Welcome to kradommy. This is a Kris/Adam/Tommy fic and fanart community. That would be Kris Allen (AI Season 8), Adam Lambert (AI Season 8) and Tommy Joe Ratliff (Adam's bass guitarist). Why? Well, if you like Kradam and you like Lambliff, it only makes sense to put them all together into one awesome and hot trio sometimes.
r u l e s
1. Posts should be pertaining to all three (Kris, Adam, and Tommy) only. There are other places to post Kradam fic or Lambliff fic. We want to see the trio together!
2. No bashing of members, communities, or other ships.
3. Posting of fanart/manips/graphics is allowed and encouraged.
4. Tag your posts. Tagging helps keep everything organized so people can find it later.
5. Use LJ cuts. All fics and large pictures should be put behind an LJ cut. Learn how here.
6. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. In any form. Please don't copy or steal anyone else's fic or ideas. If you do, you'll be banned.
c o n t a c t
Questions or concerns? You can contact the mod through her journal, ravenclawwit.