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Grinding is one of the basic precise material removal methods. Abrasive and shape wear, as well as smearing of the tools' active surface handicap the processing results. The loss of cutting capacity in abrasive tools or alteration of... more
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      Materials EngineeringBiochemistry and cell biology
Szlifowanie jest jednym z najczęściej stosowanych procesów obróbki dokładnej. Proces usuwania materiału następuje w wyniku oddziaływań wielu ziaren ściernych o zróżnicowanym rozmiarze i kształcie. Parametry kinematyczne oraz cechy... more
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The increase in requirements for accuracy and properties of elements, minimisation of the wear of materials, mass and dimensions of elements, the increase in load capacity and endurance, and also the development of manufacturing... more
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The article presents a comprehensive system to modeling and evaluation of technical surfaces topography allowing for cheap and full assessment of the geometric structure of the surface. The system consists of a large number (over 200)... more
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Analysis of the geometric features and determination of the condition of the surfaces machined during an abrasive process is of crucial importance for evaluation of their wear properties. Numerous parameters can be used for assessing... more
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The article presents the scientific problems and development trends of abrasive micromachining. The research problems were characterized and the results of the analysis of research directions based on programs of implemented projects in... more
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In the paper a methodology of neural modelling of grinding process using process simulation data was presented. Grinding process simulation parameters were chosen based on the results of the experiment. The experiment consisted of an... more
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One of the most important procedures in modern surface metrology is digital filtering. It is realized by many filters which are complicated mathematical tools for analysis of a wide variety of surface characteristics. In practice, filters... more
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The application of the theory of fuzzy sets lets on the qualitative evaluation of the surface on the basis of parameters of the geometrical structure of surface. Enlarges this the communicability of the evaluation of the structure of the... more
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Residual stresses influence, among other parameters, on the performance characteristics of the machine, such as deformation, static and dynamic strength, material usage, or the strength of the contact. Extensional stresses as a result of... more
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Due to non-linear, multidimensional and random character of most processes of machining, an use of analytical methods to process monitoring is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. An application of algorithms which base on models in... more
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The aim of the paper is to present modelling of abrasive wear and grinding wheel durability by means of probabilistic description of abrasion and crush dressing of grinding wheels. Relations describing distributions of active grain age... more
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Particularly good results in micro-smoothing of steel work-pieces surfaces by means of imperial micro-finishing films, and difficulties in obtaining proper machining effects for aluminium and its alloys and also for other high plasticity... more
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In the paper the analysis of sources and results of irregular disturbances in a process of fine machining is presented. A description of events causing the disturbances and an advisability of use of thermal and elastic systems for... more
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Most of digital picture processing systems are used in mass production. While making use of intelligent systems of standard recognition, digital picture processing can be applied in lot production or small lot production, and their... more
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This paper presents a new concept of an e-learning system with intelligent two-way speech communication between the system and its users. Computational intelligence methods allow for analysis, evaluation and assessment of user's knowledge... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceE Learning Management SystemSpeech Communication
Nowadays technological devices can already be provided with enough intelligence to understand and act appropriately on voice commands. The voice communication with technological devices becomes a stronger challenge as technology becomes... more
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New applications of artificial neural networks are capable of recognition and verification of effects and the safety of commands given by the operator of the technological device. In this paper, a review of selected issues is carried out... more
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In this paper there is a natural language interface presented, which consists of the intelligent mechanisms of human identification, speech recognition, word and command recognition, command syntax and result analysis, command safety... more
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New applications of artificial neural networks are capable of recognition and verification of effects and safety of commands given by the operator of the technological device. In this paper there is a review of the selected issues on... more
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