J. Sundberg
Johan Sundberg, professor of Music Acoustics, KTH, Stockholm (retired 2001), PhD (musiciology), Honorary Doctor at the universities of York (UK) Athens (Greece), and Liège (Belgium), member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. He has published more than 360 scientific articles. His books Röstlära (The science of the Singing Voice) describes acoustics and physiology of singing and Musikens ljudlära (The Science of Musical Sounds, 1991) presents acoustic aspects of musical sound. He has initiated and published proceedings of many public symposia. He has organized courses on the function of the singing voice, combining theory with real-time feedback of aspects of phonation and articulation. He has supervised or co-supervised more than 20 doctoral students. He has had extensive experience music performance both as chorister and soloist. Main research areas: function, acoustics, and expressivity of the singing voice
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