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Too bad, I can't really play it on a German QWERTZ Layout

(3 edits)

wenn du dir in windows das english local experience pack installierst, kommt das neben den eng tts sprachdateien und den wortkorrekturen auch mit der (für deutsche gamer) recht nützlichen funktion dass du ganz simpel mit win + space zwischen einem qwertz und dem qwerty mapping hin und her schalten kannst. zu erkennen an dem “ENG” bzw “DEU” neben der uhr in der taskleiste. :) die ganze sache ist aber leider etwas win-typisch verschachtelt versteckt. habe mal eine verständlich gescshriebene anleitung dafür rausgesucht. Lenovo support manual


Please make it clearer that this is not an actual retro Game Boy game, but rather a modern game using a "retro" aesthetic. Also consider changing the tags.  Someone shouldn't get a computer game if they click on a "Game Boy" tag.


how whiny are you? who the hell even gets game boy games on itch?

the tag is for game boy style games because no one wants to make a damn game boy game in 2024


Perfect, need vershion to phone.




Great game. Lots of fun.




This is tagged as Game Boy but it doesn't feature a ".gb" or ".gba" or ".gbc" file. Where can those be found?


Gameboy color pallet dumbass


That's a slightly harsh reply.


No need to be rude. But yeah I guess the gameboy tag it's because the GB pallet used.


EXCELLENT Key Art and Page visuals


In LOVE with the visual theme and sounds, everything's super compatible and pretty intuitive! Would love to see this on mobile :D

I dont know how to do this on a chromebook can any chromebookuser help me with this

I am using on Chromebook... just running it in the browser like normal, but I did have to make sure I clicked on the game, especially when switching to full screen, make sure the game is active and not some other part of the browser.


Pretty damn fun!


Such a nice game! I beat it twice, because I wanted to see all of the weapons can do and also it's so satisfying to kill enemies (I feel it's partly cuz they leave skeletons)


I like the concept for this game! fun game. How do I know what power up is what? It would nice if there was a UI description of each power up. It has a good rogue-like feel


Perfect, need vershion to phone.

(2 edits) (+4)

What a fun game!  Art style is perfect, upgrade system is fun, controls are intuitive! (Sorry, I don't know if the sound/music was good.  I had it muted, but I'm sure it was great too!)

You mention sending it into space on a dusty cartridge... *could* this be released as a .gb, .gbc, or .gba file so that it can be played on a dusty cartridge?

This looks and feels so Gameboy-y, but I'm guessing it's more than a Gameboy could actually handle.  But... had to ask.  


Thank you!!

It's made on Godot and the executable is probably too big for a cartridge...

Sorry, it was supposed to be a joke, didn't want to mislead anyone.


Oh no,  not misled at all!  It was a good joke, it just got me wondering.  

Btw, this game is so addicting.  Thanks for making it!

Also went through and replayed with the music so I could confirm that it too was a great aspect of this super fun little game!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you!


Such a fun and addictive game!

I lost on level 7 but will try again later. Is there a difference between exit doors?

Hey, thank you!

No, all the doors are the same.


I really like this 'lii game, I find it far more approachable than even the main game itself! One small problem though, I seem to have bugged it out. After selecting all the upgrades and unlocking all the weapons, I swapped out a couple of weapons and quickly selected play - and now I'm frozen. I can turn to move, but can't actually move at all, and the screen seems stuck in the top left of the play window. The electricity isn't even animated, so something is definitely off. 

Hi, thanks for reporting, we are aware of this issue. Your data is saved, so you can refresh the page without worries.


Cool game, great art style. Cannot confirm nor deny the presence of vampires though, cos boss got me.

Thanks! :D

(1 edit) (+2)

Good job! Amazing art, catchy music and cute slime. Really fun. I like it.

Thank you! :)


Love it! The art is amazing and love the music :)


Hvala puno! :D




Love it! Didn't think that I will have so much fun!
And I like this green color style 

Thank you so much! :)





