[플러그인 태그:] trackback
Disable Trackbacks
(1 전체 평점)Globally disables trackbacks to cut down on spam. Very, very few people legitimately use trackbacks and spammers love them, so it's worthy tradeo …
Auto-Close Comments, Pingbacks and Trackbacks
(1 전체 평점)Automatically close Comments, Pingbacks and Trackbacks. Manage and delete revisions.
Remove Pingback-Trackback Comments
(3 전체 평점)One step process to remove pingbacks and trackbacks and leave only real user opinions in your posts comments.
SMu Manual DoFollow
(3 전체 평점)SMu DoFollow has many DoFollow Options (Manual or Automatism) and included URL Validator (Manual, WP-Cron or Cronjob).
Silent Publish
(1 전체 평점)Adds the ability to publish a post without triggering pingbacks, trackbacks, or notifying update services.
Alex King's Popularity Contest (AKPC) Widget
(0 전체 평점)Sidebar widget version of Popularity Contest plugin by Alex King. Please install and activate the plugin before using this widget.
External Related Posts
(0 전체 평점)Grabs related links from Google Blog Search, inserts a link to them into your post and gives them a pingback.
(0 전체 평점)Scans post for links, checks if they are pingeable and sends pingbacks with results returned, improves chances of successful pings!
Default Trackbacks
(1 전체 평점)This plugin will send trackbacks to URLs in the list ONLY when user publish a post or change the post status to publish.
Comment URL Control
(0 전체 평점)This plugin will allow you to remove an unwanted author-URI entered by a commenter with one single click of your mouse.
(0 전체 평점)Prevents WordPress from eating pings that come too quickly in succession (i.e. a single post linking to more than one of your pages).
Blogtal Trackback
(0 전체 평점)This plugin will send trackback to Blog Portal or Blogtal (www.blogtal.com) ONLY when user publish a post or change the post status to publish.
Trackback and Pingback Widget
(1 전체 평점)Displays trackbacks and pingbacks which belong to the currently displayed page in a widget.
Custom Pingback Email
(0 전체 평점)Add the option for a pingback notification to go to an email other than the site admin email.
(0 전체 평점)The standard WordPress trackback link behavior does not provide users their expected result. wp-TrackbackPopup resolves this issue.