이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Gridable – The Missing Grid Content Editor


Gridable is a witty solution for WordPress lovers who want to create flexible and reliable grids. Being smoothly integrated into the WordPress’s Editor interface, our plugin becomes a suitable choice for everyone: from people with a technical background to those who are non-techy. It simplifies the entire process of building an extensive range of grids that fit perfectly into various environments.

Gridable allows you to create an adaptable and fully responsive grid in no time. Thanks to options such as row spacing top and bottom, row gutter and row background color everything comes in the right place without effort. Imagine playing around with bold approaches for different sections of your website through a grid system that puts convenience on top of the digital experience.

It has never been easier to create a dynamic grid with such ease and creative freedom.

Complete control

You have a particular set of options that allow you to adjust the grid content editor to your unique brand’s voice and personality. Mix and match colors, spacings, content with images, and make them yours.

No coding required

Gridable is accessible for everyone who handles WordPress. Being so naturally integrated into the platform, every action is a very natural behavior and doesn’t require any special skills.

Continuous improvement

We invest a lot of time and energy into developing Gridable in a way that makes sense and brings real value to its users so that people make the most out of it.



  1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  2. Edit a post, page or a custom post type
  3. Enjoy the “Add Row” button in the editor toolbar.


2020년 5월 12일
It works and creates columns, however, it has too many bugs, in it disables other functionality in the custom editor and paste deletes the whole paragraph not just the highlighted word.
2019년 4월 13일
This plug-in changes your formatting when you’re working in the visual editor. Removing for example <p align center> tags, adding   paragraphes. Nice idea but terrible implementation. Options can’t be changed after creation, buggy handling: Without a major update – hands off!
2018년 9월 14일
It seems like an excellent approach, but it doesn’t work. The options menu simply does not appear. It is a pity that they closed the support forum and closed the questions without giving an answer. Closed without answer: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/cant-find-the-settings-6/ I hope they fix it! I’ll change my rating/review
2019년 4월 14일
I was a big Pixelgrade fan and I still like the Rosa theme very much. Gridable is turning down my enthusiasm though. There is no proper manual or documentation as far as I can see. Gridable is a pain in the a** the way it works: I experienced uncontrollable frontend behavior after changes in the backend on pages and posts. I disabled Gridable months ago. My Pixelgrade installation (Rosa theme) works properly and as reliable as before. -Frank
2017년 11월 20일
I really appreciate the minimal code it adds to the page. I usually write something similar to this for my client projects, but this is much nicer in several respects. However: It’s impossible to insert the cursor after a row if the row is the last thing in the content. You can’t rearrange rows or cut and paste. The Add Row button does not work in the Text editor. Front-end JS file is mostly a giant comment. Minified version should be used, and possibly the dependency on jQuery removed for this tiny little function.
2017년 11월 7일
It does a good job together with the right theme. I use the combination of GeneratePress Sections and Gridable. It needs some time to get used to. I still struggle with the layout sometimes.
모든 10 평가 읽기

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  • Fixed compatibility with latest developments in core related to the block editor and the Classic Editor plugin


  • Fixed compatibility with latest developments in core related to the block editor and the Classic Editor plugin


  • Fixed warning that appeared when Elementor was active.
  • Fixed issue where, when using the Gutenberg editor, the interface was not working.
  • “Add Row” button now works properly in the “Text” editor tab.
  • Fixed warning that was appearing in the Hero Content area.
  • Solved issue where replying to the readers directly from Dashboard would not work.


  • Fixed warning related to the new block editor (Gutenberg).


  • More fixes around switching between Visual and Text mode


  • Fixed strange nbsp characters when switching between Visual and Text mode


  • Improve handling and display of empty columns
  • Fix column resize when the WordPress editor has borders


  • A better handling of columns and rows CSS classes
  • Bind the Add Row event dynamically to work with multiple(dynamic) editors. Thanks @tomusborne
  • Avoid triggering errors for Customize Posts plugin by XWP


  • Added specificity to CSS Classes.
    Since there are lots of conflicts with other plugins which uses the .row and .col classes we decided to prefix them with .gridable--row and .gridable--col.
    You can still use the gridable_row_class filter to add your own classes, we just adjusted the defaults.


  • Improved UI style as Gutenberg
  • Rewrite the Column Resize feature which helped us fix a lot of bugs with the content “Copy/Paste” actions
  • Added the ability to have 1 level of Nested rows
  • Added Screenshots to wordpress.org
  • Added a better Distraction-Free editor width


  • Rewrite gridable_sh_row_classes and gridable_sh_col_classes into a more consistent way as gridable_row_class and gridable_column_class
  • Limit the word selection to the column container
  • Fix conflict with Yoast
  • Fix the attributes default selection
  • Make inline preview for bg_color attribute
  • Small fixes


  • Improved the inline grid UI
  • We changed the grid system from 6 columns to 12 columns
  • We added the attributes system which supports fields like text, checkbox, select and colorpicker
  • Improved the row and column templates.
  • Small fixes


  • Improved the resize UI
  • Added the girdable_load_public_style filter which allows you to disable the plugin public CSS style so you can add your own
  • Fixed the conflicts with toolbars of links and galleries
  • Small fixes


  • Improved editing UX by keeping the cursor inside the column while pressing enter on empty lines
  • Fixed PHP Fatal error when there is no other style appended
  • Fixed the removal when there is a nested row
  • Small fixes


  • Plugin init