Books History by Johannes Bernhardt
Mnemosyne Supplements / Brill, 2022
The study of Archaic Greece has undergone a fundamental transformation in recent decades. Whereas... more The study of Archaic Greece has undergone a fundamental transformation in recent decades. Whereas studies up to the 1980s had favoured narratives that converged on the more tangible reality of the Classical period and emphasized radical change, the increase in archaeological data and the cultural turn have led to an emphasis on long-term developments and continuities. After an introduction to the state of research, the volume offers a wide range of studies under the headings "Approaching Early Archaic Greece," "Citizens and Citizen-States," and "Leaders and Reformers" ranging from Homer to Solon and circling around the central problem of continuity and change in Archaic Greece.
Mittelmeerstudien / Ferdinand Schöningh, 2019
Rivers in the Mediterranean have always been hotspots of social formation. From antiquity to the ... more Rivers in the Mediterranean have always been hotspots of social formation. From antiquity to the present, rivers were important sources of fresh water, transport routes and energy suppliers as well as spaces of interaction between sea, coast and hinterland. This volume takes up recent debates on the spatial turn and global history, which have fundamentally changed notions of the Mediterranean as a natural given and of larger areas as well-defined entities. After an introduction to the relevant research contexts, it offers a collection of articles on the conceptualization of river histories, the Mediterranean and its rivers, and river studies from around the globe.
KLIO Beihefte. Neue Folge / De Gruyter , 2017
The Seleucid Antiochus IV profoundly intervened in the cult of Jerusalem in 168 BC. Under the lea... more The Seleucid Antiochus IV profoundly intervened in the cult of Jerusalem in 168 BC. Under the leadership of the Hasmoneans, an uprising developed against these interventions, which led to the restoration of the cult, the establishment of the Hasmoneans as high priests and the independence of Judea. Against the background of widely differing research positions, this study undertakes an integrative interpretation of the causes, development and consequences of the Hasmonaean uprising, interprets it as a historical process in the field of tension between religion and politics, and explores its significance for the discursive formation of Judaism.

Altertumswissenschaften / Franz Steiner Verlag, 2014
The Nike monument of Samothrace is one of the most important works of ancient sculpture. Since it... more The Nike monument of Samothrace is one of the most important works of ancient sculpture. Since its discovery in 1863 it has always had a special appeal for modern viewers, but a deeper understanding of its historical significance is still a problem: if consensus could be reached quickly on the fundamental classification of the Nike statue in the Hellenistic period, the proposals for a more precise dating of the monument fluctuated by centuries; even the idea widespread in the 20th century that the Nike monument had been erected by the Rhodians on the occasion of their sea victories in 190 BC has been repeatedly questioned in recent years. Therefore, this study undertakes a new attempt at historical contextualization by systematically working through the complicated research debate, reconnecting the viable evidence with the historical context, and incorporating the original setting in the sanctuary of the Great Gods on Samothrace. As a result, a new understanding of the Nikemonument as a work of the Diadoch period and as a beacon in a protracted struggle of images emerges.
Books Digitality by Johannes Bernhardt
Edition Medienwissenschaft / transcript, 2024
From A for algorithmic culture to Z for Zukunft/future: The essays by relevant academics explore ... more From A for algorithmic culture to Z for Zukunft/future: The essays by relevant academics explore the topic of digitalization from a theoretical perspective and, in addition to a compact introduction to the respective term and an overview of central debates and subject areas, also offer a selected bibliography for further reading. Thus, the compilation is not only suitable for an academic audience, but also provides a reliable compendium on the theory and history of digitalization for anyone interested in the topic.
Creative Heritage. New Perspectives from Media Arts and Artificial Intelligence. 10th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2021, Virtual Event, December 2-3, 2021, Proceedings, 2022
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conf... more This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation, ArtsIT 2021 which was held in December 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 31 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 57 submissions. The papers are thematically arranged in the following sections: Media Arts and Virtual Reality; Games; Fusions; Collaboration, Inclusion and Participation; Artificial Intelligence in Art and Culture; Approaches and Applications.
Books Museum by Johannes Bernhardt
Edition Museum / transcript, 2023
Artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important topic in the cultural sector. While... more Artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important topic in the cultural sector. While museums have long focused on building digital object databases, the existing data can now become a field of application for machine learning, deep learning and foundation model approaches. This goes hand in hand with new artistic practices, curation tools, visitor analytics, chatbots, automatic translations and tailor-made text generation. With a decidedly interdisciplinary approach, the volume brings together a wide range of critical reflections, practical perspectives and concrete applications of artificial intelligence in museums, as well as offering an overview of the current state of the debate.

Zeitenwende - Demokratie vs. Tyrannis, 2023
We are living in a turn of time - but which way is it turning? Undeniably, the succession of exis... more We are living in a turn of time - but which way is it turning? Undeniably, the succession of existen-tial crises is accelerating: the so-called refugee crisis, the Corona pandemic and climate change are just some of the keywords. The democracies of the Western type are under pressure, the present is marked by the advance of autocrats and tyrants. With Russia's invasion of Ukraine, this has led to the return of war, nuclear threats and a profound energy crisis. With the intervention "Turn of Times? Democracy vs. Tyrannis", the Baden State Museum directly addresses this situation and interrogates cultural-historical objects from the perspective of the present. The theme is overarch-ing, but ties three digital experiences together. Inside the museum, visitors can use the app Ping! to chat with objects from the antiquities collection in two tours on democracy and tyranny. Outside the museum, the augmented reality app Creative Exhibitions allows visitors to discover three prom-inent objects from antiquity and three objects from the present and create their own contributions. Finally, the app Creative Museum offers a digital space in which all interested can debate the pre-sent situation. In this way, users are offered several digital approaches to the topic, the goal always being the same: to open up perspectives, initiate debates, and help to shape the turn of times.

Creative Museum - Dokumentation und Manual, Karlsruhe, 2023
This booklet serves as documentation and manual for the app Creative Museum, the new participator... more This booklet serves as documentation and manual for the app Creative Museum, the new participatory platform of the Badisches Landesmuseum. The goal of the app is to create a digital space for debate. Museum employees, experts and citizens are invited to get into conversation with each other and share their contributions on equal terms. The topics are discussed in time-limited campaigns that start with a question and can be designed flexibly. Each campaign consists of an open feed, in which all interested parties can create their own posts or respond to existing ones. A thematic collection is then created from the posts over the course of the campaign, which is archived at the end and and will continue to be available. The Creative Museum can be used both mobile and stationary. In contrast to the analog museum, it is open everywhere and at all times. Users can access it at home, on the road, and at any location, and directly participate in discussions - the museum as an open network in which participation is not only possible, but the core of the experience.
Creative Collections - Digitale Wege ins Museum, 2022
This magazine is intended to provide a comprehensive insight into the Creative Collections projec... more This magazine is intended to provide a comprehensive insight into the Creative Collections project. The project was funded from February 2018 to December 2020 in two phases of the program "Digitale Wege ins Museum" of the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg. After delays due to the pandemic, the project came to a close at the end of June 2021 with the publication of Ping! The Museum App. Building on the new museum concept of the Badisches Landesmuseum, the project aimed to actively involve citizens in the digital reorientation of the museum. The aim of the magazine is to bring together the contexts, results and backgrounds of the projekt and to provide an insight into the resulting perspectives, projects and positions.

Transformation des Museumserlebnisses - Ein Toolkit, 2022
Digital transformation needs exchange. This applies to the discussion with museum visitors as wel... more Digital transformation needs exchange. This applies to the discussion with museum visitors as well as with colleagues from other museums. In an international perspective, the Smithsonian Institution and the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum undoubtedly hold a leading position in this respect. The Baden State Museum therefore established contact with the American colleagues some time ago and benefited greatly from the exchange in the further development of its own digital strategy. It therefore made sense also to translate the "Tools and Approaches for Transforming Museum Experience" developed by Carolyn Royston, Rachel Ginsberg and a collective of authors and to make it more accessible for the German debate. The toolkit contains thoughts and ideas on why transforming museum experiences is necessary; it raises questions to help leaders and practitioners design transformative museum experiences; and it offers insights into strategies for taking this work forward for audiences and different communities, including useful tools and approaches for practical work.

Künstliche Intelligenz und Museen – Ein Toolkit, 2022
What potential applications and benefits do artificial intelligence methods offer museums? The fi... more What potential applications and benefits do artificial intelligence methods offer museums? The field has recently gained momentum in the German-speaking world, with pilot projects underway at many cultural institutions and universities, the topic being discussed in exhibitions, and festivals and hackathons dedicated to experiments in the artistic field. In the English-speaking world, Oonagh Murphy (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Elena Villaespesa (School of Information, Pratt Institute) founded "The Museums + AI Network" in 2019 and developed a toolkit in workshops to make the topic more accessible. With the founding of the German-speaking network "KI & Museen", it made sense to undertake a translation of the toolkit and to expand it with ongoing projects from the German context. It offers insights into the use of artificial intelligence in museums, supports the conception of own projects with several worksheets and explains central terms of the debate. English and Spanish versions:
Papers History by Johannes Bernhardt
in: From Homer to Solon. Continuity and Change in Archaic Greece, Leiden, 2022
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to ... more Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
in: From Homer to Solon. Continuity and Change in Archaic Greece, Leiden, 2022
in: J. C. Bernhardt / A. Lichtenberger / M. Koller (Hg.), Mediterranean Rivers in Global Perspective, Paderborn, 2019
in: Astrid Möller (Hg.), Historiographie und Vergangenheitsvorstellungen in der Antike, Stuttgart, 2019
in: Friedrich Avemarie / Predrag Bukovec / Stefan Krauter / Michael Tilly (Hg.), Die Makkabäer, Tübingen, 2017
in: Christophe Feyel / Laetitia Graslin-Thomé (Hg.), Le projet politique d'Antiochos IV. (journées d'études franco-allemandes, Nancy 17 - 19 juin 2013), Paris, 2014
in: Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 2012
Judas was the third son of Mattathias and a member of the priestly family of the HASMO-NEANS. His... more Judas was the third son of Mattathias and a member of the priestly family of the HASMO-NEANS. His byname Maccabaeus probably derives from Hebrew or Aramaic mqby and means "the hammer." The byname is often used to designate Judas, his father, and his four brothers as the Maccabees and their rise against the SELEUCIDS as the Maccabean Revolt. The main sources for his life are the first two books of the Maccabees and Flavius Josephus, which are strongly biased and give a portrait of Judas as a biblical hero (see MACCABEES, BOOKS OF; JOSEPHUS).
Books History by Johannes Bernhardt
Books Digitality by Johannes Bernhardt
Books Museum by Johannes Bernhardt
Papers History by Johannes Bernhardt
There is a broad consensus that Homer played a fundamental role in Greek literature, visual images, and history and was a central focal point of Greek identity. However, the question raised is still highly controversial, while the methodological frameworks in all classical studies are currently changing: On the one hand, the image of the archaic and classical periods has undergone a fundamental transformation in recent decades, and on the other, impulses from the cultural turns have led to a boom in textual, visual, and historical reception research. The conference's approach of not simply presupposing Homer's significance for the Greeks, but systematically asking about its historical development, fits in with these new orientations and is highly relevant for all participating disciplines. Therefore, the concept of reception is not only understood as an aesthetic, but also as a historical category to determine Homer's significance in different genres and historical contexts.
The conference pursues three interrelated objectives: Firstly, the contributions are intended to cover the literary, visual, and historical receptions of Homer in archaic times as well as the reflections during the classical period, thus making diachronic and synchronic patterns of reception visible. Secondly, the contributions are intended to contribute to a better understanding of the early Homeric tradition by tracing the causes and circumstances of the genesis of the Iliad and the Odyssey as well as their geographic dissemination. On this basis, the contributions will finally enable an assessment of the respective relevance and significance of the Homeric tradition in the complex developments of the archaic and classical periods.