Papers by Helle Vedsegaard

Den danske velfaerdsmodel med gratis hjemmehjaelp er presset. Ny lovgivning om rehabiliteringsfor... more Den danske velfaerdsmodel med gratis hjemmehjaelp er presset. Ny lovgivning om rehabiliteringsforløb i hjemmeplejen er et forsøg på at imødegå dette. Ud fra et hverdagslivssociologisk perspektiv undersøges, hvordan borgere med multisygdom håndterer rehabiliteringsforløb, og hvorvidt det er muligt for borgerne at inddrage forløbene meningsfuldt i deres hverdagsliv. I et etnografisk feltstudie er tre aegtepar og fire aleneboende borgere fulgt i rehabiliteringsforløb. Analysen viser variationer i borgernes håndtering af rehabiliteringsforløb og en mulig bevaegelse fra brugerinddragelse til borgerens meningsfulde inddragelse af rehabiliteringsforløb i tre interaktionsformer: «at mødes i det fremmede», «en stillen ind-relation» og «på egne ben». Nøgleord den danske velfaerdsmodel, serviceloven § 83a, hjemmepleje, hjemmerehabilitering, hverdagslivssociologi This article is downloaded from
Chronic Living conference: quality, vitality and health in the 21st century, Mar 6, 2021
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being

Progress in Palliative Care
Being a patient in need of specialized palliative during the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging. Go... more Being a patient in need of specialized palliative during the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging. Governments around the world have reduced the available health care services as well as restricted inperson meetings between patients, health care professionals, and relatives. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of patients with specialized palliative care needs during the period of restrictions requiring social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis of this qualitative study was guided by a grounded theory approach. The participants were patients living in their own homes who were being treated by the outpatient clinic palliative care unit at the Herlev and Gentofte University Hospital in Denmark. Participants' main concern was maintaining control during the pandemic. They achieved this by aiming to secure a meaningful life by remaining occupied during the day, balancing social contact, contemplating the reopening of society, and seeking help from health care professionals. Participants were concerned about losing control and this concern increased with the reopening of society. Health care professionals must ensure that they provide support and care for patients with specialized palliative care needs when societal restrictions change.

Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund
This article examines people’s vulnerability and agency, existing in complex everyday life with m... more This article examines people’s vulnerability and agency, existing in complex everyday life with multimorbidity, and created in the meeting with the municipal assessor about provi- sion/ non-provision of a rehabilitation programme or home care. The question is how the meetings support these people’s everyday lives or, by contrast, create additional vulnera- bility. The article’s basis is an ethnographic field study in a west Copenhagen municipa- lity, with 26 people, aged between 28 and 86, that have multimorbidity and are applying for home care or already getting it. The article’s three cases look at four key informants - one married couple and two people living alone. The article’s finding is that people are supported in an everyday life with multimorbidity when everyday life and challenges in daily life’s practical activities are not separated, and where the meeting with the assessor is grounded in the person’s everyday life with multimorbidity. Conversely rehabilitation potential...
Nordic Journal of Nursing Research
Papers by Helle Vedsegaard