Papers by Alexander Gritsunov
Third IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE Cat. No.02EX524), 2000
The method of complex amplitudes is suitable for spectral simulation of microwave tubes [l] if RF... more The method of complex amplitudes is suitable for spectral simulation of microwave tubes [l] if RF signals are narrow-band. It based on quasi-continuous approximation of a delay line and interpretation of a vortex field as a wave with slowly varying in temporal t and longitudinal z directions parameters. The RF field is evaluated here as product of a narrow-band complex envelope A(t,z), a fast harmonic carrier at base frequency O b and propagation factor P b exp(imbt-iPg) and a wave field unit structural function Eow(x,y,z).
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2004
A modification of known method of complex amplitudes is proposed for simulations of solenoidal fi... more A modification of known method of complex amplitudes is proposed for simulations of solenoidal fields in delay lines of the electron devices. This is founded on permanent adaptation of “base” (i.e., carrier) frequencies of considered quasi-harmonic components of the fields to a present spectrum of the exciting current. This provides an essential increasing of a broadbandness of the spectral models based on this approach, with saving of all advantages of the complex amplitude method. The modification consists in continuous monitoring of the exciting current spectrum with regular adjustment of a set of the base frequencies. A domain of the adaptive method applicability is defined. An example of using of one for exploration of possible sources of spurious oscillations in the generating crossed-field devices is given.
The Fifth International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter, and Submillimeter Waves (IEEE Cat. No.04EX828), 2000
... A2 si The continual set of the normal eigenmodes for each wave mode of the matched line can b... more ... A2 si The continual set of the normal eigenmodes for each wave mode of the matched line can be synthesized from the discrete set of N the partial eigenmodes. ... The classic wave equation, the Klein-Gorgon equation, as well as the Tele-graphist's equation are subsets of one. ...
2013 International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves, 2013
14th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications. MIKON - 2002. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat.No.02EX562), 2000
11th International Conference 'Microwave and Telecommunication Technology'. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.01EX487), 2000
The modification of the method of complex amplitudes for simulation of RF fields in microwave tub... more The modification of the method of complex amplitudes for simulation of RF fields in microwave tube slow-wave circuits is proposed. It allows one to increase the broadbandness of the spectral models based on this method, up to values of the similar parameter obtained based on the method of instantaneous values models. All the advantages of complex amplitudes usage are retained. Modification is in the continuous monitoring of an electron beam oscillations spectrum with periodic adjustment of a set of model base frequencies. An example of the offered adaptive method applicability domain is given.
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2005
1997 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference. 'Linking to the Next Century'. Proceedings, 2000
Fifth IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04EX786), 2000
ABSTRACT Simulations of signal spectra in microwave tubes are topical, e.g., because of the EMC p... more ABSTRACT Simulations of signal spectra in microwave tubes are topical, e.g., because of the EMC problem or development of digital telecommunications, where radio pulses are short and signals are wideband. One of stages of the spectral method is the time domain evaluation of arbitrary non-harmonic fields in a dispersive electrodynamic line with an electron beam (this might be a delay structure for TWTs and CFDs or smoothbore waveguide for fast wave devices). The FDTD and FETD methods are the most appropriate, but they are too computationally intensive. Instead, the variable separation method may be used. This paper outlines this method and its application to the analysis of microwave tubes.
2016 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2016
This paper presents the experimental and theoretical investigations of the two constructions of t... more This paper presents the experimental and theoretical investigations of the two constructions of the magnetrons: the low-voltage X and Ku ranges magnetrons with
two RF outputs of energy and the cold secondary emission cathode magnetron with ancillary side cold cathode. It is shown that the electronic frequency tuning in the magnetrons with two RF output can be obtained in the range more than 200 MHz. The electronic control of the frequency tuning from pulse to pulse is performed by the microwave switch on basis the p-i-n diodes. By using the computer modeling, the features of secondary emission multiplication mechanism of the electron beam at the front and droop of anode voltage pulses are shown. The prospects for developing such magnetrons and expansion of areas of their application are discussed.

2008 8th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, 2008
A matrix approach to solving the electrodynamic problems is suggested. The specificity of one is ... more A matrix approach to solving the electrodynamic problems is suggested. The specificity of one is treatment of an electrodynamic system (ES) as an oscillating system with a finite number of the degrees of freedom. The ES is considered as a set of spatially localized so-called partial oscillators (oscillets). Matrices of unit mutual pseudoenergies and unit mutual energies of the oscillators are evaluated. The eigenfrequencies and the eigenfunctions of the ES can be calculated basing on the lumped elements oscillating system matrix theory. A matrix second-order ordinary differential equation is solved for excited potentials of the ES instead of the D'Alembert equation. The main advantage of the matrix electrodynamics is substitution of the solving the partial derivative differential equations by the less computationally intensive linear algebra problems and the ordinary differential equation integration.
IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 2014
ABSTRACT An attempt is made to generalize the basic idea of the self-sufficient potential formali... more ABSTRACT An attempt is made to generalize the basic idea of the self-sufficient potential formalism in electrodynamics (interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena as natural or forced oscillations of the Minkowski spacetime treated as a distributed electromagnetic oscillating system) on the de Broglie waves. Both electrons and positrons are considered as excited modes (oscillations) of a distributed electron-positron oscillating system, not as “hard” particles. Thus, the matter waves are treated as real oscillations of the Minkowski spacetime, not as Born's “probability waves”.
2009 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 2009
ABSTRACT An attempt is made to complete logically the potential formalism in the electromagnetic ... more ABSTRACT An attempt is made to complete logically the potential formalism in the electromagnetic theory basing on treatment of the Minkowski space-time as an electromagnetic oscillating system with distributed parameters. The Lagrange function and the energy-pulse four-vector density for the system are written using no the electromagnetic field tensor. Some physical consequences of the offered mathematical tool implementation are considered.
J Commun Technol Electron, 2007
ABSTRACT Methods of calculation of nonstationary nonharmonic electromagnetic fields excited by el... more ABSTRACT Methods of calculation of nonstationary nonharmonic electromagnetic fields excited by electron streams in guiding electrodynamic structures (ESs) of microwave devices are considered. The methods can be applied in first- and second-level spectral models. The proposed discrete approximation is based on decompositions of the field in normal or partial modes of ESs. The continuous approximation proposed is based on decomposition of the field in regular modes of ESs.
2013 23rd International Crimean Conference Microwave Telecommunication Technology, Jul 1, 2013
The locality principle fulfillment in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect is analyzed from the point of... more The locality principle fulfillment in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect is analyzed from the point of view of a self-sufficient potential formalism based on so-called gradient hypothesis in electrodynamics. The "magnetic" kind of AB effect is examined (as the quantum charged particle moves to an infinitely long solenoid with a permanent current), and no locality principle violation recognized if the gradient hypothesis is used. A conclusion is made that AB effect is no longer a physical and electrodynamic "paradox".
An improved modeling procedure for the calculation of transient processes in M-type microwave amp... more An improved modeling procedure for the calculation of transient processes in M-type microwave amplifiers by the large-particle method is described which involves a three-dimensional mulitparticle configuration and rectangular and cylindrical geometry. The operating characteristics of the TUL'PAN applied program package based on the models developed are examined. Typical time dependences of the output parameters during the insertion process are shown for the QK-434 device, and the space-charge distribution in the interaction space under stationary conditions is presented.
2010 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2010
An attempt is made to expand the spectral approach, implemented only for the M-type devices yet, ... more An attempt is made to expand the spectral approach, implemented only for the M-type devices yet, onto O-type devices such as one-beam klystrons and travellingwave tubes. The general features of the new spectral models are described. The used algorithms of simulation are quoted.
IVEC 2012, 2012
The existence of natural Zero Magnetic (ZM) oscillations of the distributed electromagnetic oscil... more The existence of natural Zero Magnetic (ZM) oscillations of the distributed electromagnetic oscillating system (Minkowski space-time) is one of logical consequences of the self-sufficient potential formalism in electromagnetic theory. A mental experiment confirming the reality of the ZM waves of electromagnetic potential is proposed. Main characteristics of those waves are considered. A problem of possibility of application of the ZM waves to information transmission between spatially distributed objects (i.e., radio communication) is formulated.
Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (IEEE Cat. No.02EX542), 2002
Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, 2009
On the basis of interpreting Minkovskiy space-time as a distributed electromagnetic oscillating s... more On the basis of interpreting Minkovskiy space-time as a distributed electromagnetic oscillating system an attempt to make potential formalism in electromagnetism theory to be self-sufficient (which does not require tensor of electromagnetic field) is described. Classification of the mentioned system is performed from the point of view of oscillations theory. A complete system of eigen functions of D'Alamber operand is built in a four-dimensional parallelepiped with respect to which the four-vector of electromagnetic potential is decomposed. Expressions for volume distributions of Lagrange function, energy and oscillating system's pulse are obtained without tensor of electromagnetic field. Some physical consequences of applying the suggested mathematical approach are considered.
Papers by Alexander Gritsunov
two RF outputs of energy and the cold secondary emission cathode magnetron with ancillary side cold cathode. It is shown that the electronic frequency tuning in the magnetrons with two RF output can be obtained in the range more than 200 MHz. The electronic control of the frequency tuning from pulse to pulse is performed by the microwave switch on basis the p-i-n diodes. By using the computer modeling, the features of secondary emission multiplication mechanism of the electron beam at the front and droop of anode voltage pulses are shown. The prospects for developing such magnetrons and expansion of areas of their application are discussed.
two RF outputs of energy and the cold secondary emission cathode magnetron with ancillary side cold cathode. It is shown that the electronic frequency tuning in the magnetrons with two RF output can be obtained in the range more than 200 MHz. The electronic control of the frequency tuning from pulse to pulse is performed by the microwave switch on basis the p-i-n diodes. By using the computer modeling, the features of secondary emission multiplication mechanism of the electron beam at the front and droop of anode voltage pulses are shown. The prospects for developing such magnetrons and expansion of areas of their application are discussed.