Papers by Xawery Stańczyk

Studia Litteraria et Historica, Dec 31, 2021
Dzieło artystki dotyczy dyskursywnych i krajobrazowych mechanizmów kamuflowania zbrodni na Żydach... more Dzieło artystki dotyczy dyskursywnych i krajobrazowych mechanizmów kamuflowania zbrodni na Żydach popełnionych przez Polaków podczas Zagłady. Macocha obnaża i dekonstruuje te mechanizmy-przede wszystkim mechanizm fetyszyzmu narracyjnego i mechanizm produkcji sztucznego krajobrazu-na przykładach zaczerpniętych z powiatu biłgorajskiego. Podczas dyskusji, z inspiracji pracą artystki, krytycznemu namysłowi poddane zostają następujące, dominujące współcześnie kategorie opisu Zagłady: 1. zaproponowana przez Martina Pollacka kategoria skażonych krajobrazów, wyrosła na gruncie ideologii dwóch totalitaryzmów; 2. kategoria świadka, maskująca udział obserwatorów w scenariuszach zbrodni; 3. kategoria tabu, ambiwalentna, jeśli wziąć pod uwagę powszechność wiedzy lokalnych społeczności o tym, co stało się z Żydami z ich miejscowości. Refleksja nad produkcją tabu prowadzi dyskutantów do namysłu nad statusem źródeł żydowskich w polu badań nad Zagładą. W źródłach tych bowiem, kompletowanych już od lat czterdziestych, znajdujemy wiele szczegółowych informacji o polskich zbrodniach na Żydach. Nie są one jednak rozpoznane jako źródła przez polskich historyków. Dyskusję kończy próba podsumowania współczesnej kondycji polskiej historiografii w świetle postulatu nowego podejścia do źródeł.
Książka powstała z myślą o potrzebie ukazania zróżnicowanego kontekstu badania grup artystycznych... more Książka powstała z myślą o potrzebie ukazania zróżnicowanego kontekstu badania grup artystycznych oraz przybliżeniu historii wybranych kolektywów. Niniejszy tom jest pierwszym i zarazem otwierającym serię monografii poświęconych grupom artystycznym. Zadanie, które sobie postawiliśmy – poza pokazaniem specyfiki konkretnych ugrupowań – ma zapoczątkować dyskusję ukierunkowaną na wypracowanie założeń teoretyczno-metodologicznych badania świata sztuki z perspektywy działania grupowego.
![Research paper thumbnail of Stalinowska socjogeneza kultury młodzieżowej w PRL. Próba nowego ujęcia [The Stalinist Sociogenesis of Youth Culture in the Polish People’s Republic: An Attempt at a New Approach]](
Studia Litteraria et Historica, 2019
The Stalinist Sociogenesis of Youth Culture in the Polish People’s Republic: An Attempt at a New ... more The Stalinist Sociogenesis of Youth Culture in the Polish People’s Republic: An Attempt at a New ApproachThe Polish sociological and anthropological literature on youth culture in the Polish People’s Republic is based on the assumption about a strong impact of the political decisions of the state and of the ruling party on the styles, behavior, and attitudes of the youth during the socialist period. This reductionist assumption overlooks the fact of the spontaneous, bottom-up participation of thousands of young people in socialist organizations, events, and campaigns under the Stalinist rule. The aim of the article is to outline a new approach to the youth as a subject of the Stalinist cultural revolution and to the later youth culture as a phenomenon specific to the socialist society even as this culture appropriated forms and images from the capitalist West. Stalinowska socjogeneza kultury młodzieżowej w PRL. Próba nowego ujęcia Polska literatura socjologiczna i antropologiczna na...

and Subversive Art in the Collections of MSU An important role in the breakthrough of abstract ar... more and Subversive Art in the Collections of MSU An important role in the breakthrough of abstract art in Yugoslavia and its positioning on the international art scene was played by members of the Exat 51 group,11 whose artistic work linked post-war Yugoslavia with the Western world. By presenting the extraordinary architecture and design of the Yugoslav pavilions at trade fairs in Europe and the United States and introducing geometric abstraction as a legitimate neo-Avantgarde visual vocabulary, whether in design, painting, or architecture, Exat 51 influenced a number of important events related to the exhibition and purchasing policy of Zagreb’s City Gallery of Contemporary Art and other existing museums and galleries, as well as those that would later be established. At the time, they changed their exhibition and collecting policy and shifted the focus from traditional Modernism to historical Avantgarde and neo-Avantgarde. Based on these premises, other museum institutions of contemp...
Drawing on the concept of the field of power, as elaborated by Pierre Bourdieu, Rachubinska and S... more Drawing on the concept of the field of power, as elaborated by Pierre Bourdieu, Rachubinska and Stanczyk regard Polish journalists as the agents of ‘mild’ pressure that mediated between the state and the artists. Analysing articles published in two leading Polish music magazines of the 1980s, Non Stop and Jazz. Magazyn Muzyczny, they argue that the line dividing journalists working there did not concern their attitude to the ideology or the government, but rather their attitude to what was perceived as high and low art within popular music, and their own role as tastemakers. Hence, the older Jazz. Magazyn Muzyczny positioned itself as a defender of the avant-garde and educator of readers, while Non Stop was more open to different musical genres.
The article is a review of Andrea F. Bohlman’s monograph Musical Solidarities: Political Action a... more The article is a review of Andrea F. Bohlman’s monograph Musical Solidarities: Political Action and Music in Late Twentieth-Century Poland. The author discusses Bohlman’s book, reframing its subject within the concept of the long 1980s, and contextualizes the question of solidarity and “Solidarity” against the background of popular and youth cultures. An emphasis has been put on such issues as anti-communism, anti-Semitism, and normativity both inside the “Solidarity” movement and the dominant culture in Poland in the 1970s and 1980s.
![Research paper thumbnail of „Bezradność, niemożność, zdziwienie i konieczność natychmiastowego kłamstwa”. Produkty uboczne Lopeza Mausere [“Powerlessness, Impotence, Astonishment, and the Need for an Immediate Lie”: The Byproducts of Lopez Mausere]](
Studia Litteraria et Historica
The article focuses on the question of national, gender, and religious identity in the poetry and... more The article focuses on the question of national, gender, and religious identity in the poetry and other writings of Wojciech Stamm, also known as Lopez Mausere and Gertruda Jarząbek. Mausere's affiliation with the Polish Failures Club (Club der Polnischen Versager) in Berlin and the relationships between his biography and literature are examined as well. The author contends that Mausere's concept of poetry as a genre similar to a joke, anecdote, mistake or deliberate deception, as well as his use of low, slang or colloquial registers of language, reflect Stamm's belief that the carnivalized upside-down world is more real than the illusion produced by social roles, norms, statuses, hierarchies, and identities. Thus, failure to perform one's role or normative identity might ultimately prove more creative and meaningful than the proper observance of prevalent social mores.

Studia Litteraria et Historica
The Job Was Being Done: A conversation about Dominika Macocha’s video-sculptural installation 50°... more The Job Was Being Done: A conversation about Dominika Macocha’s video-sculptural installation 50°31’29.7”N 22°46’39.1”E, 50°30’56.2”N 22°46’01.0”E, 50°30’41.0”N 22°45’49.5”E.This article is a record of a discussion concerning Dominika Macocha’s video-sculptural installation 50°31’29.7”N 22°46’39.1”E, 50°30’56.2”N 22°46’01.0”E, 50°30’41.0”N 22°45’49.5”E. The work deals with the uses of discourse and landscapes in mechanisms of camouflaging the crimes perpetrated on Jews by Poles during the Holocaust. The author lays bare and deconstructs these mechanisms – above all the mechanisms of narrative fetishism of production of artificial landscape – drawing on examples from Biłgoraj county. In the course of the discussion, the work inspired a critical reassessment of the categories dominating the ways in which the Holocaust is currently described: (1) Martin Pollack’s category of contaminated landscapes, rooted in the ideology of two totalitarianisms; (2) the category of the witness / byst...
Papers by Xawery Stańczyk