이 테마는 2년이 넘도록 업데이트되지 않았습니다. 더 이상 유지보수하지 않거나 지원하지 않고 워드프레스의 좀 더 최신 버전과 함께 사용할 때 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

BlogMaster is a responsive blogging WordPress theme which brings simple and clean design. Theme is very flexible, fully customizable by WordPress Customizr. It’s a perfect fit for Photography, Personal, Fashion, Lifestyle, Business, Non-profits blogs or people looking for a theme with clean design to share their photos, galleries, videos and articles. Theme is ultra fast, Ad ready and SEO friendly. Customizr lets you change sidebar postion, add favicon, logo, background picture, hide sections… etc. Theme is translatable so you can easily localize it in the language you want. Check the demo at
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