Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh financial distress dan corporate governance terha... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh financial distress dan corporate governance terhadap tax avoidance. Tax avoidance diukur dengan cash effective tax rate, sedangkan financial distress diukur dengan Altman Z-Score, dan corporate governance diproksikan dengan kepemilikan institusional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif statistik. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling yang terdiri dari 40 perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2018-2019. Hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa financial distress berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tax avoidance; corporate governance berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tax avoidance; serta financial distress dan corporate governance berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap tax avoidance.
The problem is still found disparity in the results of research on capital adequacy in convention... more The problem is still found disparity in the results of research on capital adequacy in conventional banks in Indonesia, therefore conducted testing the influence of rentability, liquidity, and business efficiency on capital adequacy in conventional banks in Indonesia. The research using quantitative methods on 87 Conventional Banks with purposive sampling techniques 4 criteria, so that obtained 71 samples of conventional banks. The data in this research is secondary data from the annual reports of conventional banks in the 2019 period. The research method used is multiple linear regression analysis. This research concluded that rentability, liquidity, and business efficiency are considered to be the dominant and significant factors influencing and improving capital adequacy in Conventional Banks. Therefore, this research focuses any factors to know influence on capital adequacy. This is because capital adequacy has a very important function in carrying out operational activities Key...
This study objective is to determine whether and how exposure to financial stress and leverage ca... more This study objective is to determine whether and how exposure to financial stress and leverage can prompt accountants to exercise greater caution when working with numerical data. The investigation covered 165 manufacturing companies that were scheduled to be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020. For the purpose of this study, a purposive sampling technique was utilized to select a total of 52 different companies at random. The records of the company's finances that have been audited are the source of the secondary data. The approach taken in this study is primarily based on the use of quantitative methods. SPSS version 26's descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, analysis requirements, classical assumption, and hypothesis testing features were utilized in order to conduct the analysis on the collected data. According to the findings of the study, there is no statistically significant connection between financial hardship and conservative accounting pra...
JURNAL SYNTAX IMPERATIF : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between Entrepreneurial Attitudes, Sel... more This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between Entrepreneurial Attitudes, Self Efficacy, and Subjective Norms on Entrepreneurial Intentions in class XII students of SMKN 16 Central Jakarta. The population in this study were 210 class XII students of SMKN 16 Jakarta. The sampling technique used proportional stratified random sampling so that the sample obtained was 138 students. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the study that partially showed that there was a positive and significant influence between entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial intentions, then self-efficacy had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions and the subjective norm variable had a significant positive effect on the entrepreneurial intention variable. Simultaneously shows that entrepreneurial attitudes, self-efficacy, and subjective norms affect entrepreneurial intentions. The results of this study indicate ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of profitability, debt policy, and dividend po... more The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of profitability, debt policy, and dividend policy on firm valueThe sampling method used was purposive sampling with the number of samples obtained was 14 companies. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that profitability had a positive effect on firm value. This shows that the higher the profitability, the higher the value of the company. Debt policy does not affect the value of the company. This shows that the high level of debt to equity ratio does not have implications for the high and low value of the company. Dividend policy has a positive effect on company value. This shows that increasing dividend payments will increase the value of the company. Keywords :Â Profitability, debt policy, dividend policy, company value.
This research seeks to help the business continuity of the school cooperative, to solve the probl... more This research seeks to help the business continuity of the school cooperative, to solve the problem of cooperative sustainability as a learning center for students to improve the quality of education and relevance to the business world, access, efficiency and relevance of education to make higher competence of students in the senior high school level. Researchers see that school cooperatives have not been well managed because management resources do not maximize their potential, and the sustainability and development of school cooperatives tend to be stagnant, whereas the opportunity in order to maximize the cooperative's economic potential to improve the welfare of students is very wide open. School cooperatives also serve as laboratories for students to implement a dual system education is not optimal in its implementation, the involvement of students only to maintain the store, not to the stage of implementation of good management. This paper will explain how school cooperati...
The purpose of this research is to test the effect of intellectual capital and good corporate gov... more The purpose of this research is to test the effect of intellectual capital and good corporate governance (GCG) on financial performance in the banking sector. The sampling technique in this research is random sampling of as many as 36 banks. This research uses Pulic’s model to measure the components of intellectual capital. Self-assessment is used to measure GCG, as established by the Bank of Indonesia, and Financial Performance is measured using the ratio Operating Expenses to Operating Income (BOPO). Based on the results, the variables Intellectual Capital and Good Corporate Governance indicate that GCG has a positive and significant effect on financial performance. Intellectual capital and GCG explain 49.9% of financial performance.Keywords: Financial Performance, Good Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh e-billing, kesadaran wajib pajak, pemahaman ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh e-billing, kesadaran wajib pajak, pemahaman perpajakan dan pelayanan fiskus terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system WPOP Jakarta pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh wajib pajak orang pribadi yang berdomisili di DKI Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah nonprobabilty sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 80 responden. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni regresi linear berganda dan program SPSS 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-billing tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system. Kesadaran wajib pajak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system. Pemahaman perpajakan tidak berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system. Pelayanan fiskus tidak berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap pela...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Likuiditas (Acid Test Ratio dan Cash Ratio), (2) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Solvabilitas (Times Interest Earned), (3) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Aktivitas (Days of Inventory dan Days of Receivable). Subyek penelitian ini adalah PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk sedangkan objek penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk tahun 2011-2013 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik. Data ini diperoleh melalui dokumentasi.Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Kinerja Keuangan PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Likuiditas pada Acid Test Ratio pada tahun 2011-2013 yaitu sebesar 70,95%, 45,87%, 32,29% dengan rata-rata selama tiga tahun sebesar 49,70% dinilai baik karena berada diatas rata-rata industri s...
Tax Avoidance is an act to avoid taxes by companies that can reduce tax revenue for the state. Th... more Tax Avoidance is an act to avoid taxes by companies that can reduce tax revenue for the state. This study aims to examine the effect of Leverage, Sales Growth, and Company Size on Tax Avoidance. Population in this study were all companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2018 – 2019 period. Purposive sampling used as sampling technique and obtained 219 companies as samples. This study used quantitative method and the analysis was multiple linear regression analysis. Tax Avoidance proxied by Effective Tax Rate which have a negative interpretation of Tax Avoidance. The result of t test shows that Leverage has a significant effect on Tax Avoidance, positive relationship between Debt to Equity Ratio as proxy for Leverage and Effective Tax Rateas proxy for Tax Avoidance explains that the higher the Leverage, the lower the Tax Avoidance. Sales Growth has a significant effect on Tax Avoidance, negative relationship between sales growth and Effective Tax Rate explains that the higher ...
This research aims to determine the effect of learning discipline and peer environment on learnin... more This research aims to determine the effect of learning discipline and peer environment on learning outcomes of business economics subjects in class X SMK Negeri 13 Jakarta. The population of this research was 252 students. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling to obtain a sample of 147 students. The results of this research are: (1) There is a positive and significant influence between learning disciplines on learning outcomes as indicated by tcount> ttable which is 5.097> 1.97658. (2) There is a positive and significant influence between the peer environment on learning outcomes as indicated by tcount> ttable which is 3.232> 1.97658. (3) There is a positive and significant influence between learning discipline and peer environment on learning outcomes as indicated by the value of Fcount> Ftable which is 33.833> 3.06.
Jubaedah : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Indonesian Journal of Community Services and School Education)
The training is part of the community service activities of the lecturers of the Faculty of Econo... more The training is part of the community service activities of the lecturers of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This Workshop is to educate and train teachers or prospective teachers to make teaching materials that are certainly interesting for students. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, where everyone is encouraged to work or distance learning, all teachers must also teach students remotely. In addition, this training is also to prepare teachers to continue to adapt to the times because it is possible that learning and teaching activities will be carried out online and offline in the future.
Purpose: This study aims to identify whether there is an effect between premiums, investment retu... more Purpose: This study aims to identify whether there is an effect between premiums, investment returns, and risk-based capital on profits in sharia insurance entities in Indonesia in 2019. Research Methodology: The research method applied was quantitative. The affordable population in this study was 45 sharia insurance entities registered with OJK 2019. The sample used was 40 entities by applying the simple random sampling technique. The data analysis technique applied is a multiple linear regression test assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Results: By using the multiple linear regression analysis methods, the results of this study are that the premium has a positive and significant effect on profits, while investment returns and risk-based capital have Indonesia significant effect on profits. These results can contribute to sharia insurance companies developing the company’s premiums in increasing their profits. Limitations: The research objects used the 2019 period only. Therefore, ...
Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature
This study discusses the differences in self-efficacy of class X students at SMK N 17 Jakarta fro... more This study discusses the differences in self-efficacy of class X students at SMK N 17 Jakarta from the application of the PBI learning model with the help of two different learning media. The media used in this research are learning videos which applied to the experimental class and educational games (quizizz) in the control class. The limitations of the problem in this study include, the broad scope only includes information obtained from the results of the application of the PBI learning model with two different media on student self-efficacy, the information presented, includes : application of the PBI learning model with learning video media and educational games, differences in student self-efficacy. The purpose of the study was to find evidence of whether there was a difference in student self-efficacy after the implementation of the PBI learning model with the help of two different media. Based on the data hypothesis test conducted by comparing the scores of the self-efficacy...
Purpose: This study examined the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and income on in... more Purpose: This study examined the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and income on interest in using paylater services. Research Methodology: The population in this study was the people of DKI Jakarta who know the Shopee Paylater service. The research sample was obtained using a purposive sampling method, with an affordable population calculation obtained 400 samples. The research method used was a quantitative method with multiple regression models. Data were primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. Results: The results of the study partially show that perceived usefulness has a positive and significant influence on the interest of using paylater services; perceived ease of use has no positive and significant influence on interest of using paylater services; and income has a positive and significant influence on interest of using paylater services. Limitations: It is necessary to investigate other variables that can affect interest in using paylater servi...
This paper is an informative approach to critically inspect the influence of financial sector dev... more This paper is an informative approach to critically inspect the influence of financial sector development's dimensions on the CO2 emission within the developing ASEAN states i.e. Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand over the period of 1990-2016. The major tested variables of this paper are the number of bank deposits, number of bank branches and ATMs who act as independent variables; CO2 emission act as a dependent variable, while population and gross capital formation act as controlling variables within this research. To justify the hypothesis, the Panel Unit Root Test, Pedroni's Cointegration Test, FMOLS Estimation, and Multicollinearity Test based statistical evaluation performed within this paper. According to the outcomes, it becomes concluded that there is no existence of any null hypothesis and cointegration among the tested variables. In addition, the significant coefficient values of the number of bank branches, number of bank deposits, population, and gross capital formation depicts that these factors directly enhanced the CO2 gas emission based situation within the selected states within the 1990-2016 era. This paper is an informative approach in front of the state's government, policymakers, business community and other related financial institutions to overcome their negative environmental influence by enhancing their work on the green marketing approach. In addition, there is a need to implement the coordination among stakeholders; capacity building and market share based effective controlling variables to enhance its authenticity.
The purpose of this study was to produce a model for improving lecturer performance by revitalizi... more The purpose of this study was to produce a model for improving lecturer performance by revitalizing the components of competence, motivation, and information technology literacy. The object of this study took a sample of 160 lecturers from various private universities in the city of Makassar whose scientific fields concentrated on informatics and computer management. The use of mediation models is done using AMOS. Results of this study also state that the high competence of lecturers has not been able to contribute significantly to the improvement of information technology literacy. Low motivation does not contribute to improving information technology literacy. Competence and motivation, as well as information technology literacy, proved to be able to help significantly in improving the performance of lecturers. Besides that, information technology literacy is not able to show its role in explaining the influence of competence and motivation on the performance of lecturers. The novelty of this research is the addition of information technology literacy components as a model to improve lecturers' performance in Higher Education.
This study aims to determine the influence of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization on acade... more This study aims to determine the influence of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization on academic fraud for accounting vocational high school student. The methodology of this study is survey research applying the Triangle Fraud for academic fraud with a sample of 130 high school vocational students to understand better the reasons for their academic fraud using regression statistical analysis. The method that used in this research is a survey method with a correlation approach. This method was chosen according to the purpose of the study, namely knowing whether or not there is an influence of pressure, opportunity and rationalization on academic fraud. The result of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between pressure, opportunity, and rationalization with academic fraud and that there is a partial influence of pressure on academic fraud.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh financial distress dan corporate governance terha... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh financial distress dan corporate governance terhadap tax avoidance. Tax avoidance diukur dengan cash effective tax rate, sedangkan financial distress diukur dengan Altman Z-Score, dan corporate governance diproksikan dengan kepemilikan institusional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif statistik. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling yang terdiri dari 40 perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2018-2019. Hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa financial distress berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tax avoidance; corporate governance berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tax avoidance; serta financial distress dan corporate governance berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap tax avoidance.
The problem is still found disparity in the results of research on capital adequacy in convention... more The problem is still found disparity in the results of research on capital adequacy in conventional banks in Indonesia, therefore conducted testing the influence of rentability, liquidity, and business efficiency on capital adequacy in conventional banks in Indonesia. The research using quantitative methods on 87 Conventional Banks with purposive sampling techniques 4 criteria, so that obtained 71 samples of conventional banks. The data in this research is secondary data from the annual reports of conventional banks in the 2019 period. The research method used is multiple linear regression analysis. This research concluded that rentability, liquidity, and business efficiency are considered to be the dominant and significant factors influencing and improving capital adequacy in Conventional Banks. Therefore, this research focuses any factors to know influence on capital adequacy. This is because capital adequacy has a very important function in carrying out operational activities Key...
This study objective is to determine whether and how exposure to financial stress and leverage ca... more This study objective is to determine whether and how exposure to financial stress and leverage can prompt accountants to exercise greater caution when working with numerical data. The investigation covered 165 manufacturing companies that were scheduled to be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020. For the purpose of this study, a purposive sampling technique was utilized to select a total of 52 different companies at random. The records of the company's finances that have been audited are the source of the secondary data. The approach taken in this study is primarily based on the use of quantitative methods. SPSS version 26's descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, analysis requirements, classical assumption, and hypothesis testing features were utilized in order to conduct the analysis on the collected data. According to the findings of the study, there is no statistically significant connection between financial hardship and conservative accounting pra...
JURNAL SYNTAX IMPERATIF : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between Entrepreneurial Attitudes, Sel... more This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between Entrepreneurial Attitudes, Self Efficacy, and Subjective Norms on Entrepreneurial Intentions in class XII students of SMKN 16 Central Jakarta. The population in this study were 210 class XII students of SMKN 16 Jakarta. The sampling technique used proportional stratified random sampling so that the sample obtained was 138 students. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the study that partially showed that there was a positive and significant influence between entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial intentions, then self-efficacy had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions and the subjective norm variable had a significant positive effect on the entrepreneurial intention variable. Simultaneously shows that entrepreneurial attitudes, self-efficacy, and subjective norms affect entrepreneurial intentions. The results of this study indicate ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of profitability, debt policy, and dividend po... more The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of profitability, debt policy, and dividend policy on firm valueThe sampling method used was purposive sampling with the number of samples obtained was 14 companies. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that profitability had a positive effect on firm value. This shows that the higher the profitability, the higher the value of the company. Debt policy does not affect the value of the company. This shows that the high level of debt to equity ratio does not have implications for the high and low value of the company. Dividend policy has a positive effect on company value. This shows that increasing dividend payments will increase the value of the company. Keywords :Â Profitability, debt policy, dividend policy, company value.
This research seeks to help the business continuity of the school cooperative, to solve the probl... more This research seeks to help the business continuity of the school cooperative, to solve the problem of cooperative sustainability as a learning center for students to improve the quality of education and relevance to the business world, access, efficiency and relevance of education to make higher competence of students in the senior high school level. Researchers see that school cooperatives have not been well managed because management resources do not maximize their potential, and the sustainability and development of school cooperatives tend to be stagnant, whereas the opportunity in order to maximize the cooperative's economic potential to improve the welfare of students is very wide open. School cooperatives also serve as laboratories for students to implement a dual system education is not optimal in its implementation, the involvement of students only to maintain the store, not to the stage of implementation of good management. This paper will explain how school cooperati...
The purpose of this research is to test the effect of intellectual capital and good corporate gov... more The purpose of this research is to test the effect of intellectual capital and good corporate governance (GCG) on financial performance in the banking sector. The sampling technique in this research is random sampling of as many as 36 banks. This research uses Pulic’s model to measure the components of intellectual capital. Self-assessment is used to measure GCG, as established by the Bank of Indonesia, and Financial Performance is measured using the ratio Operating Expenses to Operating Income (BOPO). Based on the results, the variables Intellectual Capital and Good Corporate Governance indicate that GCG has a positive and significant effect on financial performance. Intellectual capital and GCG explain 49.9% of financial performance.Keywords: Financial Performance, Good Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh e-billing, kesadaran wajib pajak, pemahaman ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh e-billing, kesadaran wajib pajak, pemahaman perpajakan dan pelayanan fiskus terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system WPOP Jakarta pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh wajib pajak orang pribadi yang berdomisili di DKI Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah nonprobabilty sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 80 responden. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni regresi linear berganda dan program SPSS 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-billing tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system. Kesadaran wajib pajak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system. Pemahaman perpajakan tidak berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap pelaksanaan self assessment system. Pelayanan fiskus tidak berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap pela...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Likuiditas (Acid Test Ratio dan Cash Ratio), (2) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Solvabilitas (Times Interest Earned), (3) Kinerja Keuangan PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Aktivitas (Days of Inventory dan Days of Receivable). Subyek penelitian ini adalah PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk sedangkan objek penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk tahun 2011-2013 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik. Data ini diperoleh melalui dokumentasi.Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Kinerja Keuangan PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk dinilai dari Likuiditas pada Acid Test Ratio pada tahun 2011-2013 yaitu sebesar 70,95%, 45,87%, 32,29% dengan rata-rata selama tiga tahun sebesar 49,70% dinilai baik karena berada diatas rata-rata industri s...
Tax Avoidance is an act to avoid taxes by companies that can reduce tax revenue for the state. Th... more Tax Avoidance is an act to avoid taxes by companies that can reduce tax revenue for the state. This study aims to examine the effect of Leverage, Sales Growth, and Company Size on Tax Avoidance. Population in this study were all companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2018 – 2019 period. Purposive sampling used as sampling technique and obtained 219 companies as samples. This study used quantitative method and the analysis was multiple linear regression analysis. Tax Avoidance proxied by Effective Tax Rate which have a negative interpretation of Tax Avoidance. The result of t test shows that Leverage has a significant effect on Tax Avoidance, positive relationship between Debt to Equity Ratio as proxy for Leverage and Effective Tax Rateas proxy for Tax Avoidance explains that the higher the Leverage, the lower the Tax Avoidance. Sales Growth has a significant effect on Tax Avoidance, negative relationship between sales growth and Effective Tax Rate explains that the higher ...
This research aims to determine the effect of learning discipline and peer environment on learnin... more This research aims to determine the effect of learning discipline and peer environment on learning outcomes of business economics subjects in class X SMK Negeri 13 Jakarta. The population of this research was 252 students. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling to obtain a sample of 147 students. The results of this research are: (1) There is a positive and significant influence between learning disciplines on learning outcomes as indicated by tcount> ttable which is 5.097> 1.97658. (2) There is a positive and significant influence between the peer environment on learning outcomes as indicated by tcount> ttable which is 3.232> 1.97658. (3) There is a positive and significant influence between learning discipline and peer environment on learning outcomes as indicated by the value of Fcount> Ftable which is 33.833> 3.06.
Jubaedah : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Indonesian Journal of Community Services and School Education)
The training is part of the community service activities of the lecturers of the Faculty of Econo... more The training is part of the community service activities of the lecturers of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This Workshop is to educate and train teachers or prospective teachers to make teaching materials that are certainly interesting for students. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, where everyone is encouraged to work or distance learning, all teachers must also teach students remotely. In addition, this training is also to prepare teachers to continue to adapt to the times because it is possible that learning and teaching activities will be carried out online and offline in the future.
Purpose: This study aims to identify whether there is an effect between premiums, investment retu... more Purpose: This study aims to identify whether there is an effect between premiums, investment returns, and risk-based capital on profits in sharia insurance entities in Indonesia in 2019. Research Methodology: The research method applied was quantitative. The affordable population in this study was 45 sharia insurance entities registered with OJK 2019. The sample used was 40 entities by applying the simple random sampling technique. The data analysis technique applied is a multiple linear regression test assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Results: By using the multiple linear regression analysis methods, the results of this study are that the premium has a positive and significant effect on profits, while investment returns and risk-based capital have Indonesia significant effect on profits. These results can contribute to sharia insurance companies developing the company’s premiums in increasing their profits. Limitations: The research objects used the 2019 period only. Therefore, ...
Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature
This study discusses the differences in self-efficacy of class X students at SMK N 17 Jakarta fro... more This study discusses the differences in self-efficacy of class X students at SMK N 17 Jakarta from the application of the PBI learning model with the help of two different learning media. The media used in this research are learning videos which applied to the experimental class and educational games (quizizz) in the control class. The limitations of the problem in this study include, the broad scope only includes information obtained from the results of the application of the PBI learning model with two different media on student self-efficacy, the information presented, includes : application of the PBI learning model with learning video media and educational games, differences in student self-efficacy. The purpose of the study was to find evidence of whether there was a difference in student self-efficacy after the implementation of the PBI learning model with the help of two different media. Based on the data hypothesis test conducted by comparing the scores of the self-efficacy...
Purpose: This study examined the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and income on in... more Purpose: This study examined the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and income on interest in using paylater services. Research Methodology: The population in this study was the people of DKI Jakarta who know the Shopee Paylater service. The research sample was obtained using a purposive sampling method, with an affordable population calculation obtained 400 samples. The research method used was a quantitative method with multiple regression models. Data were primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. Results: The results of the study partially show that perceived usefulness has a positive and significant influence on the interest of using paylater services; perceived ease of use has no positive and significant influence on interest of using paylater services; and income has a positive and significant influence on interest of using paylater services. Limitations: It is necessary to investigate other variables that can affect interest in using paylater servi...
This paper is an informative approach to critically inspect the influence of financial sector dev... more This paper is an informative approach to critically inspect the influence of financial sector development's dimensions on the CO2 emission within the developing ASEAN states i.e. Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand over the period of 1990-2016. The major tested variables of this paper are the number of bank deposits, number of bank branches and ATMs who act as independent variables; CO2 emission act as a dependent variable, while population and gross capital formation act as controlling variables within this research. To justify the hypothesis, the Panel Unit Root Test, Pedroni's Cointegration Test, FMOLS Estimation, and Multicollinearity Test based statistical evaluation performed within this paper. According to the outcomes, it becomes concluded that there is no existence of any null hypothesis and cointegration among the tested variables. In addition, the significant coefficient values of the number of bank branches, number of bank deposits, population, and gross capital formation depicts that these factors directly enhanced the CO2 gas emission based situation within the selected states within the 1990-2016 era. This paper is an informative approach in front of the state's government, policymakers, business community and other related financial institutions to overcome their negative environmental influence by enhancing their work on the green marketing approach. In addition, there is a need to implement the coordination among stakeholders; capacity building and market share based effective controlling variables to enhance its authenticity.
The purpose of this study was to produce a model for improving lecturer performance by revitalizi... more The purpose of this study was to produce a model for improving lecturer performance by revitalizing the components of competence, motivation, and information technology literacy. The object of this study took a sample of 160 lecturers from various private universities in the city of Makassar whose scientific fields concentrated on informatics and computer management. The use of mediation models is done using AMOS. Results of this study also state that the high competence of lecturers has not been able to contribute significantly to the improvement of information technology literacy. Low motivation does not contribute to improving information technology literacy. Competence and motivation, as well as information technology literacy, proved to be able to help significantly in improving the performance of lecturers. Besides that, information technology literacy is not able to show its role in explaining the influence of competence and motivation on the performance of lecturers. The novelty of this research is the addition of information technology literacy components as a model to improve lecturers' performance in Higher Education.
This study aims to determine the influence of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization on acade... more This study aims to determine the influence of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization on academic fraud for accounting vocational high school student. The methodology of this study is survey research applying the Triangle Fraud for academic fraud with a sample of 130 high school vocational students to understand better the reasons for their academic fraud using regression statistical analysis. The method that used in this research is a survey method with a correlation approach. This method was chosen according to the purpose of the study, namely knowing whether or not there is an influence of pressure, opportunity and rationalization on academic fraud. The result of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between pressure, opportunity, and rationalization with academic fraud and that there is a partial influence of pressure on academic fraud.
Papers by santi susanti