이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Twitch Player


Twitch streams for your WordPress website – Twitch Player unlocks a compact, cinema-style layout, great for embedded stream experience.

The most advanced Twitch plugin for WordPress

For over 5 years, StreamWeasels have been helping thousands of WordPress websites display twitch streams in their WordPress websites.

Twitch Player must now be combined with our new plugin – StreamWeasels Twitch Integration, to unlock the latest and greatest plugin from StreamWeasels that takes Twitch Integration to the next level.

Display Twitch Streams by Game, Channel List, Team and more

Twitch Player combined with StreamWeasels Twitch Integration allows you to display streams on your website from twitch.tv based on Games, Channels, Teams, Languages, Titles and more.

  • Display upto 100 streamers playing a specific Game.
  • Display upto 1000 streamers from a specified List of Channels.
  • Display upto 1000 streamers from a specific Twitch Team.
  • Display only streams with a specific tag in the Stream Title.
  • Display streams in a specific language only.

Advanced Combinations

You can combine our options for some very powerful Twitch Integrations.

  • Display all streamers from a Twitch Team only if they are playing a specific Game.
  • Display all streamers from a List of Channels only if they are playing a specific Game.
  • Display all streamers playing a specific Game but only if they have a specific Tag in their Stream Title.


Here are some real examples from some of the many StreamWeasels Twitch Integration users.

  • Display all users from a Twitch Team but only if they’re playing League of Legends.
  • Display 100 GTA V Streamers but only if they have NoPixel in their Stream Title.
  • Display all users from a Twitch Team but only if they have #LGBTQ+ in their Stream Title.
  • Display all streamers playing Music but only if they have Requests in their Stream Title.


Twitch Player is now one Add-on of many add-ons for our new plugin – StreamWeasels Twitch Integration. Add-ons allow you to unlock a variety of different layouts for your Twitch streams.

  • [Add-on] Twitch Wall. Display a large number of streams all on one page, just like Twitch.
  • [Add-on] Twitch Player. Display a any number of streams in a small space, with a scrolling sidebar and space for the embed.
  • [Add-on] Twitch Rail. Display a large number of streams in a tiny space, with the ability to swipe left and right.
  • [Add-on] Twitch Feature. Display a large number of streams, with one featured stream in the middle, with the ability to swipe left and right.

Read More

If you want to learn more about StreamWeasels Twitch Integration, check out these links.


  • StreamWeasels Twitch Integration with Twitch Player Add-on
  • StreamWeasels Twitch Integration with Twitch Wall Add-on
  • StreamWeasels Twitch Integration with Twitch Feature Add-on
  • StreamWeasels Twitch Integration with Twitch Rail Add-on


How do I display streamers playing a specific Game?

[streamweasels layout=”player” game=”GTA V”]

How do I display streamers playing a specific Team?

[streamweasels layout=”player” game=”ths”]

How do I display streamers from a Channel List?

[streamweasels layout=”player” channels=”lirik,shroud,sodapoppin”]

How do I filter streams based on their Stream Title?

[streamweasels layout=”player” game=”GTA V” title-filter=”NoPixel”]

How do I display only streams from a specific language?

[streamweasels layout=”player” game=”Hearthstone” language=”de”]


2021년 5월 16일
I have fixed this plugin on my site and bought the pro version because I consider it essential to collect all the streams of my friends on my website. Do not look for anything better, you will not find it! In addition, with a luxury support for any questions you have to integrate it, surprising !!
2021년 3월 7일
Working perfectly fine, questions and issues have been resolved in no time by support 🙂
2020년 11월 9일
as soon as wordpress updated this plugin ceased to work when clicking on a video. which means it will stop working until they or wordpress update to be compatible again. there is a better plugin which keeps up to date. keep on the ball dudes because this plugin is showing lack of daily checks by the devs
모든 6 평가 읽기

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  • Code setup to deprecate plugin with Twitch Integration 1.6.0


  • esc_html fixes


  • wp_debug fixes


  • New release!
  • WARNING: Once you update, you will have to take a few minutes to get your plugin working again. You can find more details here.