Korea Maritime and Ocean University
International Studies
Due to the growing demand for hydrocarbons, explorations at sea have increased with particular challenges such as exploitation in ultra-deep waters and frozen seas, which has led to the development of new technologies. Offshore activities... more
The article described the advance and retreat rates of Manzanillo Island's coastline between 1937 and 2010, demonstrating a moderate setback of the coastline due to a slow erosive process of constant ocean interaction and anthropogenic... more
The article discusses Cartagena de Indias military coastal defense and fortifications expansion during the 18th century to ward off British naval attacks. The ocean-atmosphere system is analyzed in detail to examine the strategies and... more
The article examines the sociocultural context in Cartagena de Indias in 1934, before the arrival of the Royal Navy mission, which was tasked with establishing a formal navy in Colombia. The mission was led by Captain Basil O.... more
La Estrategia Marítima contiene una serie de factores que están implícitos en el desarrollo y elaboración de la estrategia nacional de un país los cuales son: Economía, Política, Sicosocial y finalmente el Militar, con el fin de alcanzar... more
"El mayor museo de Colombia esta en las profundidades del Mar Caribe". El articulo, ademas de mostrar la motivación personal del autor y sus vínculos durante los últimos años con el Galeón San Jose, presenta una breve explicación del... more
Command and control of the sea during the Korean War would only be possible through a multinational force led by the United Nations. Colombia was the only Latin American country to send naval and ground forces responding to the U.N.... more
Este artículo analiza los riesgos de seguridad física de las plataformas y unidades móviles de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos costa afuera (offshore) en el mar Caribe colombiano. Para ello, se hace una revisión conceptual, se... more
Previous studies suggest that tropical storms and hurricanes are among the leading causes of shipwrecks in the Caribbean Sea since 1492. This paper will explore the relationship between shipwrecks and hurricanes in the Western Caribbean,... more
This article summarizes the progress and current state of underwater archaeology in Colombia over the past three decades. It also presents the limitations for the scientific community imposed by the Submerged Cultural Heritage Law 1675 of... more
Roncador Cay is located in the western Caribbean within the Colombian maritime territory, a place with complex environmental conditions that have been a ship trap for centuries. On February 2, 1894, the United States Ship Kearsarge, a... more
El presente artículo analiza la expansión que tuvo la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias desde el siglo XVIII, en cuanto a infraestructura de defensa militar, para protegerla de los ataques de los ingleses, se realiza un análisis detallado de... more
Este artículo analiza los riesgos de seguridad física de las plataformas y unidades móviles de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos costa afuera (offshore) en el mar Caribe colombiano. Para ello, se hace una revisión conceptual, se... more
Colombia has hundreds of historical shipwrecks, but systematic research on this topic is scarce, which makes locating wreck sites problematic. Colombia is home to the Caribbean archipelago of San Andres, Old Providence, and Santa... more
In the early nineteenth century, the Western Caribbean, particularly the Archipelago of San Andres, Old Providence, and Santa Catalina, became the focal point of ambitious hydrographic surveys. Despite the region's rich maritime heritage,... more
In the early nineteenth century, the Western Caribbean, particularly the Archipelago of San Andres, Old Providence, and Santa Catalina, became the focal point of ambitious hydrographic surveys. Despite the region's rich maritime heritage,... more