security studies in Europe, discuss their theoretical premises, investigate their intellectual ramifi- cations, and examine how they coalesce around different issues (such as a state of exception). The article then assesses the political implica- tions of critical approaches. This is done mainly by analysing processes by which critical approaches to security percolate through a growing number of subjects (such as development, peace research, risk man- agement). Finally, ethical and research implications are explored.

by Trine Villumsen Berling, Maria Mälksoo, Claudia Aradau, Trine Villumsen, Matti Jutila, Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet, Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet, Tugba Basaran, Stephan Davidshofer, Jef Huysmans, Christian Olsson, Julien Jeandesboz, and Luis Lobo-Guerrero Security Dialogue, Jan 1, 2006
In the last decade, critical approaches have substantially reshaped the theoretical landscape of ... more In the last decade, critical approaches have substantially reshaped the theoretical landscape of security studies in Europe. Yet, despite an impressive body of literature, there remains fundamental disagreement as to what counts as critical in this context. Scholars are still arguing in terms of 'schools', while there has been an increasing and sustained cross-fertilization among critical approaches. Finally, the boundaries between critical and traditional approaches to security remain blurred. The aim of this article is therefore to assess the evolution of critical views of approaches to security studies in Europe, discuss their theoretical premises, investigate their intellectual ramifications, and examine how they coalesce around different issues (such as a state of exception). The article then assesses the political implications of critical approaches. This is done mainly by analysing processes by which critical approaches to security percolate through a growing number of subjects (such as development, peace research, risk management). Finally, ethical and research implications are explored.

Security Dialogue, 2006
In the last decade, critical approaches have substantially reshaped the theoretical landscape of ... more In the last decade, critical approaches have substantially reshaped the theoretical landscape of security studies in Europe. Yet, despite an impressive body of literature, there remains fundamental disagreement as to what counts as critical in this context. Scholars are still arguing in terms of 'schools', while there has been an increasing and sustained cross-fertilization among critical approaches. Finally, the boundaries between critical and traditional approaches to security remain blurred. The aim of this article is therefore to assess the evolution of critical views of approaches to security studies in Europe, discuss their theoretical premises, investigate their intellectual ramifications, and examine how they coalesce around different issues (such as a state of exception). The article then assesses the political implications of critical approaches. This is done mainly by analysing processes by which critical approaches to security percolate through a growing number of subjects (such as development, peace research, risk management). Finally, ethical and research implications are explored.

International Relations (IR) has cultivated the idea of a gap between the theory and the practice... more International Relations (IR) has cultivated the idea of a gap between the theory and the practice/praxis of IR. This division into two different spheres of knowledge is related to the predominant objectivist conception of science in IR, where the scientist is said to be observing reality from a distance without affecting it. Poststructuralists have denied that this distinction is meaningful and have even argued that it is dangerous to be oblivious to the structuring effects science may have on the social world. This article sets out to avoid further cultivation of the so-called gap between theory and practice, and instead addresses the question of how the theories of IR relate empirically to the practices of world politics. We suggest a theoretical and empirical alternative based on practice theoretical thought. We argue that researchers' theories and policymakers practice `hang together' and require analytical attention. In order to give empirical flesh to the theoretical discussions and to demonstrate the difference a practice theory approach makes, we discuss the example of the democratic peace thesis. We lay out how US peace researchers, the Clinton government and NATO participated in weaving a `web of democratic peace practice' and stabilizing the thesis as a `fact'. We argue that `ivory tower scientists', US foreign policymakers, and NATO politicians and bureaucrats hang together in this web and use each other as a resource. As a consequence, the academically certified version of the democratic peace led to a securitization of democracy. We conclude that one way to cope with the complexity of science-politics interactions is to foster reflexive empirical work on researchers' own practices.Journal of International Relations and Development (2007) 10, 417-448. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jird.1800136
Papers by Trine Villumsen