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Objective: Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness that occurs secondary to diabetesmellitus. Besides having serious effects on the retina, diabetes has also been found to affect the hearing sense.The aim of our... more
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Aim: To assess the necessity to review the Oral pathology curriculum, based on the expert opinion of faculty members of oral pathology of Karachi. Methods: In this cross-sectional study the data was collected by non-probability sampling... more
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    • Academic Curriculum Review
Vitamin D is identifi ed to have an important association with diabetic retinopathy (DR). Several vitro and vivo studies support this evidence. Diabetic retinopathy is identifi ed as one of the leading causes of blindness. Diabetic... more
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    • Prevention of blindness
To assess the readiness of medical students towards e-learning before initiating online education. Material and Methods: Th e study was conducted to fi rst year medical students, whom will be taught a theoretical part of medicine. A... more
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    • Technology Enhanced Learning
Objective: To identify the preferred learning style of fi rst year medical students at Karachi Medical and Dental College, Karachi. Material and Methods:A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted amongst fi rst year medical... more
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To identify the strength and weakness in educational environment of the institute as perceived by the students.
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To assess the adequacy of ophthalmology undergraduate curriculum as perceived by interns working in a tertiary care setting of Pakistan.
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    • Curriculum Reforms