Papers by irina voloshchuk
Advanced linguistics, Dec 26, 2023
Advanced linguistics, Dec 26, 2023

Vìsnik unìversitetu ìm. A. Nobelâ. Serìâ Fìlologìčnì nauki, Dec 25, 2023
У статті розглянуті стратегії і тактики дигітального комерційного наративу, які уможливлюють праг... more У статті розглянуті стратегії і тактики дигітального комерційного наративу, які уможливлюють прагматичний вплив на когнітивну, емоційну та вольову сферу адресата-потенційного покупця. У комерційному дигітальному наративі лінгвальні та паралінгвальні засоби спрямовані на утворення цілісного на структурному та смисловому рівні образу. Успішність такого комерційного наративу вимірюється кількістю соціальних реакцій на створений образ, що досягається взаємодією різних модусів сенсорики (образ -сенс, звук -сенс, наратив -сенс), які змінюють стани свідомості та беруть участь у прийнятті рецепієнтом рішення. Отже, в такій концепції дигітальний комерційний наратив стає візуально-риторичним феноменом, комунікативна успішність якого вимірюється емоційним резонансом рецепієнтів на створений образ (ландшафтом соціальних відгуків). Саме з метою стимулювання нейромедіаторів існує потреба в дизайні сторітелінгу з використанням мовних засобів: алюзій, емоційно-забарвленої лексики, незвичайних комбінацій слів, що стимулюють сенсорні відчуття рецепієнта, що є завданням прийомів нейрокопірайтингу у комерційному наративі. Водночас поєднання кодів різних знакових систем для конструювання емоцій та рішень реципієнта є сутністю стратегії мультимодальності у комерційному наративі. Дослідження прагматики таких стратегій у сучасному комунікативному просторі визначають актуальність статті. Мета нашої наукової розвідки полягає у розробці та перевірці достовірності прийомів і тактик реалізації стратегій мультимодальності та нейрокопірайтингу, які створюють когнітивну цілісність трансляції та перцепції дигітальної інформації, в англомовних текстах комерційного наративу. З огляду на вищезазначене завданнями статті є: -представити типи комерційного наративу; -визначити основні тактики нейрокопірайтингу та мультимодальності в текстах з продажу в умовах трансформації дигітальної комерції; -проаналізувати лінгвальні та паралінгвальні засоби реалізації тактик комерційного наративу. Дигітальний комерційний наратив як поєднання модусів відповідно розглядаємо у стереоскопії семіотичного та когнітивного методів дослідження. Елементи методу кількісних підрахунків емоційного резонансу рецепієнтів дозволили узагальнити отримані результати. Таблиця ландшафту реакцій рецепієнтів дозволила визначити дигітальну репутацію комерційного наративу (концентрація смислів, загальна обізнаність та впізнаваність (авторитет), а аналіз звітів про продажі на офіційних сайтах компаній та відгуки в соціальних мережах унаочнили результат аудиту успішності комерційного наративу.

Lʹvìvsʹkij fìlologìčnij časopis, Dec 31, 2022
The study is devoted to the strategy of effective communication in wartime. In particular, we ana... more The study is devoted to the strategy of effective communication in wartime. In particular, we analyze President Zelensky's rhetoric in his appeals to world leaders asking for their support. Communication strategies actualize the communicative influence on the audience to cause a particular psychological state and form emotions that lead to specific actions. The purpose of our research is to create a communicative portrait of a leader in the conditions of war, informational in particular, namely countering enemy narratives and messages. Research in cognitive semantics has found that we think in terms of systems of concepts that fit together and make sense. So our conceptual systems are used to understand what is said openly. G. Lakoff in his book "Political Mind" explores narrative and war, arguing that when you accept a certain narrative you ignore or hide the reality that contradicts it. The article's novelty is the analysis of the state leader's rhetoric from the point of view of informative opposition to the narratives of the aggressor, the result of which is emotional resonance in the mass media. Let us note that the rhetoric of state leaders becomes a powerful stimulus for deploying narratives important to society, which are a behaviorally oriented toolkit for the political development of society and cognitive support in the information war. At the same time, the leader's speech is a set of personal qualities that allow him to adapt to a crisis, predict the resonance of communicative behavior, and bear responsibility for its result. In addition, the components of the leader's rhetoric are inherent oratorical talent (charisma), the dynamism of pragmatic tension, and the art of actualizing rhetorical techniques in a specific situation and audience. The work focuses on the expressive means in Zelensky's speeches (metaphors, metonymies, allusions, similes, antitheses, hyperboles), which contribute to successful communication. In addition, among the stylistic devices in his speeches, the functional-semantic category of modality is used, which expresses probability or improbability, possibility or impossibility. We analyzed the leader's speech on the examples of the speeches of the President of Ukraine, V. Zelensky, in which communicative strategies aimed at countering the narratives of the aggressor country were studied. The result of these strategies can be considered undeniable support from the leaders and parliaments of the world's leading countries, as well as a powerful emotional resonance in the media sphere.

Journal of the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”: Philology and Educational Studies, 2017
The new approaches in linguistics focused on textology outlines the necessity in linguistic study... more The new approaches in linguistics focused on textology outlines the necessity in linguistic study of professional text in the field of ecology from the point of text analysis as integral unity of semantically, grammatical and functional relations within one text system. The integrity of the text represents the result of retrospective or prospective communication with a specific purpose and function and responsible for the structural unity of text and expanding the idea of the text by traditional criteria of textuality. The criteria of textuality of professional text: cohesion, coherence, communicative intention, completeness, informativeness, contextuality and intertextuality as the ability of the text to be related to a specific type. Thus professional text, being the result of communicative activity, is a coherent, logically structured, complete, consists of comprehensive statements that describes the specific profession facility, is adequate for the communicative situation by correspondent language means and can be supplemented by visual means such as symbols, graphs, drawings.

The new approaches in linguistics focused on textology outlines the necessity in linguistic study... more The new approaches in linguistics focused on textology outlines the necessity in linguistic study of professional text in the field of ecology from the point of text analysis as integral unity of semantically, grammatical and functional relations within one text system. The integrity of the text represents the result of retrospective or prospective communication with a specific purpose and function and responsible for the structural unity of text and expanding the idea of the text by traditional criteria of textuality. The criteria of textuality of professional text: cohesion, coherence, communicative intention, completeness, informativeness, contextuality and intertextuality as the ability of the text to be related to a specific type. Thus professional text, being the result of communicative activity, is a coherent, logically structured, complete, consists of comprehensive statements that describes the specific profession facility, is adequate for the communicative situation by cor...

Advanced Linguistics
The article presents a multimodal study of leadership language on the example of Ukrainian presid... more The article presents a multimodal study of leadership language on the example of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s speeches. The work analyzes how coverage of Zelensky's orations constructs frames of the Ukrainian – Russian war viewing. How media (using a mechanism that allows creating a new psychological frame to expand their perception) reframes the outlooks by imposing a specific interpretation onto events. As a result of both textual and visual analysis of Zelensky's video messages, it is evident that to achieve the communicative goal, the President uses a complex system of argumentation schemes (from the sign “argument from the sign”, by analogy “argument by analogy”, cause-and-effect relationship). Numerous strategic and tactical communicative techniques and tools (metaphors, metonymies, epithets, comparisons, allusions, means of stylistic syntax) aimed at creating a frame of Ukraine and shaping its identity allow his speeches to sound clear and convincing.
SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities - ISCAH, 2021
SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities - ISCAH, 2021

The article focuses on the authors’ pedagogical experience of exploiting digital narratives in a ... more The article focuses on the authors’ pedagogical experience of exploiting digital narratives in a foreign language education at a modern university (on the basis of National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” named after Igor Sikorsky). The study aims to consider multimodality in terms of foreign language didactics. It was designed by the constructivism theory and narratology in terms of teaching a foreign language. The research exploited the set of theoretical methods: analyzing, summarizing, and interpreting scholarly sources on the issue under scrutiny; generalization and conceptualization of the authors’ pedagogical experience. Applying those methods in coherence logic enabled the effective study and interpretation of the concepts of “narrative” and “digital narrative” in their interrelations. In the study, the narrative is viewed as a sociocultural tool that provides students with deeper self-understanding, and complements the communicative system of foreign language acquisit...

Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ «Fìlologìâ», 2021
The article analyzes rhetorical techniques, speech strategies based on the presentation of the ne... more The article analyzes rhetorical techniques, speech strategies based on the presentation of the new phone iPhone 13. The article deals with the concept of linguistic strategies, such as strategies of persuasion, strategy of information and intellectual setup, strategy for designing emotional states, which are the basic concepts of psycholinguistics. Language means of lingual-rethorical strategies and a number of basic concepts that construct certain states are investigated, such as positive emotions of happiness and love, negative states of sadness and fear or emotion of uncertainty, which cause doubt, and so on; they intend to induce various psychological emotions in the audience. Such strategies are used by marketers to achieve an effective impact on the addressee to provoke it to the desired action. The article revealed the concept of "suggestion" and found that the rhetorical strategy of communicative influence is realized through certain receptions, such as rhetorical ...

Advanced Linguistics, 2021
The article considers health care terminology in the cognitive aspect of professional knowledge c... more The article considers health care terminology in the cognitive aspect of professional knowledge cognition and conceptualization by an expert. We apply the notion of frame semantics as the linguistics method introduced by Charles Fillmore as the model of professional cognition in the process of professional communication. So the aim of our research is to illustrate cognition in science from the point of conceptualization of professional terminology and health care terminology in particular. The frame that marks the conceptual structure of a health care terminology is also the issue of our analysis. Following these approaches, the study of health care terms takes into account the frame semantics and its role in cognition and afterwards the nomination of professional knowledge in health care. Since concept represents the basic units of processing, storage and transfer of knowledge - therefore, one of the main properties of the frame is the categorical nature of the knowledge organizat...

Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Fìlologìâ, 2020
The article is devoted to the study of terminological conceptualization in aerospace industry bas... more The article is devoted to the study of terminological conceptualization in aerospace industry based on the multimodality approach. Multimodal text analysis, in particular of the scientific texts, involves the study of communication and its means by combining several modes of communication, including native, oral and written speech, as well as resources of other semiotic systems (graphics, architecture, audio, video, digital media, etc.). The purpose of the article is to identify lexico-semantic features of aerospace terminology in multimodal texts, to clarify the definition of polycoding text, to analyze the term in the multimodal aspect, to analyze the method of semantic fields used for the classification of aerospace terms and to define the basic semantic fields of aerospace terminology. The concept of multimodality refers to human senses, primarily visual and auditory. The human senses are stated to be intermediaries in the communication process. Any information presented in the ...

Young Scientist, 2020
The article is devoted to actual problems of the functioning and translation of neologisms in the... more The article is devoted to actual problems of the functioning and translation of neologisms in the media texts of the modern English-language press. In the course of the study, the definition of “media text” is given. The stylistic features of English-language media texts are characterized. It is noted that the language of English-language media texts has certain features and is aimed at certain categories of readers. During the analysis of English-language media, a direct relationship between the degree of complexity of the selected language tools and the sociocultural specific features of the target audience is proved. It was emphasized that most of the specific vocabulary in English-language media is socio-political vocabulary. Political texts are connected with the task of simultaneously and clearly conveying the events of the world of politics, and not overly complicating and overloading the message with various terms that would interfere with its understanding. Consequently, jo...

Young Scientist, 2020
Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорськ... more Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського» ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ ЗАСОБИ АКТУАЛІЗАЦІЇ АРГУМЕНТАТИВНИХ СТРАТЕГІЙ НА ПЛАТФОРМІ TEDTALKS Анотація. Аргументація відіграє головну роль в переконанні аудиторії засобами актуалізації риторичних та сугестивних прийомів. Оскільки уміння міркувати аргументовано є мистецтвом риторики та еристики, які в поєднанні з психологією стали засобами сугестії. Розуміння того, як побудувати сильний аргумент, набуває як теоретичного, так і практичного інтересу. Мета даної роботи полягає у вивченні мовних та мовленнєвих засобів реалізації стратегій та способів аргументації в різних галузях мислення на матеріалі платформи TEDTalks. Було виявлено, що аргументативний дискурс, включає мовні одиниці і мовленнєві конструкти, фактори екстралінгвального характеру та аргументативні стратегії, які використовуються і враховуються оратором з метою максимального переконуючого впливу на когнітивну, емоційну та вольову сферу адресата. Ключові слова: аргументація, аргумент, сугестія, аргументативний дискурс, мовні та мовленнєві засоби, TEDTalks, мовленнєвий акт.

Advanced Linguistics, 2019
This article focuses on the study of the provocation strategy in the interview process. Interview... more This article focuses on the study of the provocation strategy in the interview process. Interview is regarded as a specific genre of texts in press. Main components of communicative situations and typical pragmatic manifestations of texts under study have been analyzed. Units of the interview communicative and pragmatic model have been singled out. Basic stylistic, semantic, and pragmatic figures used to actualize the interview texts authors’ communicative intentions and provocative aims have been examined. We discussed the communicative strategy of provocation as a set of speech actions aimed at addressing the communicative goal of the addressee. The most common scientific approaches to understanding communicative strategies in modern linguistics are summarized, and pragmasemantic features of provocation, its specificity, as well as linguistic and speech means of its realization are specified. Dialogical unity is considered, that makes possible coherence and sequence of speech acti...
Papers by irina voloshchuk