Papers by Pravin Nalawade

The effectiveness of sewage purification by aquatic plant such as Water Hyacinth (Echhornia crass... more The effectiveness of sewage purification by aquatic plant such as Water Hyacinth (Echhornia crassipes), Pistia
(Pistia stratiotes) and Azolla (Azolla filiculoides) was tested on laboratory scale. Laboratory experiments verified that the plants are capable of decreasing all tested indicators of water quality. The Echhornia sp. reduced the BOD
from 465 to 152 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 201 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 73 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 14 mg/lit,
and Potassium from 110 to 49 mg/lit. The Pistia sp. survived for only 6 days under laboratory condition and reduced BOD
from 465 to 318 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 284 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 125 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 29 mg/lit and
Potassium from 110 to 66 mg/lit. The Azolla sp. showed reduction in BOD from 465 to 155 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 210 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 83 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 18 mg/lit and Potassium from 110 to 54 mg/lit. During the study it was found that Echhornia sp. was significantly more effective than Azolla sp. and Pistia sp. in municipal waste water treatment. The result shows that the use of such free floating macrophyte for treatment of urban sewage is a viable option

Coal burning can organize trace elements by presenting them to the surrounding environment. When ... more Coal burning can organize trace elements by presenting them to the surrounding environment. When these
elements leached out may cause the contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater. Disposal or any
function of coal ash is becoming a major topic because of its potential to pollute surface and groundwater
with heavy metals. Potential heavy metal problems with power plant wastes are greatly shortened by the
pronounced liming effects of the wastelands. In the present study relative abundance of total heavy metals
in fly ash was found in the order As, Cu, Cd, Pb, Hg and Zn. The concentration and availability of metals
depends on the character and nature of the coal used in thermal power plant. In the acid digested solution
all metals were found above detectable limits. Arsenic, Mercury and Zinc found in greatest extent in soil
samples i.e. Hg – 20.51 to21.74 ppm, As – 3.32 to 4.47 ppm Zn – 7.39 to 9.00 ppm. The assessment of the
great metal shows that the fly ash dumping ground and surrounding area contains bioavailability of
different heavy metals which can well recover, reuse and recycling potential of fly ash.

Lignin, the nature’s plastic is the major pollutant from paper-pulp mill effluent due t... more Abstract:
Lignin, the nature’s plastic is the major pollutant from paper-pulp mill effluent due to its intense unaesthetic
brown color, hydrophobicity and poor mechanical properties, tends to be a recalcitrant compound. Textile dyebased
industries release colored effluents due to presence of large amount of mixture of dyes which is also
hazardous. Microbial extracellular lignin peroxidase enzymes have a potential to degrade lignin and a wide
range of complex aromatic dyestuffs. From various environmental niches eleven isolates were screened for
lignolytic activity, out of which two bacterial isolates Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens were
able to decolorize 44% to 49% of lignin. The studies on biobleaching of paper-pulp mill effluent gave 60% to 75%
color reduction and in case of textile dye- based effluent 50% to 58% decolourization was observed. The
heterogeneous combination of lignin peroxidases from mixed consortia gave 80% to 85% color reduction in
treatment of paper-pulp mill effluent and 70% to 75% decolourization in treatment of textile dye-based effluent
which is significantly high. This system of lignin peroxidase may be efficiently used in biobleaching and
biodegradation of effluents from respective industries.
Keywords: Lignin Peroxidase, Decolourization, Paper-pulp mill effluent, Textile dye-based effluent.

ABSTRACT : Nashik city is the divisional headquarter of North Maharashtra with 1.4 million popula... more ABSTRACT : Nashik city is the divisional headquarter of North Maharashtra with 1.4 million populations. Rapid increase in
industrialization and uncontrolled migration towards urban center leads to the noise pollution which becomes a critical issue.
Noise pollution due to traffic is one of the major problems in large urban centers. In the present study 21 different neighborhoods
and certain noise parameters such as leek, Lmax, Lmin, L10, L50, L90 and NPL (Noise Pollution Level) were selected for the
evaluation of noise level in different part of Nashik city. The measurement was performed at specified time 8-10a. m., 1-3p. m. and
7-9p.m. for 15 min. The equivalent noise level of all 21 sites crosses the standard permissible limits and ground in the range
between 63.0 to 98.6dB (morning), 63.5 to 96.6dB (afternoon) and 64.0 to 103.2dB (evening). The study reveals that, noise levels
in different urban corridors of Nashik city, mostly observed high in all sampling sites, which are above mostly above permissible
Keywords: Noise level, urban corridors, dB, traffic

Abstract: Tourism has become a popular global free time activity. Tourism has important contribut... more Abstract: Tourism has become a popular global free time activity. Tourism has important contribution in
sustainable development, economic upliftment and social benefits, if planned systematically. Since the last
decade it has become a major thrust area in India to address the aforesaid issues, to utilize its wide variety of
destination resources and also to optimize the level of financial involvement for developing tourist
infrastructure in a constraint economic domain.
Tourism industry in Maharashtra has a tremendous potential for growth, given the availability of basic
infrastructure and the variety of tourist themes offered by various destinations in Maharashtra. Nashik is one of
the most important cities of Northern Maharashtra. Nashik, in Maharashtra, is situated at approximate distance
of 200 to 210 km from Mumbai as well as Pune. The present study aims to identify various determinants of
tourism potential of the Nashik city. The secondary data as well as personal interview was conducted from the
tourist visited to Nashik city tourist place. It has been observed that, good accessibility, health facilities, road,
and infrastructure facilities, other entertainment facility etc. attracts large number of tourist towards Nashik
city. Now a day’s Nashik city had develop potential growth in tourism and economy.
Keywords: WTO, Tourism, Sustainable development, potential of growth.

The increasing heaps of fly ash generated from coal based thermal power plants become a concernin... more The increasing heaps of fly ash generated from coal based thermal power plants become a concerning environmental issue. The fly ash is burned residue of coal which has alarming dimensions, open dumping of fly ash can creates environmental problems such as contamination of surface and groundwater resources by leaching process. During present the investigation the underground and surface water samples were collected from the surrounding areas of fly ash dumping site near Parli Thermal Power Station (PTPS). The heavy metal pollution index (HPI) of the underground and surface water samples shows that, concentration of certain heavy metals is above permissible limit. The heavy metals like As, Hg and Zn shows highest concentration, while metals such as Cu, Cd and Pb shows low concentration. The HPI of ground water were found comparatively low as compare with critical pollution limit of 100. The HPI of surface water near fly ash dumping site were ranged 5.56. The heavy metal pollution index indicates that leaching of fly ash contaminates the groundwater as well as surface water.
Papers by Pravin Nalawade
(Pistia stratiotes) and Azolla (Azolla filiculoides) was tested on laboratory scale. Laboratory experiments verified that the plants are capable of decreasing all tested indicators of water quality. The Echhornia sp. reduced the BOD
from 465 to 152 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 201 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 73 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 14 mg/lit,
and Potassium from 110 to 49 mg/lit. The Pistia sp. survived for only 6 days under laboratory condition and reduced BOD
from 465 to 318 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 284 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 125 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 29 mg/lit and
Potassium from 110 to 66 mg/lit. The Azolla sp. showed reduction in BOD from 465 to 155 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 210 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 83 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 18 mg/lit and Potassium from 110 to 54 mg/lit. During the study it was found that Echhornia sp. was significantly more effective than Azolla sp. and Pistia sp. in municipal waste water treatment. The result shows that the use of such free floating macrophyte for treatment of urban sewage is a viable option
elements leached out may cause the contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater. Disposal or any
function of coal ash is becoming a major topic because of its potential to pollute surface and groundwater
with heavy metals. Potential heavy metal problems with power plant wastes are greatly shortened by the
pronounced liming effects of the wastelands. In the present study relative abundance of total heavy metals
in fly ash was found in the order As, Cu, Cd, Pb, Hg and Zn. The concentration and availability of metals
depends on the character and nature of the coal used in thermal power plant. In the acid digested solution
all metals were found above detectable limits. Arsenic, Mercury and Zinc found in greatest extent in soil
samples i.e. Hg – 20.51 to21.74 ppm, As – 3.32 to 4.47 ppm Zn – 7.39 to 9.00 ppm. The assessment of the
great metal shows that the fly ash dumping ground and surrounding area contains bioavailability of
different heavy metals which can well recover, reuse and recycling potential of fly ash.
Lignin, the nature’s plastic is the major pollutant from paper-pulp mill effluent due to its intense unaesthetic
brown color, hydrophobicity and poor mechanical properties, tends to be a recalcitrant compound. Textile dyebased
industries release colored effluents due to presence of large amount of mixture of dyes which is also
hazardous. Microbial extracellular lignin peroxidase enzymes have a potential to degrade lignin and a wide
range of complex aromatic dyestuffs. From various environmental niches eleven isolates were screened for
lignolytic activity, out of which two bacterial isolates Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens were
able to decolorize 44% to 49% of lignin. The studies on biobleaching of paper-pulp mill effluent gave 60% to 75%
color reduction and in case of textile dye- based effluent 50% to 58% decolourization was observed. The
heterogeneous combination of lignin peroxidases from mixed consortia gave 80% to 85% color reduction in
treatment of paper-pulp mill effluent and 70% to 75% decolourization in treatment of textile dye-based effluent
which is significantly high. This system of lignin peroxidase may be efficiently used in biobleaching and
biodegradation of effluents from respective industries.
Keywords: Lignin Peroxidase, Decolourization, Paper-pulp mill effluent, Textile dye-based effluent.
industrialization and uncontrolled migration towards urban center leads to the noise pollution which becomes a critical issue.
Noise pollution due to traffic is one of the major problems in large urban centers. In the present study 21 different neighborhoods
and certain noise parameters such as leek, Lmax, Lmin, L10, L50, L90 and NPL (Noise Pollution Level) were selected for the
evaluation of noise level in different part of Nashik city. The measurement was performed at specified time 8-10a. m., 1-3p. m. and
7-9p.m. for 15 min. The equivalent noise level of all 21 sites crosses the standard permissible limits and ground in the range
between 63.0 to 98.6dB (morning), 63.5 to 96.6dB (afternoon) and 64.0 to 103.2dB (evening). The study reveals that, noise levels
in different urban corridors of Nashik city, mostly observed high in all sampling sites, which are above mostly above permissible
Keywords: Noise level, urban corridors, dB, traffic
sustainable development, economic upliftment and social benefits, if planned systematically. Since the last
decade it has become a major thrust area in India to address the aforesaid issues, to utilize its wide variety of
destination resources and also to optimize the level of financial involvement for developing tourist
infrastructure in a constraint economic domain.
Tourism industry in Maharashtra has a tremendous potential for growth, given the availability of basic
infrastructure and the variety of tourist themes offered by various destinations in Maharashtra. Nashik is one of
the most important cities of Northern Maharashtra. Nashik, in Maharashtra, is situated at approximate distance
of 200 to 210 km from Mumbai as well as Pune. The present study aims to identify various determinants of
tourism potential of the Nashik city. The secondary data as well as personal interview was conducted from the
tourist visited to Nashik city tourist place. It has been observed that, good accessibility, health facilities, road,
and infrastructure facilities, other entertainment facility etc. attracts large number of tourist towards Nashik
city. Now a day’s Nashik city had develop potential growth in tourism and economy.
Keywords: WTO, Tourism, Sustainable development, potential of growth.
(Pistia stratiotes) and Azolla (Azolla filiculoides) was tested on laboratory scale. Laboratory experiments verified that the plants are capable of decreasing all tested indicators of water quality. The Echhornia sp. reduced the BOD
from 465 to 152 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 201 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 73 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 14 mg/lit,
and Potassium from 110 to 49 mg/lit. The Pistia sp. survived for only 6 days under laboratory condition and reduced BOD
from 465 to 318 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 284 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 125 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 29 mg/lit and
Potassium from 110 to 66 mg/lit. The Azolla sp. showed reduction in BOD from 465 to 155 mg/lit, COD from 368 to 210 mg/lit, Nitrogen from 190 to 83 mg/lit, Phosphate from 55 to 18 mg/lit and Potassium from 110 to 54 mg/lit. During the study it was found that Echhornia sp. was significantly more effective than Azolla sp. and Pistia sp. in municipal waste water treatment. The result shows that the use of such free floating macrophyte for treatment of urban sewage is a viable option
elements leached out may cause the contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater. Disposal or any
function of coal ash is becoming a major topic because of its potential to pollute surface and groundwater
with heavy metals. Potential heavy metal problems with power plant wastes are greatly shortened by the
pronounced liming effects of the wastelands. In the present study relative abundance of total heavy metals
in fly ash was found in the order As, Cu, Cd, Pb, Hg and Zn. The concentration and availability of metals
depends on the character and nature of the coal used in thermal power plant. In the acid digested solution
all metals were found above detectable limits. Arsenic, Mercury and Zinc found in greatest extent in soil
samples i.e. Hg – 20.51 to21.74 ppm, As – 3.32 to 4.47 ppm Zn – 7.39 to 9.00 ppm. The assessment of the
great metal shows that the fly ash dumping ground and surrounding area contains bioavailability of
different heavy metals which can well recover, reuse and recycling potential of fly ash.
Lignin, the nature’s plastic is the major pollutant from paper-pulp mill effluent due to its intense unaesthetic
brown color, hydrophobicity and poor mechanical properties, tends to be a recalcitrant compound. Textile dyebased
industries release colored effluents due to presence of large amount of mixture of dyes which is also
hazardous. Microbial extracellular lignin peroxidase enzymes have a potential to degrade lignin and a wide
range of complex aromatic dyestuffs. From various environmental niches eleven isolates were screened for
lignolytic activity, out of which two bacterial isolates Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens were
able to decolorize 44% to 49% of lignin. The studies on biobleaching of paper-pulp mill effluent gave 60% to 75%
color reduction and in case of textile dye- based effluent 50% to 58% decolourization was observed. The
heterogeneous combination of lignin peroxidases from mixed consortia gave 80% to 85% color reduction in
treatment of paper-pulp mill effluent and 70% to 75% decolourization in treatment of textile dye-based effluent
which is significantly high. This system of lignin peroxidase may be efficiently used in biobleaching and
biodegradation of effluents from respective industries.
Keywords: Lignin Peroxidase, Decolourization, Paper-pulp mill effluent, Textile dye-based effluent.
industrialization and uncontrolled migration towards urban center leads to the noise pollution which becomes a critical issue.
Noise pollution due to traffic is one of the major problems in large urban centers. In the present study 21 different neighborhoods
and certain noise parameters such as leek, Lmax, Lmin, L10, L50, L90 and NPL (Noise Pollution Level) were selected for the
evaluation of noise level in different part of Nashik city. The measurement was performed at specified time 8-10a. m., 1-3p. m. and
7-9p.m. for 15 min. The equivalent noise level of all 21 sites crosses the standard permissible limits and ground in the range
between 63.0 to 98.6dB (morning), 63.5 to 96.6dB (afternoon) and 64.0 to 103.2dB (evening). The study reveals that, noise levels
in different urban corridors of Nashik city, mostly observed high in all sampling sites, which are above mostly above permissible
Keywords: Noise level, urban corridors, dB, traffic
sustainable development, economic upliftment and social benefits, if planned systematically. Since the last
decade it has become a major thrust area in India to address the aforesaid issues, to utilize its wide variety of
destination resources and also to optimize the level of financial involvement for developing tourist
infrastructure in a constraint economic domain.
Tourism industry in Maharashtra has a tremendous potential for growth, given the availability of basic
infrastructure and the variety of tourist themes offered by various destinations in Maharashtra. Nashik is one of
the most important cities of Northern Maharashtra. Nashik, in Maharashtra, is situated at approximate distance
of 200 to 210 km from Mumbai as well as Pune. The present study aims to identify various determinants of
tourism potential of the Nashik city. The secondary data as well as personal interview was conducted from the
tourist visited to Nashik city tourist place. It has been observed that, good accessibility, health facilities, road,
and infrastructure facilities, other entertainment facility etc. attracts large number of tourist towards Nashik
city. Now a day’s Nashik city had develop potential growth in tourism and economy.
Keywords: WTO, Tourism, Sustainable development, potential of growth.