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This paper shows that the security of blind signatures is, as defined by Juels, Luby and Ostrovsky, truly weaker than the security in the universal composability (UC) framework (i.e., define the ideal functionality of blind signatures),... more
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We present a short group signature scheme with an efficient (concurrent) join protocol. Signatures in our scheme are almost as short as Boneh, Boyen and Shacham's Short Group Signatures (BBS04) that has no join protocol, and the... more
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      Provable SecurityGroup Signature
For ISO standards on public-key encryption, Shoup introduced the framework of KEM (Key Encapsulation Mechanism), and DEM (Data Encapsulation Mechanism), for formalizing and realizing one-directional hybrid encryption; KEM is a... more
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      EngineeringPublic Key EncryptionSEMANTIC SECURITYCertificate Authority
For e-commerce payments, fair exchange is one of the essential problems. The optimistic fair exchange protocol allows two parties to efficiently exchange items so that either each party gets the other's item or neither does. We propose a... more
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The identity-based encryption (IBE) is one of the most important primitives in cryptography, and various security notions of IBE (e.g., IND-ID-CCA2, NM-ID-CCA2, IND-sID-CPA etc.) have been introduced and the relations among them have been... more
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    • Engineering
The identity-based encryption (IBE) is one of the most important primitives in cryptography, and various security notions of IBE (e.g., IND-ID-CCA2, NM-ID-CCA2, IND-sID-CPA etc.) have been introduced and the relations among them have been... more
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    • Engineering
For ISO standards on public-key encryption, Shoup introduced the framework of KEM (Key Encapsulation Mechanism), and DEM (Data Encapsulation Mechanism), for formalizing and realizing one-directional hybrid encryption; KEM is a... more
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      EngineeringPublic Key EncryptionSEMANTIC SECURITYCertificate Authority
The rate monotonic scheduling algorithm is a commonly used task scheduling algorithm f o r periodic realtime task systems. This paper discusses feasibility decision f o r a given real-time task system by the rate monotonic scheduling... more
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      Distributed ComputingReal Time SystemsTask SchedulingScheduling Algorithm
Programme 1 | Architectures parall eles, bases de donn ees, r eseaux et syst emes distribu es Projets Adp Rapport de recherche n 2523 | April 1995 | 18 pages Abstract: Mutual exclusion is a well-known problem that arise when multiple... more
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      Mutual ExclusionVideo Communication
The rate monotonic scheduling algorithm is a commonly used task scheduling algorithm f o r periodic realtime task systems. This paper discusses feasibility decision f o r a given real-time task system by the rate monotonic scheduling... more
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      Distributed ComputingReal Time SystemsTask SchedulingScheduling Algorithm
Rate monotonic and deadline monotonic scheduling are commonly used for periodic real-time task systems. This paper discusses a feasibility decision for a given real-time task system when the system is scheduled by rate monotonic and... more
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      Distributed ComputingReal Time SystemsTask SchedulingScheduling Algorithm
h-out of-k mutual exclusion is a generalization of 1mutual exclusion problem, where there are k units of shared resources and each process requests h(1 h k) units at the same time. Though k-arbiter has been shown to be a quorum-based... more
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    • Mutual Exclusion
h-Out-of-k mutual exclusion is a generalization of the 1-mutual exclusion problem, where there are k units of shared resources and each process requests h (16 h6 k) units at the same time. Though k-arbiter has been shown to be a... more
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      Distributed AlgorithmsMutual ExclusionDistributed Algorithm
h-out of-k mutual exclusion is a generalization of 1-mutual exclusion problem, where there are k limits of shared resources and each process requests h(1⩽h⩽k) units at the same time. Though the k-arbiter has been shown to be a... more
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      Distributed AlgorithmsMutual ExclusionDistributed Algorithm
This paper describes algorithms for a distributed program debugger based on a replay technique. Halting at breakpoints and selective tracing are its fundamental features. In distributed systems, a given breakpoint or trace condition does... more
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      Distributed ComputingParallel & Distributed Computing
This paper discusses the generalized mutual exclusion problem defined by H. Kakugawa and M. Yamashita. A set of processes shares a set of resources of an identical type. Each resource must be accessed by at most one process at any time.... more
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      Information SystemsLawElectrical And Electronic Engineering
For designing reliable and efficient communications networks, the problem of constructing a maximally connected d-regular digraph (directed graph) with a small diameter is investigated. A maximally connected d-regular digraph with a... more
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      Applied MathematicsCommunity NetworksDiscrete Applied Mathematics
and edge faults F might occur. The diameter D( R(G, p)/F) of the surviving route graph could be one of the fault-tolerant measurements. This paper shows the following results for a w-connected graph G = (I', E): (1) If IV 1 2 2~ 2, then... more
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    • Engineering
This paper proposes a cake-cutting protocol using cryptography when the cake is a heterogeneous good that is represented by an interval on a real line. Although the Dubins-Spanier moving-knife protocol with one knife achieves simple... more
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This paper presents a quorum-based distributed algorithm for the extended group mutual exclusion problem. In the group mutual exclusion problem, multiple processes can enter a critical section simultaneously if they belong to the same... more
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      Distributed AlgorithmsGroup ProcessConcurrency ControlDistributed Algorithm