Books by Annu Jalais
Journal Articles by Annu Jalais

Current Anthropology, 2022
Why write? The spaces of intellectual dissidence once provided by universities-promoting disinter... more Why write? The spaces of intellectual dissidence once provided by universities-promoting disinterested inquiry, encouraging critical analysis, challenging conventional wisdoms-are increasingly controlled, if not squeezed out. A lethal mix of neoliberalism, authoritarianism, and right-wing populism is unfolding in different combinations around the world, and one of its key targets of attack is intellectual freedom. It is pressing for academics as writers to ask, What is our purpose? Who is our reader? How do we navigate the tensions between the constraints of academic evaluation criteria and the compulsions of writing for wider publics, scholarly fidelity and activist commitments, writing as scholars and producing journalism or fiction? This article reflects on these questions through the writing of the book Nightmarch, an anthropologist's account of the spread of the Naxalites, a Marx-, Lenin-, and Mao-inspired guerrilla struggle among Indigenous people in the heart of India. The backdrop is the rise of neoliberal audit cultures in UK universities sapping writing of its vitality and Hindu nationalism in India clamping down fiercely on debate, deliberation, and critique, with human rights activists and intellectuals imprisoned as alleged Maoists or "urban Naxals." The overall aim of this essay is to contribute to opening the space for intellectual dissidence and ignite scholarly relevance beyond academia.

Postcolonial Studies, 2022
The Anthropocene introduces a new 'universal collective'the human species seen as a group and act... more The Anthropocene introduces a new 'universal collective'the human species seen as a group and acting as a global geophysical agent. This 'universal collective' has usually been written about from a Western perspective. It has rarely been explored in relation to what a 'collective' might mean outside the Euro-American zone. The challenge is to rethink 'universal' from within local traditions of intellection so as to, in a sense, 'provincialize' it (after Dipesh Chakrabarty). Highlighting some of the recent anthropological literature on debates about the environment and the nonhuman in the Indic sphere, this article critically examines how contradictions about this 'collective' often return us to deep-seated ideas about what it means to be human especially in relation to segregating beliefs about caste, gender and, ultimately, also nonhumans. In other words, this article attempts to underscore what lies at the heart of the complex endeavour of making sense of the 'collective', from an Indic perspective, in a time of climate breakdown.

Asian Survey, 2021
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Bangladeshi economist Mushfiq Mobarak argued that in developing c... more Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Bangladeshi economist Mushfiq Mobarak argued that in developing countries, lockdown-based social distancing would not be feasible to mitigate its spread. This was because they would be unable to impose restrictions, undertake mass testing or provide adequate safety nets to the poor. Bangladesh was one of the first countries to allow the reopening of work places (as early as April 28, 2020), especially in the export-oriented garment industry, and has done economically better than its South Asian counterparts. A crucial enabling factor for this pandemic-era economic growth has been the explosive boom in digital money. On the downside, free speech has been sharply curtailed, and women’s futures were further jeopardized when the garment industry was severely hit by order cancellations. But perhaps the most frightening development is the effect of climate breakdown and the mass movement of populations within Bangladesh as well as in and out of the country.

American Ethnologist Website, 2020
The co-authored essay (with Amites Mukhopadhyay) is on intersecting crises of the Covid-19 pandem... more The co-authored essay (with Amites Mukhopadhyay) is on intersecting crises of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Category 5 Cyclone Amphan hitting the Sundarbans islanders on May 20 2020. The paper is part of the American Ethnologist collection on "Intersecting Crisis" and it offers an ethnographically grounded approach to thinking of “crisis” not as an external shock to an otherwise stable and functioning system, but one that is a crises over a long span of time mainly caused by Governmental mismanagement. It blurs the distinction between a “social” and a “natural” disaster, demonstrating how the Sundarbans islanders face crises with empathy and resilience, and how these troubles have, as Calynn Dowler explains "emerged out of historical processes of colonial and post-colonial extraction, ongoing structural and symbolic violence, and non-human agencies that range in scale from an invisible, microscopic virus to the overwhelming force of a super cyclone."

International Communication of Chinese Culture, 2018
In light of Prasenjit Duara's recent book (The crisis of global modernity: Asian traditions and a... more In light of Prasenjit Duara's recent book (The crisis of global modernity: Asian traditions and a sustainable future. Cambridge university Press, Cambridge, 2015) where he highlights the importance of 'dialogic transcendence' and 'circulatory histories', this paper will examine the human:nonhuman interface in pre-Buddhist and early Buddhist China to examine the " tiger " —both as a revered entity as well as a hunted beast. The paper does this to explore the symbolism of 'nature' and the 'nonhuman' animal in relation to ancient Chinese cosmologies i.e. cultural and religious traditions and practices. Increasingly, as scholarship on Asia begins to focus on the politics of the Anthropocene, this paper argues that it is imperative to consider the nonhuman animal, in this case it will do so through the symbol of the tiger, when evoking cosmological imaginations to debate environmental predicaments. In other words, Duara's introduction of 'dialogic transcendence' to pivot Asian imaginings for grappling with the human possibilities in this epoch of the Anthropocene, makes greater sense when explored through the lens of the " nonhuman " .
Südasien-‐Chronik -‐ South Asia Chronicle 3/2013, S. 8-‐41 © Südasien-‐ Seminar der Humboldt-‐Universität zu Berlin ISBN: 978-‐3-‐86004-‐295-‐3
Practices of Sunni Muharram in Dhaka and Kolkata

Nature and Culture, 2008
The global 'cosmopolitan' tiger, as opposed to the local 'Sundarbans tiger', has become the rally... more The global 'cosmopolitan' tiger, as opposed to the local 'Sundarbans tiger', has become the rallying point for urbanites' concerns for wildlife protection globally. In this piece, I look at two different representations of tigers in recent history, one colonial and the other national. This so as to highlight how representations, even of wild animals, are ultimately linked to power. This leads me to argue how today's Western-dominated ideas about tigers (a view I call 'cosmopolitan') ultimately act to the detriment of 'other' tigers because these do not allow for an engagement with alternative ways of understanding animals and wildlife. Such images, I try to show using Descola's arguments about nature and understandings of it, in turn perpetrates the coercive and unequal relationship between, in this case, those who partake of the 'cosmopolitan' tiger view versus those who live with 'wild' tigers.
'Socio-Legal Review', Vol. 6., 2010
Globalisation has undoubtedly shaped popular conceptions of gender and society in innumerable way... more Globalisation has undoubtedly shaped popular conceptions of gender and society in innumerable ways. This article studies one such instance - the plight of tiger-prawn collectors in Sundarbans. The discovery of tiger-prawns - the 'living dollars of Sundarbans' - has certainly transformed the lives of women in the region beyond imagination. These women however have had to face strenuous attacks from many spheres. Based on her anthropological fieldwork, the author portrays the struggle of women in the area against patriarchy, traditional modes of exploitation and even urban notions of femininity. Braving crocodiles and even changing their religious allegiances, these women have, carved out a sphere of self-respect for themselves.
Chapter in edited book by Annu Jalais

"Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities" ed. by Anne Rademacher & K. Sivaramakrishnan, 2021
Singapore the ‘garden city’ has been a longstanding trope used by government officials to promote... more Singapore the ‘garden city’ has been a longstanding trope used by government officials to promote tourism and actively entice the world’s cosmopolitan well-heeled and moneyed to come and work, or settle, in the small cityscape. Nature in Singapore is primarily seen by the Government as a resource ‘that can be shaped to economic and national development objectives’ (Yuen 1996:968); and indeed, what strikes visitors to this ‘garden city’ is its cleanliness, orderliness, and greenery. But if ‘nature’ in Singapore is a matter of top-down governmental control (of both city-state aesthetics and economy), ‘nature’ has also been the realm for those wanting to rebel against the Government. In other words, politics in Singapore has often revolved around citizens taking up cat- and crow-culling, the saving of graveyards, or specific conservation issues as ways of resisting Governmental prerogatives. In light of the recent writings on the meaning of ‘nature’ and ‘non-humans’ — explored through supposed ‘eco-farms’ for ‘agri-tainment’, fishing and foraging, and the culling of cats and crows — the paper explores the tension between ‘development’ and ‘culture’ in the context of the city-state of Singapore.
Borders and Ecotones in the Indian Ocean: Cultural and Literary Perspectives, 2020
I argue that contradictions between contemporary urban Hindutva and more rural and subaltern Beng... more I argue that contradictions between contemporary urban Hindutva and more rural and subaltern Bengali Hindu and Muslim religious practices highlight not just deep-seated ideas about caste and community but also reveal a particularly distinct relation to the nonhuman.
The Tides of Life: Surviving Between the Margins (ed. Aditya Ghosh), Dec 30, 2019
My first foray into eco-psychiatry and trying to make sense about mental health issues in the Sun... more My first foray into eco-psychiatry and trying to make sense about mental health issues in the Sundarbans by discussing "catching the fear", suicide, and ritual healing.
Living with Water: Peoples, Lives and Livelihoods in Asia and Beyond - ed. by Rila Mukherjee, 2017
Book Reviews by Annu Jalais
Books by Annu Jalais
Journal Articles by Annu Jalais
Chapter in edited book by Annu Jalais
Book Reviews by Annu Jalais
In English:
Blue pigments have a rich and fascinating history in the world of art and craft. In the animal kingdom, however, blue pigments are very rare. Organic blues, on the other hand, are ubiquitous in living things, and are mainly "structural" colours produced by the interaction of light with submicron structures. Here, we examine how glassy photonic materials and crystals in bird feathers could biomimetically inspire the easy and sustainable synthesis of blues.
extensive research and debate over the past few decades. Ethnic and Racial Studies has played a role in both publishing some of the most important research papers in this field as well as fostering critical debate about conceptual and analytical tools that are used to study this phenomenon. It is in the spirit of this critical engagement that we publish this symposium on Claire Alexander, Joya Chatterji and Annu Jalais’ study of The Bengal Diaspora. It brings together six critical commentaries by Michael Keith, Nasar Meer, Pawan Dhingra, Victoria Redclift and Fatima Rajina, William Gould, and Sean McLaughlin. Each of the commentaries focuses on specific facets of the book and we hope in
doing so they provide an insight into the rich and unusual research on
which the book draws.