Papers by arzu deveci topal
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 1, 2010
Kocaeli Üniversitesi eğitim dergisi, Dec 25, 2018
Bu çalışma Macaristan'da düzenlenen ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 'de sözlü öze... more Bu çalışma Macaristan'da düzenlenen ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 'de sözlü özet bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.

Journal of learning and teaching in digital age, May 22, 2023
The aim of this study is to conduct a validity and reliability study for adaptation of the scale ... more The aim of this study is to conduct a validity and reliability study for adaptation of the scale of learning strategies to Turkish, which was developed by Pintrich, Smith, Garcia and McKeachie (1991) and adapted by Meijs et al. (2019) for distance education students. The Scale of Learning Strategies for Distance Education Students is a scale consisting of 25 items and 5 factors (management of time and effort, complex cognitive strategies use, simple cognitive strategies use, communication with others, and academic thinking). After testing equivalance of Turkish form, the validity and reliability studies of the Scale of Learning Strategies for Distance Education Students were conducted with participation of 411 students studying in different departments of Kocaeli University in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method was used for the adaptation of the scale, the significance of the differences between item average scores of the groups over and below 27% were examined with Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficients, corrected item-total correlations, and t-test in order to determine the relabilities. As a result of normality test and first CFA, the 2nd and 6th items in the time and effort management sub-dimension were excluded from the scale in accordance with expert opinions due to fact that their standardized regression coefficients were not significant. When the fit indices were examined as a result of the analysis, the findings were as follows χ2 /sd =2.594, RMSEA= 0.064, SRMR= 0.0616, GFI= 0.894, NFI= 0.879, TLI= 0.908, CFI= 0.921 and IFI=0,922. The corrected total correlations of the scale items ranged between 0.37 and 0.68. The results of t-test applied to the scores of the groups over and below 27% were found to be significant for all items. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the reliability of the overall scale was calculated as 0.915. A significant correlation was determined between the sub-dimensions of the scale and between the sub-dimensions and the total. According to these findings, adaption of the scale to Turkish is valid and reliable.

Pedagogical research, Apr 2, 2018
The scales for measuring problem-solving skills developed for students without impairment do not ... more The scales for measuring problem-solving skills developed for students without impairment do not seem to include essential criteria for measuring the problem-solving skills of secondary school-aged students with hearing impairment. In order to compensate for these lacks and accurately measure these students' problemsolving skills, a scale of problem-solving skills proposed by secondary school curriculums has been developed. The scale includes texts complying with sign language, its visual components are advanced and the use of verbal expressions is decreased for the secondary school-aged deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The data was collected using the Scale of Problem Solving for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SPSDH) and a personal information form. The sample of this research consisted of 73 students. In order to ensure the construct validity of the test, item analysis was carried out. The outcome of the formula showed that KR-20 internal consistency coefficient was .704 for 8 items. According to the item analysis, the average item difficulty and discrimination indices of the test were calculated as 0.46 and 0.63 respectively. These results show that the items able to distinguish the students in terms of their problem-solving skills. The findings obtained from the present study reveal that the SPSDH is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can be used to determine the problem-solving skills of secondary school-aged deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yönetimi Dergisi, Apr 1, 2013

Information Development, Dec 26, 2019
The presentation and sharing of information, especially in digital environments, have become sign... more The presentation and sharing of information, especially in digital environments, have become significantly easier with information and communication technologies and this has caused an increase in copyright problems. The aim of this study is to reveal the levels of awareness of academic and postgraduate students of copyrights in relation to digital products. The survey model was used in research conducted with the participation of academicians working at different universities in Turkey and postgraduate students in the 2018-2019 academic year. According to the findings, the knowledge level of the participants regarding copyrights, license agreements and fair use is moderate, their knowledge level about open source software, free software and copyleft is low, and they do not commit copyright infringements apart from downloading computer programs. Those working in the field of informatics commit more copyright infringement than others (such as using unlicensed software, distributing license serial numbers, illegally downloading music, videos etc., using without reference), as also do those in the 20-25 age range. The majority of participants stated that policies to prevent infringement of copyright digital products were insufficient, there is a lack of information about enforcement and their reasons for the situation include the belief in not getting caught and no one getting hurt, as well as not seeing it as a crime.

Journal of learning and teaching in digital age, Jan 4, 2021
With the development of information and communication technologies, access to information is beco... more With the development of information and communication technologies, access to information is becoming easier every day. Consequently, individuals' abilities to interpret information that especially exists in the learning processes, to produce new knowledge and to use the information produced have gained more importance day by day. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of digital story design made by students working on project in groups using Scratch program on their reflective thinking skills towards problem solving. The sample of the study consisted of 82 students who attended Basic Computer Sciences (Social) course and studied in the verbal departments such as History, Archaeology and Philosophy of Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Kocaeli University in the 2018-2019 academic year. In this study, single-group pretest-posttest experimental design was used and data were collected by "Reflective Thinking Skill Towards Problem Solving Scale". According to the findings, it was determined that teaching of Scratch programming has a positive effect on reflective thinking skills of the students studying in the departments of Archelogy, Philosophy and History and is mostly effective in sub-dimension of questioning. In future studies, students' reflective thinking skills towards problem solving can be measured through project-based, observational applications and achievement tests.

Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, Nov 7, 2017
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the effects of algorithm teaching on the problem... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the effects of algorithm teaching on the problem-solving skills of deaf-hard hearing students. Design/methodology/approach In this research, a pre-test and post-test problem-solving scale was applied to the single group (16 deaf-hard hearing students at a secondary school level) that had received algorithm education. Pre-test and post-test results were compared in order to see whether there was a significant difference among students in terms of their problem-solving attitudes. Students’ levels of performing the applications were examined through observation forms and their opinions about algorithm teaching were received. Findings As a result of the research, it was determined that implemented algorithm teaching had a significant effect on improving the problem-solving skills of the students. Originality/value Scratch training can be administered as either a compulsory or an optional course for hearing students as the Scratch programme offers the opportunity of teaching algorithmic reasoning with games, making the courses entertaining and giving students the chance to create their own designs which helps to improve their creative problem-solving skills and their motivation accordingly. Scratch teaching can be beneficial in developing students’ problem-solving behaviours and creativity.

Education and Information Technologies, Jun 17, 2021
This study aims to investigate the effect of chatbots that work with artificial intelligence on t... more This study aims to investigate the effect of chatbots that work with artificial intelligence on the success of students and their opinions about chatbots in the 'Matter and the changing state of matter' unit in the 5th grade science course. In addition to text-based functions, the designed chatbot includes a video accessed on the web to support students visually and aurally. The chatbot was designed using the Dialogflow program and an instant messaging program made available to students through a group created on Telegram. The study, which used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design, included 41 participants (n = 20 for the experimental, n = 21 for the control group) studying in the 5th grade of a state secondary school in the 2020-2021 academic year. Results suggest that although there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of academic achievement, it was determined that the chatbot application positively affected the online learning experience of the experimental group students. Students' opinions about the chatbot included that it was useful and fun, they would like to use it for other courses, it provided useful assistance in learning outside the classroom, and it allowed them to repeat the course again. The results showed that, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, such applications could contribute positively to students' learning.

AJIT‐e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology, Oct 5, 2018
Bilgi toplumunda nitelikli insan gücünün önemi artmaktadır. Günümüzde diğer tüm iş ve meslek grup... more Bilgi toplumunda nitelikli insan gücünün önemi artmaktadır. Günümüzde diğer tüm iş ve meslek gruplarında olduğu gibi sağlık sektöründe de nitelikli insan gücü, mesleki alanda teknik bilgi ve becerilerinin yanı sıra bilgisayar ve bilişim teknolojileri okuryazarlık düzeyi ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik mesleğini icra eden kişiler, belgeleri bilimsel ilke ve kurallara göre toplayabilmeli, düzenlemeli, saklamalı ve tekrar hizmete sunabilmelidir. Bu görevleri gerçekleştirebilmesi için bilgisayarı etkin ve doğru bir şekilde kullanabilmelidir. Bu mesleği icra eden bireylerin mesleki uygulamalarında başarıya ulaşabilmeleri için temel bilgi ve bilgisayar okur-yazarı olmalarının yanında bilgisayarlara karşı tutumları da önemli rol oynamaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik öğrencileri, bilgisayara karşı tutum, bilgisayar okuryazarlığı.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 21, 2019
The following study has been conducted in order to provide a survey of the research being done in... more The following study has been conducted in order to provide a survey of the research being done into disability and education in the Turkish context. The purpose of this study is to investigate the trends in the researches related to the educational environment of the disabled individuals from various aspects by analyzing the content of the scientific research articles in the field of instructional technology. It is hoped that the findings can help more disabled people in Turkey benefit from the opportunities information and communication technologies now provide. For this purpose, 72 studies conducted by Turkish scientists between 2007-2017 found in national and international databases were scanned and analyzed. These articles were analyzed via deductive content analysis and the "Article Classification Form". As a result of the analysis it was found that the preferred language used in publications is English, studies are evenly distributed according to disability type, experimental research design is used more often than another design and instructional environments and design development with technology were preferred subjects of study. As data collection tools, observation and interview methods were most commonly used, Purposeful sampling was used, and quantitative analysis methods most commonly adopted. It is expected that the results obtained will shed a light on future studies and have a positive impact on the experience of people with disabilities in the education system in Turkey.

Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019
Ozellikle bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki gelismeler suc islemeyi kolaylastirmis ve bilisim ... more Ozellikle bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki gelismeler suc islemeyi kolaylastirmis ve bilisim suclari olarak adlandirilan kavram ortaya cikmistir. Bilisim suclarinin onlenmesi ve bu konuda farkindaligin arttirilmasinda oncelikle ele alinmasi gereken gruplardan biri ogretmen adaylari ve dolayisiyla ogretmenlerdir. Bu calismanin amaci Kocaeli Universitesi’nde ogrenim goren ogretmen adaylarinin bilisim suclarina yonelik tutumlarini ve bilgi duzeylerini belirlemek ve cesitli degiskenlerle iliskilendirmektir. Arastirma tarama modelindedir. Calisma grubunu Kocaeli Universitesi Egitim Fakultesinde 2016-2017 egitim ogretim yilinda farkli bolumlerde okuyan toplam 323 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Veri toplama araci olarak Bilek (2012) tarafindan gelistirilen 49 soruluk “Universite Ogrencilerinin Bilisim Suclarina Yonelik Tutum ve Bilgi Duzeyleri Olcegi” kullanilmistir. Veriler betimleyici ve anlam cikarici istatistikler kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore ogretmen adaylarinin bilisim suclari konulari ile ilgili tutumlarinin ve bilgi duzeylerinin yeterli duzeyde olmadigi gorulmustur. Cinsiyete, ortalama gunluk bilgisayar kullanma surelerine gore bazi konularda anlamli farkliliklar oldugu gozlenmistir. Ogretmen adaylari icin kapsami iyi belirlenmis bilisim suclari konulariyla ilgili bir egitim verilmesi onerilmektedir.

Educational research and reviews, Jul 23, 2015
The development of web 2.0 technology has resulted in an increase in internet sharing. The scope ... more The development of web 2.0 technology has resulted in an increase in internet sharing. The scope of this study is social networking, which is one of the web 2.0 tools most heavily used by internet users. In this paper, the unethical behaviours that preservice teachers encounter on social networks and the ways to deal with these problems are examined. A form consisting of open ended questions was given to preservice teachers. The form was developed by researchers who have studied the subject. By the end of the study, it was understood that 89% of the preservice teachers encountered inappropriate behaviours such as profanity, insults, sexually explicit photograph sharing, threats, unwanted video ads (advertisements) and verbal harassment. The results showed that teachers try to solve these issues by strengthening their privacy settings, reporting or blocking harassers, and that they also tend to share personal information only with friends and family. The preservice teachers stated that the most important unethical behaviours they came across on social networks were explicit content and personal information sharing. Teachers and preservice teachers ought to be informed about equality, respect to other opinions, human rights, personal privacy, media ethics and universal moralities with regard to online and social media content. Thus, it will be possible for them to inspire their students regarding the above mentioned values and contribute to the solution of the problems.

İlköğretim Online (elektronik), 2014
The project entitled “A computer for every student” in Kocaeli and implemented for three years, i... more The project entitled “A computer for every student” in Kocaeli and implemented for three years, is thought to be of significance in terms of equal opportunities in education and introduction of the internet and computers to those whose families belong to middle or low socio-economic status. Within the framework of the project, it is essential to explore the effect of computers on internet usage competency level perceptions of secondary school students. The purpose of the research is to assess secondary school students’ internet competency level perceptions according to different variables (gender, grade, year of internet and computer usage, prospective occupation). The research employs a descriptive case study model. As a result, the study examines the internet competency level perceptions of the secondary school students provided with minicomputers in the social responsibility project which has been implemented for three years and concludes that the result is satisfactory.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2019
In information society, the individuals have to constantly renew their knowledge to develop their... more In information society, the individuals have to constantly renew their knowledge to develop their information and skills so as to perform their work better. In order to be able to achieve this, the individual must be information literate to access to information and know how to apply this information. Within this context, concepts of information skills and value are important in professional practice for social workers who can work in many institutions. As social works include a wide range of workplaces from child care and development to elderly care, social workers must be equipped with background knowledge and have the capability to hold this knowledge. The aim of this research is to examine information literacy of the students in the Social Work department of Kocaeli University, Faculty of Health Sciences in 2017-2018 academic year in terms of various variables. Students' levels of information literacy have been analyzed by gender, sources of information research and software they use to process the data and present it. It has been found out that the students are information literate at good level and they mostly use internet to search for information. Also, it has been understood that information literacy levels of girls are better compared to boys, those who use institutions and experts as resources of information researches, and benefit from scientific databases and libraries have better literacy levels than those of ones who do not. When students' level of information literacy are examined according to how often they use the software developed to process and present the data, it is concluded that level of information literacy increases as programmes such as word processor, number processing, photo editing, presentation, film or sound and video process are used more. In order to improve students' skills of information literacy, practical training programmes prepared by libraries can be organized regarding how to access to academic databases, resources in the libraries, the right information in these resources and how to assess these findings, how to benefit from different institutions and experts or a course called "Information literacy" can be included in the curriculums. Moreover, within the scope of this course, instructors should raise awareness of students about how they will access to the data regarding the subjects and apply it, how they will make use of scientific databases.

Eğitimde kuram ve uygulama, May 15, 2015
The purpose of this research is to develop a valid and reliable instrument in order to determine ... more The purpose of this research is to develop a valid and reliable instrument in order to determine the satisfaction level of university students for the e-course. The five-point Likert-type draft that consists of 65 items was first applied to 414 university students. Data were collected through satisfaction scale for the ecourse (SSEC) and personal information form. Principal component analysis was implemented to determine validity evidence of scale scores. As a result of the analysis, it is specified that the scale consists five-point Likert-type 35 items and five sub-dimensions of course content and teaching process, used materials and communication tools, attitudes towards e-learning, media design and teacher-student interaction. Load factor values of the items in the scale ranged between .478 and .833 and item-total correlations were between .526 and .872. Cronbach's alpha reliability was calculated as .966 in order to provide evidence for the reliability of the scale. The findings obtained from this study have revealed that satisfaction scale for the e-course is a valid and reliable instrument to be used in determining the satisfaction of university students related to online courses .
Education and Information Technologies, Jun 7, 2022
Istanbul University - DergiPark, Dec 1, 2010
Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, 2019
Papers by arzu deveci topal