Papers by Borbala Obrusanszky

The history of the Huns has always been of great interest to European researchers. Regarding thei... more The history of the Huns has always been of great interest to European researchers. Regarding their history, many questions are yet to be answered, e.g. what happened to the Huns in various parts of Europe after Attila's death. In some parts of the East and the West European continent many local legends on the Huns still exist today, which indicates that this unique horsemen people of the eastern steppes left a deep mark. 1 We find a particularly vivid tradition among the Seklers living in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin. 2 Scientific research is still skeptical about the survival and influence of the Huns however, recent years' scientific publications have somewhat colored the previous picture of the Huns. 3 The publication on the Huns is so extensive that it is impossible to present it in one study. Since the 19th century, numerous studies have dealt with the possible language of the Huns. Russian researchers began to excavate Asian Hun tombs at the very beginning of the 20th century. In the second half of the 20th century, dozens of Hun cities and cemeteries were discovered in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Sergey Botalov wrote a summary monograph on them. In this work, he analyzed the archaeological findings of the European and Asian Huns. Gmirya and Gadjiyev have written significant publications on the history and archaeological findigns of the Caucasian Huns. One of the most thorough summaries of the history of the European Huns is Maenchen-Helfen's work published in 1973. In recent decades, the studies of Heather and the Korean Kim have significantly reassessed the view on the Huns. In 2008, a study: The Heritage of the Huns was published in which foreign and Hungarian researchers presented their findings on the European and Asian Huns. In this study, in addition to archaeology and history, linguistics and culture were also presented. An international Hun conference was organized in 2005 in Sukhbaatar, Mongolia, in 2007 in Speyer, and in 2011 in Ulaanbaatar, and since then similar scientific forums have taken place in many countries. In my present study, my intention is to track down where Hun communities led by Attila's relatives or sons remained and how they played a significant role in late ancient history. Studying the ancient written records, I attempt to reveal the probable historical process. I compare some ancient Greek and Roman records with European Hun folklore Reconstructing the Past: Journal of Historical Studies Volume 2 Number 4 November 2024 6 tradition. Unfortunately, most of the publications were pro-Goths or Romans, and they did not pay enough attention to the remnants of the Huns. Recently, many new publications have appeared, which emphasize the significant historical role of the Huns in the second half of the 5th century as well. I have studied these new approaches and the new results of archaeology. Archaeological findings 1 of typical Hun objects can be found throughout Europe.
Éremtani Lapok, 2016
A késő Árpád-kori érméken, valamint II. András pecsétjén feltűnik a Nap és a Hold együttes ábrázo... more A késő Árpád-kori érméken, valamint II. András pecsétjén feltűnik a Nap és a Hold együttes ábrázolása, ami
szokatlan az európai érmék világában, hasonlóakkal csak a tőlünk keletre birodalmat alapító sztyeppéi lovas
népek érméin találkozhatunk. A hazai numizmatikai irodalom nem fordít különös figyelmet e jelképek felkutatására. Jelen írásunkban annak jártunk utána, hogy vajon mely népeknél volt jelen ugyanez a jelkép.
Reconstructing the Past: Journal of Historical Studies, 2024
The history of the Huns has always been of great interest to European
researchers. Regarding thei... more The history of the Huns has always been of great interest to European
researchers. Regarding their history, many questions are yet to be answered, e.g. what happened to the Huns in various parts of Europe after Attila's death. In some parts of the East and the West European continent many local legends on the Huns still exist today, which indicates that this unique horsemen people of the eastern steppes left a deep mark. We find a particularly vivid tradition among the Seklers living in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin.

The Savirs played an important role in the early medieval history of the Caucasian people, and ma... more The Savirs played an important role in the early medieval history of the Caucasian people, and many historical sources mention them. They had involved in the Byzantine-Persian wars during the 6 th century, then actively participated in the struggles against the invading Arabs in the 6-7 th centuries. Most historical sources considered them to be Huns. They lived on the western part of the Caspian Sea, and we can find early historical sources, which mentioned them on the eastern parts of the Black Sea. Traces of the steppe horsemen can still be found in some parts of Azerbaijan, where some monuments preserved their memories. Archaeological excavations revealed their material culture almost the whole territory of Azerbaijan. In my presentation, I would present the memories left behind by the Savirs, referring some ancient historical sources and results of the archaeological excavations as well.
Hun Forum, 2013
The late ancient chronicles gave us a detailed report on Attila's deeds and campaigns. Unfortunat... more The late ancient chronicles gave us a detailed report on Attila's deeds and campaigns. Unfortunately, only some fragments remained on those Huns, who settled down in the Carpathian basin. In the second half of the 19th century some Western-European historians created a special theory on the fast disappearance of the Huns from there, but it lacked any real evidences. In my paper I am trying exploring the traces of the Huns in the Carpathian basin or former Hungarian Kingdom. I recline upon some late ancient sources and Hungarian historical chronicles of Middle Ages, reports of contemporary Byzantine and Gothic sources and I used archaeological findings and anthropological surveys.
Hun Forum, 2013
The late ancient chronicles gave us a detailed report on Attila's deeds and campaigns. Unfortunat... more The late ancient chronicles gave us a detailed report on Attila's deeds and campaigns. Unfortunately, only some fragments remained on those Huns, who settled down in the Carpathian basin. In the second half of the 19th century some Western-European historians created a special theory on the fast disappearance of the Huns from there, but it lacked any real evidences. In my paper I am trying exploring the traces of the Huns in the Carpathian basin or former Hungarian Kingdom. I recline upon some late ancient sources and Hungarian historical chronicles of Middle Ages, reports of contemporary Byzantine and Gothic sources and I used archaeological findings and anthropological surveys.
Eurasian Studies Yearbook, 2007
In the Steppe Zone of North-Eastern Eurasia, the Huns founded the first large area Empire. The Hu... more In the Steppe Zone of North-Eastern Eurasia, the Huns founded the first large area Empire. The Huns of Attila and their Mounted Nomad successors (the Avars, Hungarians, in the 13th century the Mongols) may have applied a terminology of state organization the elements of which live on even today as common heritage in the Central European languages.
Székelyföld, 2018
A magyar történelem egyik talányának számít, hogy vajon miért
nem indítottak újabb hadjáratot ell... more A magyar történelem egyik talányának számít, hogy vajon miért
nem indítottak újabb hadjáratot ellenünk a Batu kán vezette
mongolok, közismert nevükön a tatárok. A korabeli magyar
források folyamatos tatár veszélyrõl írnak, magának IV. Béla magyar
királynak a külpolitikájában is hangsúlyos elem volt a keleti határok
megerõsítése és védelme.
A korabeli történelmi források szerint az egyik nyomós ok a két
dzsingiszida, Güjük és Batu közötti viszály lehetett, amely a nyugati
hadjárat idején vette kezdetét és 1248-ban, Güjük nagykán halálával
ért véget. Rövid tanulmányomban ennek a helyzetnek a bemutatására
törekszem, a történeti forrásokból vett idézetekkel. A mongol belpolitikai helyzet elemzése révén megértjük azt a külpolitikai folyamatot,
ami a Magyar Királyság keleti szomszédját jellemezte az 1240-es
Székelyföld, 2023
A babból való jövendölés, ismertebb nevén a babvetés széles körben elterjedt jóslási módszer volt... more A babból való jövendölés, ismertebb nevén a babvetés széles körben elterjedt jóslási módszer volt a Kárpát-medencei magyarok körében, és máig ismert elsõsorban a moldvai magyarok, a csángók között, ahol többnyire asszonyok negyvenegy babszembõl próbálják kiolvasni a jövõt, vagy próbálnak választ adni a hozzájuk fordulók kérdéseire. E jóslás eredetérõl és külföldi párhuzamairól viszonylag kevés tanulmány látott napvilágot Magyarországon. Jelen tanulmányomban a magyarságtól keletre élõ népek hasonló jövendölési módszereit gyûjtöttem össze, és választ kerestem arra is, hogy honnan eredhet ez a különleges szellemi örökség.

Reconstructing the Past: Journal of Historical Studies , 2024
The Savirs played an important role in the early medieval history of the
Caucasian people, and m... more The Savirs played an important role in the early medieval history of the
Caucasian people, and many historical sources mention them. They had involved in
the Byzantine-Persian wars during the 6th century, then actively participated in the
struggles against the invading Arabs in the 6-7th centuries. Most historical sources
considered them to be Huns. They lived on the western part of the Caspian Sea, and
we can find early historical sources, which mentioned them on the eastern parts of the
Black Sea. Traces of the steppe horsemen can still be found in some parts of
Azerbaijan, where some monuments preserved their memories. Archaeological
excavations revealed their material culture almost the whole territory of Azerbaijan.
In my presentation, I would present the memories left behind by the Savirs, referring
some ancient historical sources and results of the archaeological excavations as well.
Éremtani Lapok, 2014
Az ókorban, a Fekete-tenger medencéjének keleti felében, Panticapaeumban (ma: Kercs) a Kr. e. IV.... more Az ókorban, a Fekete-tenger medencéjének keleti felében, Panticapaeumban (ma: Kercs) a Kr. e. IV. században megjelentek olyan érmék, amelyeken jellegzetes sztyeppei jelvények, íjak és nyílvesszők szerepelnek. Ezekkel kapcsolatban nem született alapos, feltáró kutatás, mai napig a legtöbb, onnan előkerült érmét görögnek tartanak, holott a térséget a görögök megérkezése előtt, vagyis körülbelül Kr. e. VII. századig lovas szkíta népek népesítették be, később pedig a területet közösen birtokolták és a tengerparti kikötőkben élénk kereskedelmet bonyolítottak. Talán ennek a nagyméretű áruforgalomnak köszönhető, hogy a térségből nagyon sokféle érme került elő, amelyeket leginkább görögnek tartanak, ugyanis a kutatók többségében fel sem merült az, hogy esetleg az ott élt szkíták, a fémművesség mesterei is értettek volna a pénzkészítéshez.
Székelyföld, 2024
Onoguris a Kaukázus nyugati területének egyik jelentős erődje volt az ókori Lazicában, amelyért a... more Onoguris a Kaukázus nyugati területének egyik jelentős erődje volt az ókori Lazicában, amelyért a 6. század közepén ádáz küzdelem folyt a bizánciak és a perzsák között. A harcokban nemcsak a két birodalom hadserege, hanem zsoldosok is részt vettek, például a térségben élő hunok, akik hol
perzsa, hol bizánci oldalon harcoltak. A lazicai háború számunkra is különös jelentőséggel bír, ugyanis az erről tudósító történelmi forrásokban megjelennek az eltűntnek vélt hunok, illetve egy Onoguris nevű város is, amelyről a kortársak tudni vélik, hogy a hunok városa volt, és amely a magyarok nevével, az onogurral/hungarusszal állhat összefüggésben. A
bizánci források új adalékot szolgáltatnak az európai hunok történelméről, valamint a magyarság korai, esetleges kaukázusi jelenlétéről.
Türkbilig, 2020
The Eurasian steppe civilisation left lots of intellectual values and mindset, but
internationall... more The Eurasian steppe civilisation left lots of intellectual values and mindset, but
internationally they are not enough revealed, yet. Some of them came back to the Iron Age or the
Scythian period and they are inherited among horsmen of Eurasia. Unfortunately, the people of the
Eurasian steppe left only heroic epic to the future generations, and they began to summarise their
own history quiet late. In spite of it, many kinds of folklore texts and old chronicles preserved the
essential values of them.
Reconstructing the Past: Journal of Historical Studies, 2023
The names Honagur/Onogur etc. referring to the Huns and later to the Hungarians appear in the sou... more The names Honagur/Onogur etc. referring to the Huns and later to the Hungarians appear in the sources of the Caucasus region, which indicates that the Huns and their descendants played an important role in the region in the 5th-6th centuries. In my present study, I examine the name of the fortress, Onoguris, which often appeared in the Byzantine-Persian war, and which played an important role in the battles. In my present study, I examine the name of the fortress, Onoguris, which is reminds us the name Hungarians and appeared in the Byzantine-Persian, especially in the Lazica war, and which played an important role in the battles.
The names Honagur/Onogur etc. referring to the Huns and later to the Hungarians appear in the sou... more The names Honagur/Onogur etc. referring to the Huns and later to the Hungarians appear in the sources of the Caucasus region, which indicates that the Huns and their descendants played an important role in the region in the 5th-6th centuries. In my present study, I examine the name of the fortress, Onoguris, which often appeared in the Byzantine-Persian war, and which played an important role in the battles. In my present study, I examine the name of the fortress, Onoguris, which is reminds us the name Hungarians and appeared in the Byzantine-Persian, especially in the Lazica war, and which played an important role in the battles.
Sz3kelyföld, 2022
ok magyar hagyománynak vannak párhuzamai a messze keleten.

The Huns played a decisive role in the ethnogenesis of many peoples living in the Eurasian steppe... more The Huns played a decisive role in the ethnogenesis of many peoples living in the Eurasian steppe region, especially the Hungarians and the Turks. At the end of the 1st century, they started to move towards Europe via Central Asia and according to the latest research they reached the Caucasus at the end of the 1st century AD. The Huns left behind many artefacts and are also mentioned in contemporary historical sources. I did research in both Georgia and Azerbaijan in order to uncover their traces. Memorials of the Huns appeared in Georgia, especially along the Darial Pass, where typical Hun polychrome-style gold objects as well as the distorted skulls of nobles draw the path of the Huns. They lived in that region between the 2-3rd centuries AD. The northern and western regions of Azerbaijan were the main settlements of the Huns, however, archaeological excavations revealed that Huns also lived in the central part of the country, the so-called Mughan Steppe. Based on contemporary descriptions, it is probable that many Huns settled in the territory of modern Azerbaijan, and are referred to as Huns, Massages, and Sabirs. Particularly they may have settled in the northern part of the country, where some geographic names have preserved their tribal names (Sabirs, Khachmaz, etc.) The traces of the Hun culture can be found in some other places as well.

Turkbilig, 2022
Researching the great Eurasian trade routes, commonly known as the Silk Road, is a huge topic for... more Researching the great Eurasian trade routes, commonly known as the Silk Road, is a huge topic for scholars. Firstly, the route extended from Innermost Asia to Western Europe, and secondly, the sections of the trade routes have been changed through the periods of time. Some sections became more important, while others diminished. Many empires, states, and kingdoms ruled parts of the big trading road, but only the steppe empires were able to retain control over the bigger part of it. The main sections of the Silk Road are well known to researchers, but its branches, such as the northern or Mongolian sections, are only partially known,-despite the fact that they were used by horsemen peoples from ancient times to the late Middle Ages, who transported important products from the steppes and the Altai Region to present-day China and back. Taking into account the geographical conditions of the area and using the records of the Chinese chronicles, in this paper I will try to identify the main routes of the horsemen people, mainly the Xiongnu (Hun), and I will describe how they approached the marketplaces of the Silk Road. Thanks to the One Belt One Road initiative, these old trade routes seem to have revived, and they play an important role in Mongolian-Chinese regional trade: The Mongols are transporting natural sources-coal and other minerals-to China on the ancient roads.
New thoughts about origin of Hungarians and the so-called Uralic people.

Line of Red Dragon:A few years ago, in 2007, two fortresses situated between Iranian Highland and... more Line of Red Dragon:A few years ago, in 2007, two fortresses situated between Iranian Highland and Gumisan city, were found by the archaeologists of Edinburgh, Durham and Iranian Universities, in Iran. They could not find its name in historical sources, and thus christened it "Red Dragon" because of colour of the bricks. These were also called Gorgan wall, after the geographic name Gorgan that was erected to protect Persian soldiers and inhabitants from White Huns or Hephtalites, who invaded the eastern borders of Persia. It's another part, the Tammish-fortress, spread over the southern part of Caspian Sea, defended Persian Empire from Huns through the shore of Caspian Sea and Elburz-mountain passes. The fort is in modern Tammishah on the eastern border of Tabaristan adjoining Gorgan. Emperor Khusrou Anushirvan built a causeway to Gorgan and Khurasan over the marshes facing the Caspian to protect or to block the nomadic incursions into Persia, and it worked well even ti...
Papers by Borbala Obrusanszky
szokatlan az európai érmék világában, hasonlóakkal csak a tőlünk keletre birodalmat alapító sztyeppéi lovas
népek érméin találkozhatunk. A hazai numizmatikai irodalom nem fordít különös figyelmet e jelképek felkutatására. Jelen írásunkban annak jártunk utána, hogy vajon mely népeknél volt jelen ugyanez a jelkép.
researchers. Regarding their history, many questions are yet to be answered, e.g. what happened to the Huns in various parts of Europe after Attila's death. In some parts of the East and the West European continent many local legends on the Huns still exist today, which indicates that this unique horsemen people of the eastern steppes left a deep mark. We find a particularly vivid tradition among the Seklers living in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin.
nem indítottak újabb hadjáratot ellenünk a Batu kán vezette
mongolok, közismert nevükön a tatárok. A korabeli magyar
források folyamatos tatár veszélyrõl írnak, magának IV. Béla magyar
királynak a külpolitikájában is hangsúlyos elem volt a keleti határok
megerõsítése és védelme.
A korabeli történelmi források szerint az egyik nyomós ok a két
dzsingiszida, Güjük és Batu közötti viszály lehetett, amely a nyugati
hadjárat idején vette kezdetét és 1248-ban, Güjük nagykán halálával
ért véget. Rövid tanulmányomban ennek a helyzetnek a bemutatására
törekszem, a történeti forrásokból vett idézetekkel. A mongol belpolitikai helyzet elemzése révén megértjük azt a külpolitikai folyamatot,
ami a Magyar Királyság keleti szomszédját jellemezte az 1240-es
Caucasian people, and many historical sources mention them. They had involved in
the Byzantine-Persian wars during the 6th century, then actively participated in the
struggles against the invading Arabs in the 6-7th centuries. Most historical sources
considered them to be Huns. They lived on the western part of the Caspian Sea, and
we can find early historical sources, which mentioned them on the eastern parts of the
Black Sea. Traces of the steppe horsemen can still be found in some parts of
Azerbaijan, where some monuments preserved their memories. Archaeological
excavations revealed their material culture almost the whole territory of Azerbaijan.
In my presentation, I would present the memories left behind by the Savirs, referring
some ancient historical sources and results of the archaeological excavations as well.
perzsa, hol bizánci oldalon harcoltak. A lazicai háború számunkra is különös jelentőséggel bír, ugyanis az erről tudósító történelmi forrásokban megjelennek az eltűntnek vélt hunok, illetve egy Onoguris nevű város is, amelyről a kortársak tudni vélik, hogy a hunok városa volt, és amely a magyarok nevével, az onogurral/hungarusszal állhat összefüggésben. A
bizánci források új adalékot szolgáltatnak az európai hunok történelméről, valamint a magyarság korai, esetleges kaukázusi jelenlétéről.
internationally they are not enough revealed, yet. Some of them came back to the Iron Age or the
Scythian period and they are inherited among horsmen of Eurasia. Unfortunately, the people of the
Eurasian steppe left only heroic epic to the future generations, and they began to summarise their
own history quiet late. In spite of it, many kinds of folklore texts and old chronicles preserved the
essential values of them.
szokatlan az európai érmék világában, hasonlóakkal csak a tőlünk keletre birodalmat alapító sztyeppéi lovas
népek érméin találkozhatunk. A hazai numizmatikai irodalom nem fordít különös figyelmet e jelképek felkutatására. Jelen írásunkban annak jártunk utána, hogy vajon mely népeknél volt jelen ugyanez a jelkép.
researchers. Regarding their history, many questions are yet to be answered, e.g. what happened to the Huns in various parts of Europe after Attila's death. In some parts of the East and the West European continent many local legends on the Huns still exist today, which indicates that this unique horsemen people of the eastern steppes left a deep mark. We find a particularly vivid tradition among the Seklers living in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin.
nem indítottak újabb hadjáratot ellenünk a Batu kán vezette
mongolok, közismert nevükön a tatárok. A korabeli magyar
források folyamatos tatár veszélyrõl írnak, magának IV. Béla magyar
királynak a külpolitikájában is hangsúlyos elem volt a keleti határok
megerõsítése és védelme.
A korabeli történelmi források szerint az egyik nyomós ok a két
dzsingiszida, Güjük és Batu közötti viszály lehetett, amely a nyugati
hadjárat idején vette kezdetét és 1248-ban, Güjük nagykán halálával
ért véget. Rövid tanulmányomban ennek a helyzetnek a bemutatására
törekszem, a történeti forrásokból vett idézetekkel. A mongol belpolitikai helyzet elemzése révén megértjük azt a külpolitikai folyamatot,
ami a Magyar Királyság keleti szomszédját jellemezte az 1240-es
Caucasian people, and many historical sources mention them. They had involved in
the Byzantine-Persian wars during the 6th century, then actively participated in the
struggles against the invading Arabs in the 6-7th centuries. Most historical sources
considered them to be Huns. They lived on the western part of the Caspian Sea, and
we can find early historical sources, which mentioned them on the eastern parts of the
Black Sea. Traces of the steppe horsemen can still be found in some parts of
Azerbaijan, where some monuments preserved their memories. Archaeological
excavations revealed their material culture almost the whole territory of Azerbaijan.
In my presentation, I would present the memories left behind by the Savirs, referring
some ancient historical sources and results of the archaeological excavations as well.
perzsa, hol bizánci oldalon harcoltak. A lazicai háború számunkra is különös jelentőséggel bír, ugyanis az erről tudósító történelmi forrásokban megjelennek az eltűntnek vélt hunok, illetve egy Onoguris nevű város is, amelyről a kortársak tudni vélik, hogy a hunok városa volt, és amely a magyarok nevével, az onogurral/hungarusszal állhat összefüggésben. A
bizánci források új adalékot szolgáltatnak az európai hunok történelméről, valamint a magyarság korai, esetleges kaukázusi jelenlétéről.
internationally they are not enough revealed, yet. Some of them came back to the Iron Age or the
Scythian period and they are inherited among horsmen of Eurasia. Unfortunately, the people of the
Eurasian steppe left only heroic epic to the future generations, and they began to summarise their
own history quiet late. In spite of it, many kinds of folklore texts and old chronicles preserved the
essential values of them.