Image Dimensions Display


Image Dimensions Display is a lightweight plugin that enhances the WordPress media library by adding a new column to display the following information for each image:

  • Image Dimensions: Displays the width and height of the image in pixels.
  • Aspect Ratio: Shows the aspect ratio of the image (e.g., 16:9, 4:3).
  • Recommended Size: Suggests the best size category (Thumbnail, Medium, Large) based on the WordPress media settings.

This plugin is especially useful for developers, designers, and content creators who need to manage images efficiently and ensure they meet specific size requirements.

Source Code

The source code for this plugin is available on GitHub:

Privacy Policy

This plugin does not collect or store any personal data.


This plugin is licensed under the GPL v2 or later. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


  • Media Library with Dimensions Column
    Displays the new “Dimensions” column in the media library, showing image dimensions, aspect ratio, and recommended size.


  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  3. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  4. Click Upload Plugin and select the downloaded ZIP file.
  5. Click Install Now and then Activate the plugin.

Once activated, the new “Dimensions” column will appear in the WordPress media library.


Does this plugin work with all image types?

Yes, the plugin works with all image types supported by WordPress, including JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

Can I customize the recommended sizes?

The recommended sizes are based on the media settings configured in Settings > Media in your WordPress admin dashboard.

Does this plugin affect the front-end of my site?

No, this plugin only modifies the admin area of your WordPress site and does not affect the front-end.


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기여자 & 개발자

“Image Dimensions Display”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.


자국어로 “Image Dimensions Display”(을)를 번역하세요.

개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



  • Fixed incorrect use of admin_head for styles, replaced with admin_enqueue_scripts.
  • Updated contributors list in the readme file.
  • Removed redundant parameters (Requires at least and Requires PHP) from the readme file.


  • Escaped all outputs for improved security.
  • Fixed minor bugs in the aspect ratio calculation.
  • Updated plugin description and documentation.


  • Added recommended size functionality based on WordPress media settings.
  • Improved aspect ratio calculation.


  • Initial release with image dimensions and aspect ratio display.