Papers by Maiyani Lestari
paper case report about gingival enlargment with case presentation a 18-years old women in RSGM B... more paper case report about gingival enlargment with case presentation a 18-years old women in RSGM Baiturrahmah Padang in West Sumatra
power point about periodontitis and burns
paper about periodontitis and burns

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) commonly known among Indonesia people as “sariawan” is an ora... more Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) commonly known among Indonesia people as “sariawan” is an oral mucosal disease which most often affects people. RAS is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth that is characterized by recurrent ulcers. SAR clinically is divided into three types, ie recurrent aphthous stomatitis minor, major and herpetiform. Clinical features of minor types usually with a diameter of about 2-4 mm with yellow-gray base and surrounded by an erythematous halo, affects mainly the non-keratinized mobile mucosae such as lips and tongue, a few ulcers (1-5) or multiple at a time, minor ulcers usually heal within 10-14 days without scarring. Early lesions on the SAR is usually felt by people as burning, followed by extremely pain. The aetiology of RAS is unknown, but associated with a variety of predisposing such as menstrual cycle and trauma and sistemic deases. In this case report a patient suffering from hypertension and hypertension drugs already one year. Hypertension drugs classes most commonly used is Calsium Channel Blocker (CCB). Part of Calcium Channel Blocker is : 1) dyhydropyridine calcium channel blocker as amlodipine, felodipine, nifedipine, and nicardipine; 2) nondihydropyridine calscium channel blocker as diltiazem and verapamil. Treatment of hipertension is proved a condition with an increased blood pressure above normal. The oral complaints were as follows SAR. Case management is topical steroids, topical antiseptic and vitamins C to relieve the symptoms and hasten healing.
Conference Presentations by Maiyani Lestari
power point about gingival enlargment with case presentation a 18-years old women in RSGM Baiturr... more power point about gingival enlargment with case presentation a 18-years old women in RSGM Baiturrahmah Padang in West Sumatra
Papers by Maiyani Lestari
Conference Presentations by Maiyani Lestari