Social Notes
Short posts that are often pushed to social media (a.k.a. tweets).
Contributor Day and the Sponsor Social Night at #wcasia were a joy, as usual. Great conversation across the board. If you’re here, I’ll be at the Automattic/Jetpack booth until about 10:30 a.m.
I take a 15-hour flight without Wi-Fi and crash in the hotel… Wake up that the US says that Ukraine shouldn’t be a dictatorship and have a system with valid, legit elections like Russia? #wtf #didIflythroughawormhole
🛫 AUS➡️LAX➡️MNL Didn’t realize my phone was in silent mode (kid retreat this weekend…) so overslept, missed my airport shuttle. Walked up to the gate as my boarding zone was called. Rocky start but exit row by myself so looking up! #wcasia
I spent the weekend at my daughter’s confirmation retreat. Officially, I wasn’t there except to help with food (her allergies) but she permitted me to hang out at the retreat proper. A real joy to see her spread her wings. #catholic #confirmation
Man, I was hoping to at least see a game tonight. Super Bowl 24 had a 45-point winning margin. If they’ll get there is the only thing worth watching for. #superbowl
The blue dancers should have had white caps to complete the flag effect. #SuperBowl