To configure Header, please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize>Header.
In Header, you can find option from which you can change style as well as edit your Header.

To configure Style, please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize> Header>Style.
In Header style, you can find layout option where you can change layout of your Header. You can select transparent header site logo.
Different controls are given for transparent header as well as controls are also provided for non-transparent header.
Header height can also be adjust as per need.
Contact detail option is provided where you can enter Phone Number, Email and Address.
Header Button typography helps to change the font style of buttons.
Note: Transparent Header (Header Layout Two) contains additional Transparent Header Options for style section.

To configure Media, please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize> Header>Media.
In Header Media, Image slider helps to display images in header section where you can limit number of rows. To use the header image as a banner, add only one image to Header Image Slider. Adding two or more images will make the section as a slider.
Image size is provided which helps in managing size of the image in header section.
Slide effect in image and fade control time can also be adjust.
Note: Remove the header section background color to use the image option.

To configure Elements, please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize> Header>Elements.
In Header Elements, disable / enable fixed header is provided click the radio button and then it will lead you to fixed header option.
After enabling fixed header separate logo can also be set as per need. Logo with can be adjust.
Note: Transparent Header (Header Layout Two) contains additional Fixed Header options.

To configure Responsive, please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize> Header>Responsive.
In Header Responsive, Top Header Bar name helps to change the text for Top header and Header Menu Text helps to change the text for menu.
Note: Options that are disabled for desktop will automatically disable the respective options in Mobile and Tablet devices.