[플러그인 태그:] shortcode
Social Embed Photo WP
(0 전체 평점)With this Wordpress plugin you can use a shortcode to display an embed box with your last Instagram photo.
Tua Forma
(0 전체 평점)This shortcode just put the forms tags () and some hidden fields to send this information on a email.
All custom fields & groups
(1 전체 평점)[ ✅ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐒 b𝓎 𝒫𝓊𝓋𝑜𝓍 ] Output all custom fields from groups
WP isAdmin
(0 전체 평점)This plugin provides provides a simple short code to add or hide custom content to your posts and pages based on whether a user is an administrator (o …
Wrapping ShortCode
(0 전체 평점)This plugin provides a shortcode block. It is not just a shortcode, it is a shortcode block that wraps other blocks.
Blogroll Links Renderer
(0 전체 평점)Render WordPress Blogroll links on any Page or Post using the shortcode [blogroll-links].
Embed SalesVu
(1 전체 평점)A WordPress Plugin for adding SalesVu store "widgets" with a [salesvu] Shortcode.
Award On Click Add-On for BadgeOS
(0 전체 평점)This BadgeOS Add-on adds a shortcode to show a link. The user is awarded a specified achievement when the link is clicked.
F13 WordPress
(0 전체 평점)Add WordPress plugin information to posts and pages, ideally suited to WordPress developers for showcasing their work.
Super Simple Shortcodes – Create your own Custom Shortcodes for Contact Info & More
(0 전체 평점)Create your own custom shortcodes to add across your site, keeping your key information consistent across your site.
Viddeo – Hochformat Videoplayer
(0 전체 평점)Mit diesem Plugin kannst du ganz einfach Hochformat-Videos von Viddeo.de per Shortcode auf deiner Website einbetten – flexibel und unkompliziert!
(0 전체 평점)Quizy enables you to create quizzes, tests with several common settings with evaluation
azurecurve Get Plugin Info
(0 전체 평점)Shortcodes available to get plkugin information from Wordpress.org using the plugin.api.
Mailchimp subscribe for WP
(0 전체 평점)MailChimp subscribe for WordPress by Artem Koliada. Adds ajax shortcode to your site.