Drafts by King-kum Mensah

Female sexual harassment is prevalent in some formal organizations in the world and studies have ... more Female sexual harassment is prevalent in some formal organizations in the world and studies have showed the negative impact of female sexual harassment at the workplace. The aim of the study was to examine effects of female sexual harassment in formal organizations and some coping strategies used by female victims of sexual harassment. The study was guided by the power and control model and cognitive dissonance theory. Qualitative approach was used for collection and analysis of data from two formal organizations in Adum, Kumasi. Ten (10) sample of female workers were selected for semi-structured interview from the two organizations through purposive sampling technique. The study found that, female workers encounter either physical or verbal form of sexual harassment, most especially unmarried women at the workplace. The study also found that female sexual harassment can have emotional impact on victims such as trauma, depression and shame at the workplace. The study finally identified some coping strategies after harassment including isolation and interactive coping mechanisms. The study recommends organizations should implement strong policies against sexual harassment, conduct regular training, and foster an inclusive culture that supports victims and encourages them to speak up without fear of reprisals.

Plastic pollution is on the rise and poses serious hazards to ecosystems, biodiversity, and globa... more Plastic pollution is on the rise and poses serious hazards to ecosystems, biodiversity, and global public health. In Ghana, the last few decades have seen an astronomical increase in the use of plastics, particularly, as a better and more hygienic alternative to traditional packaging methods for food, beverages, water, and other products. However, like many sub-Saharan African countries, the transition to the use of plastics emerged without an effective plastic waste management policy and strategies. This saddles many cities with 'new forms of visual waste,' compounding existing solid waste management and health challenges for the strained public health systems. As part of the 2023 World Environment Day, we engaged academic, policy, and management experts to reflect on the menace of plastic pollution and the possible ways to tackle this challenge in Ghana. This involved a symposium at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology under the theme ''Solution to Plastic Pollution.'' The experts discuss and explore solutions to a sustainable path for addressing plastic pollution. The experts concluded that a sustainable pathway to addressing plastic pollution requires a multifaceted strategy involving a clear, locally driven, and placed-based policy and management anchored on the principles of ''rethink, reduce, reuse, and recycle'' the use of plastics. Although the symposium concluded that top-down and transformational policy interventions such as the singleuse plastics bans and extended producer responsibility programs might be needed, participants argued that small-scale, locally driven, and innovative businesses and technologies for recycling and trash management approaches need to be supported by governments and development partners. Actions to drive behavioral change through increasing public awareness, educational initiatives, and public involvement in curbing plastic waste were highlighted.
Drafts by King-kum Mensah