이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Delivery Countdown Timer


Display the delivery timer based on days and cut off time for woocommerce products like next day delivery and scheduled delivery to know the customer how much time is left for one day delivery.

Admin end we can modify the display text and need to show the timer before Add to Cart Button in single product page or not and may set each day individually, show or hide the weekends.

Use Timer as shortcode like <?php echo do_shortcode('[countdown]');?> on sidebar, below menu bar whereever you want

Timer location works based on wordpress default Timezone.


  • Timer settings page in admin end.

  • Show the timer before add to cart button.


  1. Upload delivery-countdown-timer folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings -> Countdown Timer in admin end / Go to Single Product page to see the timer


Countdown Timer display settings?

It would display all days of a week.(Sunday – Saturday)
You may disable or skip the timer on holidays like saturday and sunday.

Is possible to display before cart button?

By default it displays at single product page before add to cart button. If you don’t want to show at here means you may uncheck it on its settings page.

Default options?

{clock-icon} To display clock icon.

{strong} To display content by bold from here.

{/strong} To display content by bold till here.

{delivery-time} To display the delivery time. Eg., 8PM

{delivery-day} To display the day and date. Eg., Monday, Sep 28

{timer} To display the timer


2019년 1월 14일
Normally I don’t like trying old, non-updated plugins but I figured with a plugin that just displays a JavaScript countdown based on local WordPress timezones settings, not many thing can go wrong. and that’s true: the plugin still works perfectly even after 3 years of no updates 🙂 Thanks!
2016년 9월 3일
This plugin is what i need, would be nice to set the counter for more hours on the weekend Thanks!
2016년 9월 3일 답글 3개
We love this feature, glad I found it. Will give your ecommerce site that added polish. Another great option would be the ability to add a list of “holiday” dates to automatically suspend shipping. I love it.
2016년 9월 3일 답글 2개
This plugin looks very promising and easy to work with. Great for flash sale sites like the one i am working on. It would be even greater if developer adds in the feature for period sales. Rather than next day shipping, I have sales periods and all orders will be shipped out after that period. Would be great if the counter can be set to 2-3 weeks, for example. Thanks!
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Initial Release