This plugin allows customers to plan ahead, choose the best time to receive their parcel and make sure there is someone to pick up the goods in time. It’s also a subtle way to urge the buyers to place their order to receive their package as soon as possible so the order can arrive quickly.
WPC Estimated Delivery Date notify buyers about the earliest and latest dates for the package to arrive. Users can exclude the holidays, weekends or vacation breaks from the estimated time so customers can have a precise estimation.
The estimated delivery date can be configured at multiple levels, storewide or individually for each product. Users can also display a general estimation for all items on the cart page so buyers will acknowledge when they are expected to get the whole order. This is especially necessary when combining items of different shipping methods, zones, classes, etc.
Live demo
Visit our live demo to see how this plugin works.
Key Features
- Configure minimum & maximum delivery days
- Display the earliest and/or latest delivery dates
- Choose a suitable date format for local languages
- Different positions on single product page & archive/shop
- Shortcode is supported for inserting to custom position
- Two levels: Global or Individual estimated delivery dates
- Global dates can be applied to all products in bulk
- Sources for global rules: all products, selected, tags, categories, attributes, brands, collections, visibility, shipping classes, etc.
- Dates updated based on the chosen shipping methods & addresses
- Disable or override the dates on single product pages
- Show or hide the estimated dates for items on cart
- Exclude weekends, holidays, vacation breaks, etc.
- Show general dates for all items on cart page
- Visible with customizable positions on the WPC Fly Cart popup
- Work with common WooCommerce themes & WP add-ons
- Premium: Multiple skipped dates can be configured with the date picker
- Premium: Extra time line for counting the time with an extra shipping day
Wanna save your precious time working on variations? Try our brand-new free plugin WPC Variation Bulk Editor and WPC Variation Duplicator.
Complex Estimated Delivery Dates
The estimated delivery time can either be a date range, just the earliest date or just the latest date. The corresponding message will appear based on the input of minimum and maximum delivery time counted in days.
Users can display the delivery message for each item or hide them on the cart page and show the general estimated date instead. There is a general estimated delivery date for all items on the cart page and it’s customizable as well.
It’s possible to change the wording of these texts by filling in the corresponding boxes in the plugin setting under WPClever >> Estimated Delivery Date. So the delivery messages can be localized to the target languages.
To display the delivery date on custom positions other than on the given ones, using the shortcode [wpced] is ideal. Extra CSS codes might be needed to adapt the display to your theme or template.
Global vs Individual Estimated Delivery Dates
Global rules for calculating the estimated delivery dates can be configured in the plugin setting for all products (storewide), selected products, products with specific tags, categories, types, brands, collections, attributes, visibility, shipping classes, etc.
The delivery dates will be calculated based on the global rules for different shipping methods and zones. When customers change the shipping methods and their address on the cart page, the estimated delivery date will be re-calculated and updated accordingly. If there are no rules specified for a particular shipping method or shipping zone, the default rules will be utilized.
Individual delivery dates can be specified in the Estimated Delivery Date tab of single product pages. Users can simply choose to disable the global rules or configure new rules applied for that product specifically. Individual rules are prioritized over the global ones.
Extra Timeline & Skipped Dates
The Extra timeline option is available to help sellers have more time processing their order. This is the time point to mark when it’s late for an order to be packed and shipped in time, so orders placed after this hour will be counted with an extra shipping day.
Skipped dates are added to let our plugin know when the sellers are unavailable or unable to prepare for the order delivery. So skipped dates can be weekdays, weekends, holidays, vacation time, etc.; what’s more, multiple skipped dates are possible. Dates added as skipped dates will not be counted when calculating the delivery time for the order. This will apply to all products throughout the store.
Need more features?
Please try other plugins from us:
- Please make sure that you installed WooCommerce
- Go to plugins in your dashboard and select “Add New”
- Search for “WPC Estimated Delivery Date”, Install & Activate it
- Go to WP-admin > WPClever > Estimated Delivery Date to add your rules
기여자 & 개발자
“WPC Estimated Delivery Date for WooCommerce”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.7 & Woo 9.7
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.7 & Woo 9.6
- Fixed: Export/import rules from individual products
- Fixed: Minor CSS/JS issues
- Added: Choose format for overall date
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.7 & Woo 9.5
- Added: Rule name for management
- Added: Custom date format option
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.6 & Woo 9.3
- Added: Show days count instead of dates
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.6 & Woo 9.1
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.5 & Woo 9.0
- Fixed: Minor JS/CSS issues in backend
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Fixed: Minor CSS issues in backend
- Fixed: Estimated wasn’t updated on the cart
- Fixed: Skipped dates
- Fixed: Don’t reload the date for order item
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.4 & Woo 8.6
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Fixed: PHP error on shortcode [wpced]
- Added: Show/hide the date on order items
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Fixed: Weekday in different languages
- Added: Reload dates for cache enabled sites
- Added: Filter hooks: ‘wpced_archive_positions’; ‘wpced_single_positions’; ‘wpced_default_archive_position’; ‘wpced_default_single_position’
- Added: Stock conditionals: In stock; Out of stock; On backorder; Stock quantity
- Fixed: Minor CSS/JS issues in the backend
- Updated: Compatible with WP 6.3 & Woo 8.0
- Fixed: Missing rules when quick editing a product
- Fixed: Minor CSS/JS issues in the backend
- Fixed: Duplicate rule
- Added: Settings at variation basis
- Updated: Optimized the code
- Released