Papers by Matthew James Driscoll
Postcards from the edge: An overview of marginalia in Icelandic manuscripts. Matthew JamesDriscol... more Postcards from the edge: An overview of marginalia in Icelandic manuscripts. Matthew JamesDriscoll Variants 2/3, 21-36, unknown, 2004. nordisk i øvrigt, islandsk litteratur.
The idea of using computers to provide greater access to medieval manuscripts and other primary... more The idea of using computers to provide greater access to medieval manuscripts and other primary sources dates from the late 70s and early 80s, when a number of attempts were made to apply relational database technology to manuscript studies, in particular in the form of searchable electronic catalogues. Unfortunately – but understandably – these projects generally relied on locally developed or proprietary software, with all the problems for long-term maintenance and interoperability that entails. Moreover, each system tended also to have its own standards with regard to the nature, extent and organisation of information included, reflecting the lack of often even national standards for manuscript description at the time.

completed in the spring of 1979. The Viking Society agreed to publish it fairly quickly thereafte... more completed in the spring of 1979. The Viking Society agreed to publish it fairly quickly thereafter, but one thing or another has prevented its publication until now. Owing to the work's long gestation period, there are a great many people to whom I owe my thanks. Ursula Dronke first suggested the idea of a translation with commentary of Ágrip and Michael Alexander, now Professor of English at St Andrews, supervised the original project. I edited the text from photographs of the manuscript at Stofnun Árna Magnússonar in Reykjavík, checking my text subsequently against the manuscript itself at Det Arnamagnaeanske Institut in Copenhagen; to the staffs of both these institutions I owe my gratitude, in particular to Ólafur Halldórsson and Stefán Karlsson in Reykjavík and to Jonna Louis-Jensen in Copenhagen. I should also like to acknowledge the help of Christopher Sanders of Den arnamagnaeanske kommissions ordbog. Others who have helped in one way or another in the preparation of this volume include Bjarni Einarsson, who very kindly read over my introduction and notes at an early stage and made available to me the text of his edition while it was still in proof, Bjarni Gu›nason, who read over the first draft of my text, and Carolyne Larrington, who also read over the notes and made a number of valuable comments and suggestions. Anthony Faulkes and Richard Perkins have both read over the entire work, the former probably more times than he would care to remember, and to both of them I owe a debt of gratitude. Finally, I should like to thank my wife Ragnhei›ur, without whose help and encouragement I should probably never have completed this-or indeed any otherproject. It is a sobering thought that at no time during our married life have I not, in theory at least, been working on Ágrip.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). This license allows you to share, copy, distribute and transmit the text; to adapt the text and to make commercial use of the text providing attribution is made to the authors (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Attribution should include the following information:

The use of abbreviations is a characteristic feature of medieval Latin manuscripts and those of m... more The use of abbreviations is a characteristic feature of medieval Latin manuscripts and those of most European vernacular traditions. The practice, which was intended both to spare the scribe the labour of writing words which, due to their frequency generally or in a particular text, could easily be understood in an abbreviated form, and in order to save parchment and ink, derives from antiquity. In Roman times there were three systems of abbreviation in use: the notæ juris, which were used extensively in legal documents, the Tironian notæ, a system of shorthand signs developed by Cicero’s secretary Tiro, and the nomina sacra, contracted forms of the words for ‘God’ and the name ‘Jesus Christ’, a practice borrowed by the early Christians from Hebrew. The use of abbreviations in Latin manuscripts increased until the 12th century, after which it began to fall off. Latin practice was taken over more or less wholesale in manuscripts written in the vernacular languages, but in general the...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2000
The Text Encoding Initiative's (TEI's) Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding ... more The Text Encoding Initiative's (TEI's) Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (Chicago, Oxford TEI P3) provide an extremely rich set of mechanisms for the encoding of medieval manuscripts and other primary textual sources. For a number of problems regularly ...
Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices, 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). This license allows you to share, copy, distribute and transmit the text; to adapt the text and to make commercial use of the text providing attribution is made to the authors (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Attribution should include the following information:

by Edizioni, Elena Spangenberg Yanes, Michela Rosellini, Ermanno Malaspina, Paolo Monella, Matthew James Driscoll, Fabrizio Della Seta, Federico Marchetti, Eleonora Di Cintio, Federica Rovelli, and Salvatore Talia Storie e linguaggi, 2019
Fascicolo monografico: Textual Philology Facing ‘Liquid Modernity’: Identifying Objects, Evaluati... more Fascicolo monografico: Textual Philology Facing ‘Liquid Modernity’: Identifying Objects, Evaluating Methods, Exploiting Media
a cura di Andrea Chegai, Michela Rosellini, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Preliminary Remarks
1. Aggiornamento metodologico e riflessioni critiche sui procedimenti ecdotici / Methodological Enhancement in the Digital Era: New Questions about Critical Editing
Michela Rosellini
2. La singolare natura della testualità musicale / The Peculiar Nature of Musical Textuality
Andrea Chegai
3. Textual Critical Challenges in the Digital World
Elena Spangenberg Yanes
I. Sorting Methods in Critical (Digital) Editing
Nove tesi e mezza per la filologia nell’era della liquidità digitale / Nine and a Half Theses for Philology in the Liquid Digital Age
Lorenzo Tomasin
Il futuro dell’edizione critica (cioè lachmanniana), più o meno digitale. Riflessioni (in)attuali / Critical (Lachmannian) Editions - a More or Less Digital Future? Reflections, New and Old
Ermanno Malaspina
L’edizione critica digitale: la critica del testo nella storia della tradizione / The Critical Digital Edition: Textual Criticism within the History of the Tradition
Paolo Monella
The Genesis of the Arnamagnæan Method
Matthew James Driscoll
The Critical Edition in Old Norse Philology: Its Demise and Redefinition
Odd Einar Haugen
La filologia dell’opera italiana fra testo ed evento / Philology of the Italian Opera between Text and Event
Fabrizio Della Seta
II. Editing Texts with a Complex Transmission
Critical Digital Editions of Christian Apocryphal Literature in Latin and Greek: Transcription and Collation of the Acts of Barnabas
Caroline Macé, Maïeul Rouquette, Violeta Seretan, Frédéric Amsler, Patrick Andrist, Cecilia Antonelli
The Study of codices descripti as a Neo-Lachmannian Weapon Against the Notions of variance and Textual Fluidity.
A Few Words to Introduce the Theme
Paolo Trovato
The Use of codices descripti to Determine Scribal Habits
Federico Marchetti
Di chi è la Penelope? Sull’autorialità di un melodramma di tardo Settecento / Who Composed the Penelope? On the Authoriality of a Late-18th-Century Melodrama
Eleonora Di Cintio
Edizioni genetiche e strategie di visualizzazione digitale. Un prototipo per il quartetto op. 59, nr. 3 di Beethoven / Genetic Editions and Strategies of Digital Visualization. A Prototype for Beethoven’s Quartet Op. 59, No. 3
Federica Rovelli
III. Textual Criticism Applied to the Internet
Classics into Code: Latin Texts in the Digital Space
Dániel Kiss
Dalla stampa al digitale, dal digitale alla stampa. Tradizione indiretta dei classici latini in Rete / From Print to Digital Texts, from Digital Texts to Print. Indirect Tradition of Latin Classics on the Web
Claudio Giammona, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Un progresso obsoleto? Vicende digitali della Chanson de Roland e del Cantar de Mio Cid / Obsolete Progress? Digital Ups and Downs of the Chanson de Roland and the Cantar de Mio Cid
Claudio Lagomarsini
Fake texts e Wiki edizioni. Per una filologia digitale sostenibile / Fake Texts and Wiki Editions. For a Sustainable Digital Philology
Paola Italia
La narrazione della storia in Wikipedia: pratiche, ideologie, conflitti per la memoria nell’Enciclopedia Libera / The Narration of History in Wikipedia: Practices, Ideologies, Conflicts about Memory in the Free Encyclopedia
Benedetta Pierfederici, Salvatore Talia (Gruppo di ricerca “Nicoletta Bourbaki”)

Shaping the Rings of the Scandinavian Fellowship Festschrift in honour of Ērika Sausverde, 2019
The twin sisters Herdís and Ólína Andrésdætur were born on the island Flatey in Breiðafjörður, we... more The twin sisters Herdís and Ólína Andrésdætur were born on the island Flatey in Breiðafjörður, western Iceland, in 1858. Following the death of their father at sea three years later, the family was dispersed and the sisters did not see each other until half a century later, when they were reunited in Reykjavík. In the intervening years both sisters had become well known as capable verse-makers in the traditional style, but it had never, it seems, occurred to them to write any of their poems down, let alone publish them. They were encouraged by friends to do so, and in 1924 they brought out a collection of their verse, entitled simply Ljóðmæli (Poems). Their poetry was highly traditional both in its form, which principally made use of rímur and ballad metres, and in terms of its subject matter, dealing with nature, reflections on life’s joys and sorrows and so on. Ólína, like her cousin Theodóra Thoroddsen, also contributed to the revival of the þula, a form of poetry traditionally associated with children. The book sold well, and a second edition, with some additional poems, came out in 1930. A third edition was brought out in 1976, long after their deaths, containing much new material; this edition has since been reprinted twice. Critical reception was overwhelmingly favourable, both in the learned and more popular press. Though somewhat at odds with the literary establishment of the day, they nevertheless had several powerful supporters among the literary and intellectual élite, foremost among them professor Sigurður Nordal. Despite having been “world-famous in Iceland” in their old age, Herdís and Ólína are little known today, and their work – much of it very fine indeed – has yet to receive the scholarly attention it deserves.
Papers by Matthew James Driscoll
a cura di Andrea Chegai, Michela Rosellini, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Preliminary Remarks
1. Aggiornamento metodologico e riflessioni critiche sui procedimenti ecdotici / Methodological Enhancement in the Digital Era: New Questions about Critical Editing
Michela Rosellini
2. La singolare natura della testualità musicale / The Peculiar Nature of Musical Textuality
Andrea Chegai
3. Textual Critical Challenges in the Digital World
Elena Spangenberg Yanes
I. Sorting Methods in Critical (Digital) Editing
Nove tesi e mezza per la filologia nell’era della liquidità digitale / Nine and a Half Theses for Philology in the Liquid Digital Age
Lorenzo Tomasin
Il futuro dell’edizione critica (cioè lachmanniana), più o meno digitale. Riflessioni (in)attuali / Critical (Lachmannian) Editions - a More or Less Digital Future? Reflections, New and Old
Ermanno Malaspina
L’edizione critica digitale: la critica del testo nella storia della tradizione / The Critical Digital Edition: Textual Criticism within the History of the Tradition
Paolo Monella
The Genesis of the Arnamagnæan Method
Matthew James Driscoll
The Critical Edition in Old Norse Philology: Its Demise and Redefinition
Odd Einar Haugen
La filologia dell’opera italiana fra testo ed evento / Philology of the Italian Opera between Text and Event
Fabrizio Della Seta
II. Editing Texts with a Complex Transmission
Critical Digital Editions of Christian Apocryphal Literature in Latin and Greek: Transcription and Collation of the Acts of Barnabas
Caroline Macé, Maïeul Rouquette, Violeta Seretan, Frédéric Amsler, Patrick Andrist, Cecilia Antonelli
The Study of codices descripti as a Neo-Lachmannian Weapon Against the Notions of variance and Textual Fluidity.
A Few Words to Introduce the Theme
Paolo Trovato
The Use of codices descripti to Determine Scribal Habits
Federico Marchetti
Di chi è la Penelope? Sull’autorialità di un melodramma di tardo Settecento / Who Composed the Penelope? On the Authoriality of a Late-18th-Century Melodrama
Eleonora Di Cintio
Edizioni genetiche e strategie di visualizzazione digitale. Un prototipo per il quartetto op. 59, nr. 3 di Beethoven / Genetic Editions and Strategies of Digital Visualization. A Prototype for Beethoven’s Quartet Op. 59, No. 3
Federica Rovelli
III. Textual Criticism Applied to the Internet
Classics into Code: Latin Texts in the Digital Space
Dániel Kiss
Dalla stampa al digitale, dal digitale alla stampa. Tradizione indiretta dei classici latini in Rete / From Print to Digital Texts, from Digital Texts to Print. Indirect Tradition of Latin Classics on the Web
Claudio Giammona, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Un progresso obsoleto? Vicende digitali della Chanson de Roland e del Cantar de Mio Cid / Obsolete Progress? Digital Ups and Downs of the Chanson de Roland and the Cantar de Mio Cid
Claudio Lagomarsini
Fake texts e Wiki edizioni. Per una filologia digitale sostenibile / Fake Texts and Wiki Editions. For a Sustainable Digital Philology
Paola Italia
La narrazione della storia in Wikipedia: pratiche, ideologie, conflitti per la memoria nell’Enciclopedia Libera / The Narration of History in Wikipedia: Practices, Ideologies, Conflicts about Memory in the Free Encyclopedia
Benedetta Pierfederici, Salvatore Talia (Gruppo di ricerca “Nicoletta Bourbaki”)
a cura di Andrea Chegai, Michela Rosellini, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Preliminary Remarks
1. Aggiornamento metodologico e riflessioni critiche sui procedimenti ecdotici / Methodological Enhancement in the Digital Era: New Questions about Critical Editing
Michela Rosellini
2. La singolare natura della testualità musicale / The Peculiar Nature of Musical Textuality
Andrea Chegai
3. Textual Critical Challenges in the Digital World
Elena Spangenberg Yanes
I. Sorting Methods in Critical (Digital) Editing
Nove tesi e mezza per la filologia nell’era della liquidità digitale / Nine and a Half Theses for Philology in the Liquid Digital Age
Lorenzo Tomasin
Il futuro dell’edizione critica (cioè lachmanniana), più o meno digitale. Riflessioni (in)attuali / Critical (Lachmannian) Editions - a More or Less Digital Future? Reflections, New and Old
Ermanno Malaspina
L’edizione critica digitale: la critica del testo nella storia della tradizione / The Critical Digital Edition: Textual Criticism within the History of the Tradition
Paolo Monella
The Genesis of the Arnamagnæan Method
Matthew James Driscoll
The Critical Edition in Old Norse Philology: Its Demise and Redefinition
Odd Einar Haugen
La filologia dell’opera italiana fra testo ed evento / Philology of the Italian Opera between Text and Event
Fabrizio Della Seta
II. Editing Texts with a Complex Transmission
Critical Digital Editions of Christian Apocryphal Literature in Latin and Greek: Transcription and Collation of the Acts of Barnabas
Caroline Macé, Maïeul Rouquette, Violeta Seretan, Frédéric Amsler, Patrick Andrist, Cecilia Antonelli
The Study of codices descripti as a Neo-Lachmannian Weapon Against the Notions of variance and Textual Fluidity.
A Few Words to Introduce the Theme
Paolo Trovato
The Use of codices descripti to Determine Scribal Habits
Federico Marchetti
Di chi è la Penelope? Sull’autorialità di un melodramma di tardo Settecento / Who Composed the Penelope? On the Authoriality of a Late-18th-Century Melodrama
Eleonora Di Cintio
Edizioni genetiche e strategie di visualizzazione digitale. Un prototipo per il quartetto op. 59, nr. 3 di Beethoven / Genetic Editions and Strategies of Digital Visualization. A Prototype for Beethoven’s Quartet Op. 59, No. 3
Federica Rovelli
III. Textual Criticism Applied to the Internet
Classics into Code: Latin Texts in the Digital Space
Dániel Kiss
Dalla stampa al digitale, dal digitale alla stampa. Tradizione indiretta dei classici latini in Rete / From Print to Digital Texts, from Digital Texts to Print. Indirect Tradition of Latin Classics on the Web
Claudio Giammona, Elena Spangenberg Yanes
Un progresso obsoleto? Vicende digitali della Chanson de Roland e del Cantar de Mio Cid / Obsolete Progress? Digital Ups and Downs of the Chanson de Roland and the Cantar de Mio Cid
Claudio Lagomarsini
Fake texts e Wiki edizioni. Per una filologia digitale sostenibile / Fake Texts and Wiki Editions. For a Sustainable Digital Philology
Paola Italia
La narrazione della storia in Wikipedia: pratiche, ideologie, conflitti per la memoria nell’Enciclopedia Libera / The Narration of History in Wikipedia: Practices, Ideologies, Conflicts about Memory in the Free Encyclopedia
Benedetta Pierfederici, Salvatore Talia (Gruppo di ricerca “Nicoletta Bourbaki”)