Casino & Sports Betting Affiliate Auto Ads (CAF) is a free plugin created to make Casino & Sportsbook affiliate marketing easy. You start earning 45%+ commissions on all the customers you refer, and you can negotiate a higher revenue share, a fixed cost per player referred, or even a hydrid deal. The plugin has two main features, enabling automatic advertisements on your site, and enabling shortcodes for custom placement of advertisements. With auto ads you can create popovers, popups, and banner ads with just 1-click and the advertisements are served on your site. The shortcodes are designed to allow you to access and implement a rich library of advertisements with one line of code required to implement it on your website.
The earning potential is unlimited. The more people who click your ads and become online casino customers, the more you make.
The standard commission starts at a 45% revenue share deal, and is paid for life! Every time that customer generates revenue, you earn commission. You can even negotiate higher commissions over time as you send more and more customers. There’s also an option to earn a fixed fee (CPA), per customer referred, or even a hybrid of fixed fee and a percentage commission.
We offer auto ads for popovers, popups, and banner ads. For custom placement you can use our shortcode with a library of ~30 ad creatives and 4 landing pages.
We currently only offer ads for Fairspin. However, we may add additional casinos in the future.
Yes, you can sign up here: Bona Fides Affiliate Progam
We also run a free Email Validation and Email Checker for single and bulk email lists. Improve deliverabilty, reduce bounce, and increase your email domain reputation score.
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“Casino & Sports Betting Affiliate Auto Ads”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
- This is the first version of the plugin.
- Numerous small improvements, bug fixes.
- Include utm_source for affiliate dashboard tracking.
- Bug Fix: Broken images periodically
- Update website links
- Clean readme
- Updated descriptions
- Optimizing code
- Updated descriptions