Anatolii Vdovichen
Professor Anatolii A. Vdovichen is the Head of the Department of Management and Tourism, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (ChTEI KNTEU).
In 2017, in the Specialized Academic Council D 26.004.01 at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Anatolii A. Vdovichen defended his doctoral dissertation in speciality 08.00.03 "Economics and Management of the National Economy" on the topic: "Features of formation and the mechanisms regulating macroeconomic imbalances of the Ukrainian economy".
Anatolii A. Vdovichen is quite actively engaged in research work. Namely, he is the author of more than 140 scientific works and of more than 80 study and methodical workbooks.
Anatolii A. Vdovichen is a member of The Academic and The Methodical Councils, ChTEI KNTEU, and a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Management, Service Industry and Food Technologies, ChTEI KNTEU.
Since 2018, he is a member of the editorial board of the ChTEI KNTEU bulletin ‘Visnyk’ (Certificate KB №4317 of June 20, 2000), one of the scientific specialized editions in the sphere of "Economic Sciences" in Ukraine.
In particular, Anatolii’s scientific interests focus on improving management processes of international investment activity, regional economy and tourism sphere; study of development of exhibition and trade fair activity as a factor of regional socio-economic growth; formation of mechanisms regulating macroeconomic imbalances in both national and global economies under the conditions of inclusive development and bio-economic orientation.
In 2017, in the Specialized Academic Council D 26.004.01 at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Anatolii A. Vdovichen defended his doctoral dissertation in speciality 08.00.03 "Economics and Management of the National Economy" on the topic: "Features of formation and the mechanisms regulating macroeconomic imbalances of the Ukrainian economy".
Anatolii A. Vdovichen is quite actively engaged in research work. Namely, he is the author of more than 140 scientific works and of more than 80 study and methodical workbooks.
Anatolii A. Vdovichen is a member of The Academic and The Methodical Councils, ChTEI KNTEU, and a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Management, Service Industry and Food Technologies, ChTEI KNTEU.
Since 2018, he is a member of the editorial board of the ChTEI KNTEU bulletin ‘Visnyk’ (Certificate KB №4317 of June 20, 2000), one of the scientific specialized editions in the sphere of "Economic Sciences" in Ukraine.
In particular, Anatolii’s scientific interests focus on improving management processes of international investment activity, regional economy and tourism sphere; study of development of exhibition and trade fair activity as a factor of regional socio-economic growth; formation of mechanisms regulating macroeconomic imbalances in both national and global economies under the conditions of inclusive development and bio-economic orientation.
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Books by Anatolii Vdovichen
Запропоновано підходи до усунення диспропорцій і розроблення програми структурної перебудови промисловості України у відповідності до європейського підходу, що базується на поєднанні горизонтального та секторального підходів і перехід від традиційного галузевого підходу в аналізі і плануванні сектору до кластерного підходу, коли держава має бути усунута від впливу на оперативну діяльність бізнесу, але повинна зосередитись на горизонтальній політиці створення рамкових умов для його розвитку.
Для фахівців у сфері економіки та державного управління, науковців, аспірантів і студентів економічних спеціальностей, а також широкого кола читачів, які цікавляться питаннями економічного розвитку України.
Для фахівців у сфері економіки та державного управління, науковців, аспірантів і студентів економічних спеціальностей, а також широкого кола читачів, які цікавляться питаннями економічного розвитку України.
порівнянь, показано диспропорційні тенденції розвитку економіки України під час фінансово-
економічної кризи 2008-2010 рр.
В данной статье проводится анализ развития национальной экономики в контексте
международных сравнений, показ диспропорциональных тенденций развития экономики Украины
во время финансово-экономического кризиса 2008-2010 гг.
In this article the analysis of development of national economy is conducted in the context of
international comparisons, show of disproportionate tendencies to development of economy of Ukraine
during a financial and economic crisis 2008-2010
виставково-ярмаркової діяльності у подоланні регіональних
диспропорцій, а також як фактора соціально-економічного розвитку
регіону. Проблематику розкрито на інноваційно-логічних засадах.
Висновки представлені в монографії ґрунтуються на результатах
багатьох порівняльних досліджень, проведених авторами.
Досліджено суть виставково-ярмаркової діяльності та особливості її
впливу на зростання регіону та визначене місце виставково-ярмаркової
діяльності в концепції факторів регіонального розвитку. Авторами
здійснено оцінку виставково-ярмаркової системи регіонів України:
як інфраструктурної підсистеми, як виду економічної діяльності,
як сегмента маркетингових комунікацій. Запропоновано ключові
положення стратегії розвитку виставково-ярмаркової діяльності в
Україні та визначено пріоритетні завдання розвитку виставково-
ярмаркової діяльності у регіональному вимірі.
Монографія буде корисною для науковців, практиків викладачів та
Thesis for the degree of doctor of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.03 Economics and Management of National Economy. – The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2017.
Nowadays the issue of structural reforms implementation in the domestic economy is extremely important, due to the established economic proportions and disproportionality. Taking into consideration theoretical, methodological and practical aspects, the study of these changes and peculiarities in the Ukrainian economy provides an opportunity to substantiate the main directions and methods of the progressive structural transformations implementing in the national economy. The main engine of economic development has always been internal imbalances, whereas under certain conditions the social and economic development irregularity serves as the basis for the reproductive imbalances emergence. In this regard, the disproportion is viewed to be both negative and positive factor simultaneously: the contradiction or disproportionality is a condition for the certain leading elements of the economic system development.
The most essential scientific results are the following. The methodological and methodical approaches to systematization of global imbalances and internal imbalances in the Ukrainian economy were first developed and the research conceptual foundations were proposed through generalization of the macroeconomic indices as well as the separate economy sectors in dices and types of economic activity on the basis of СНР, balance of payments and trade balance. The correlation of existing world economic imbalances and global economic trends through the study of the GDP formation patterns and peculiarities and capital formation on the global and domestic markets is revealed. The Ukrainian economy macroeconomic imbalances are also determined, which are the result of long-term system contradictions in the model of economic development in Ukraine. This has allowed us to assert that, on the whole, the domestic economy appeared to be the most vulnerable to such global macroeconomic imbalances which arose as a result of the world prices unstable growth for raw materials, as well as internal structural imbalances of the pre-crisis (2008–2010) period and predetermined by Russian aggression.
The author defined the social capital influence, in particular its cultural component, on the disproportions formation, which made it necessary to add instruments such as Business Training (business culture learning (seminars, trainings, etc.), the business culture rules(management, communication, motivation), the international business rules; Economic diplomacy is media promotion, lobbying of the national producers interests in international organizations, the international scientific and technical operational chains involvement, monitoring and information proliferation on the national trading environment, the information and consulting resources formation, the exhibition and fairs of domestic producers fostering.
The structural changes instruments in the real sector through the innovative, inclusive and sustainable economic policy implementation are offered. First of allit will allow to accelerate the national production development and the domestic market; to restore export activity and modernize Ukraine’s role in the international labor division; to intensify the raising incomes policy of the population, social and territorial cohesion; to ensure the life and environment safety.
In the course of the study, approaches to the study of reproductive proportions in terms of production, distribution, redistribution and end-use of goods and services were improved in the context of evaluating industries with different «content» of value added in the release, which enabled to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the industrial and agrarian sectors and to substantiate the necessity of changing structural elements on the basis of balanced development. The definition of the conceptual foundations of the state industrial policy through the form of the effective structure of both the real sector and the economy as a whole, namely: improving the role of state policy in the sphere of structural adjustment of domestic production and developing a systematic approach in the field of import substitution policy and identifying optimal structural transformations in the defense industry through the financial, economic and intellectual state resources concentration on the key economic activities of the real sector.
On the basis of systematization of all existing approaches to the definition of the «imbalance» category, it has been clarified and interpreted as the potential mismatch or the development pace of separate parts of the economic system, it results to the situation when a part of the total potential or the product remains either unclaimed or excessively used (in comparison with the whole). The dual influence of economic disproportions on the economy is established. On the one hand, they lead to unproductive working time losses, material resources and capital, and on the other hand, they stimulate their elimination and are the economy objective need, one of its development and growth laws.
The methodology for determining the main imbalances in the development of international trade and their impact on foreign trade in Ukraine has developed further, it has allowed to establish internal disproportions of development stipulating the existing commodity and geographical export structure ineffectiveness and determine the possibilities of import substitution in the domestic market.
The proposed study methodology allowed to identify such disproportions of GDP structure as a faster growth of real disposable income compared with GDP growth, an overestimated level of final consumer expenditures, a low level of collective consumption of general government and gross accumulation, as well as low incomes of the population of Ukraine, limiting domestic demand.
The study of the reproductive GDP structure of Ukraine made it possible to establish that the value added share of commodity production is shrinking faster than the share of their production and the result is an abnormal high share of added value of financial activity, transport and communications, mining industry at its low level in the real sector.
The author has systematized the global and internal disparities of the Ukraine’s economy and developed proposals for optimizing the reproductive structure of the gross domestic product; the criteria and indicators for the development of the real sector, industry, and the sector of high-tech production in the crisis state are determined.
In the course of the research, the effect of the debt dynamics on disproportionality in the part of debt write-off and postponement of the repayment of eurobonds has been defined and recognized that according to the agreements reached, the creditors will receive additional payments if the Ukrainian economy grows at a fast pace after 2020 year, although the discounting of these amounts shows some payment benefits due to the money value changes, respectively, the cost of future payments.
The possibilities of ensuring macroeconomic stability and inclusive economic growth have been substantiated due to the need to reform the system of strategic planning in the direction of the organic combination of strategy, forecast, social and economic development programs and the state budget, goals and resources. Successful implementation of reforms in Ukraine to a certain extent depends on improving the public administration system and ensuring a stable link between programs, program activities, budget and executive discipline.
Approaches to eliminate disparities and develop a program of structural adjustment of Ukraine’s industry in accordance with the European approach, based on a combination of horizontal and sectoral approaches and the transition from the traditional sectoral approach to sector analysis and planning to a cluster approach when the state should be eliminated from influence on operational activities business, but should focus on a horizontal policy to create framework conditions for its development have been offered.
The use of the obtained theoretical, methodological and practical development results, first of all, is aimed to develop the structural policy measures to strengthen the economic development of Ukraine.
Key words: macroeconomic disproportion, imbalance, proportion, structural changes, added value, institutional sectors, structural policy, economic development.
Conference Presentations by Anatolii Vdovichen
Papers by Anatolii Vdovichen
Запропоновано підходи до усунення диспропорцій і розроблення програми структурної перебудови промисловості України у відповідності до європейського підходу, що базується на поєднанні горизонтального та секторального підходів і перехід від традиційного галузевого підходу в аналізі і плануванні сектору до кластерного підходу, коли держава має бути усунута від впливу на оперативну діяльність бізнесу, але повинна зосередитись на горизонтальній політиці створення рамкових умов для його розвитку.
Для фахівців у сфері економіки та державного управління, науковців, аспірантів і студентів економічних спеціальностей, а також широкого кола читачів, які цікавляться питаннями економічного розвитку України.
Для фахівців у сфері економіки та державного управління, науковців, аспірантів і студентів економічних спеціальностей, а також широкого кола читачів, які цікавляться питаннями економічного розвитку України.
порівнянь, показано диспропорційні тенденції розвитку економіки України під час фінансово-
економічної кризи 2008-2010 рр.
В данной статье проводится анализ развития национальной экономики в контексте
международных сравнений, показ диспропорциональных тенденций развития экономики Украины
во время финансово-экономического кризиса 2008-2010 гг.
In this article the analysis of development of national economy is conducted in the context of
international comparisons, show of disproportionate tendencies to development of economy of Ukraine
during a financial and economic crisis 2008-2010
виставково-ярмаркової діяльності у подоланні регіональних
диспропорцій, а також як фактора соціально-економічного розвитку
регіону. Проблематику розкрито на інноваційно-логічних засадах.
Висновки представлені в монографії ґрунтуються на результатах
багатьох порівняльних досліджень, проведених авторами.
Досліджено суть виставково-ярмаркової діяльності та особливості її
впливу на зростання регіону та визначене місце виставково-ярмаркової
діяльності в концепції факторів регіонального розвитку. Авторами
здійснено оцінку виставково-ярмаркової системи регіонів України:
як інфраструктурної підсистеми, як виду економічної діяльності,
як сегмента маркетингових комунікацій. Запропоновано ключові
положення стратегії розвитку виставково-ярмаркової діяльності в
Україні та визначено пріоритетні завдання розвитку виставково-
ярмаркової діяльності у регіональному вимірі.
Монографія буде корисною для науковців, практиків викладачів та
Thesis for the degree of doctor of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.03 Economics and Management of National Economy. – The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2017.
Nowadays the issue of structural reforms implementation in the domestic economy is extremely important, due to the established economic proportions and disproportionality. Taking into consideration theoretical, methodological and practical aspects, the study of these changes and peculiarities in the Ukrainian economy provides an opportunity to substantiate the main directions and methods of the progressive structural transformations implementing in the national economy. The main engine of economic development has always been internal imbalances, whereas under certain conditions the social and economic development irregularity serves as the basis for the reproductive imbalances emergence. In this regard, the disproportion is viewed to be both negative and positive factor simultaneously: the contradiction or disproportionality is a condition for the certain leading elements of the economic system development.
The most essential scientific results are the following. The methodological and methodical approaches to systematization of global imbalances and internal imbalances in the Ukrainian economy were first developed and the research conceptual foundations were proposed through generalization of the macroeconomic indices as well as the separate economy sectors in dices and types of economic activity on the basis of СНР, balance of payments and trade balance. The correlation of existing world economic imbalances and global economic trends through the study of the GDP formation patterns and peculiarities and capital formation on the global and domestic markets is revealed. The Ukrainian economy macroeconomic imbalances are also determined, which are the result of long-term system contradictions in the model of economic development in Ukraine. This has allowed us to assert that, on the whole, the domestic economy appeared to be the most vulnerable to such global macroeconomic imbalances which arose as a result of the world prices unstable growth for raw materials, as well as internal structural imbalances of the pre-crisis (2008–2010) period and predetermined by Russian aggression.
The author defined the social capital influence, in particular its cultural component, on the disproportions formation, which made it necessary to add instruments such as Business Training (business culture learning (seminars, trainings, etc.), the business culture rules(management, communication, motivation), the international business rules; Economic diplomacy is media promotion, lobbying of the national producers interests in international organizations, the international scientific and technical operational chains involvement, monitoring and information proliferation on the national trading environment, the information and consulting resources formation, the exhibition and fairs of domestic producers fostering.
The structural changes instruments in the real sector through the innovative, inclusive and sustainable economic policy implementation are offered. First of allit will allow to accelerate the national production development and the domestic market; to restore export activity and modernize Ukraine’s role in the international labor division; to intensify the raising incomes policy of the population, social and territorial cohesion; to ensure the life and environment safety.
In the course of the study, approaches to the study of reproductive proportions in terms of production, distribution, redistribution and end-use of goods and services were improved in the context of evaluating industries with different «content» of value added in the release, which enabled to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the industrial and agrarian sectors and to substantiate the necessity of changing structural elements on the basis of balanced development. The definition of the conceptual foundations of the state industrial policy through the form of the effective structure of both the real sector and the economy as a whole, namely: improving the role of state policy in the sphere of structural adjustment of domestic production and developing a systematic approach in the field of import substitution policy and identifying optimal structural transformations in the defense industry through the financial, economic and intellectual state resources concentration on the key economic activities of the real sector.
On the basis of systematization of all existing approaches to the definition of the «imbalance» category, it has been clarified and interpreted as the potential mismatch or the development pace of separate parts of the economic system, it results to the situation when a part of the total potential or the product remains either unclaimed or excessively used (in comparison with the whole). The dual influence of economic disproportions on the economy is established. On the one hand, they lead to unproductive working time losses, material resources and capital, and on the other hand, they stimulate their elimination and are the economy objective need, one of its development and growth laws.
The methodology for determining the main imbalances in the development of international trade and their impact on foreign trade in Ukraine has developed further, it has allowed to establish internal disproportions of development stipulating the existing commodity and geographical export structure ineffectiveness and determine the possibilities of import substitution in the domestic market.
The proposed study methodology allowed to identify such disproportions of GDP structure as a faster growth of real disposable income compared with GDP growth, an overestimated level of final consumer expenditures, a low level of collective consumption of general government and gross accumulation, as well as low incomes of the population of Ukraine, limiting domestic demand.
The study of the reproductive GDP structure of Ukraine made it possible to establish that the value added share of commodity production is shrinking faster than the share of their production and the result is an abnormal high share of added value of financial activity, transport and communications, mining industry at its low level in the real sector.
The author has systematized the global and internal disparities of the Ukraine’s economy and developed proposals for optimizing the reproductive structure of the gross domestic product; the criteria and indicators for the development of the real sector, industry, and the sector of high-tech production in the crisis state are determined.
In the course of the research, the effect of the debt dynamics on disproportionality in the part of debt write-off and postponement of the repayment of eurobonds has been defined and recognized that according to the agreements reached, the creditors will receive additional payments if the Ukrainian economy grows at a fast pace after 2020 year, although the discounting of these amounts shows some payment benefits due to the money value changes, respectively, the cost of future payments.
The possibilities of ensuring macroeconomic stability and inclusive economic growth have been substantiated due to the need to reform the system of strategic planning in the direction of the organic combination of strategy, forecast, social and economic development programs and the state budget, goals and resources. Successful implementation of reforms in Ukraine to a certain extent depends on improving the public administration system and ensuring a stable link between programs, program activities, budget and executive discipline.
Approaches to eliminate disparities and develop a program of structural adjustment of Ukraine’s industry in accordance with the European approach, based on a combination of horizontal and sectoral approaches and the transition from the traditional sectoral approach to sector analysis and planning to a cluster approach when the state should be eliminated from influence on operational activities business, but should focus on a horizontal policy to create framework conditions for its development have been offered.
The use of the obtained theoretical, methodological and practical development results, first of all, is aimed to develop the structural policy measures to strengthen the economic development of Ukraine.
Key words: macroeconomic disproportion, imbalance, proportion, structural changes, added value, institutional sectors, structural policy, economic development.