Papers by Md. Ayub Mallick

Nivedita says that it is easy, as one reads this Letter, to see how he has been thrilled by the c... more Nivedita says that it is easy, as one reads this Letter, to see how he has been thrilled by the congruity of ancient Indian thought with modern science. “Our friend,” he writes, “was charmed to hear about the Vedantic prana and akasa and the kalpas, which, according to him, are the only theories modern science can entertain. Now both akasa and prana again, are produced from the cosmic mahat, the universal mind, the Brahma, or Iswara. He thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go and see him next week, to get this new mathematical demonstration. ” (Nivedita 1910, p. 173). Vivekananda tried to reorient the struggle for building a New India with Vedanta philosophy. To him, matter and thought are co-existent; both are products of nature, a third something, known as Brahman or Atman (Vivekananda, CW, Vol. 5, p. 323). Both matter and mind ...

International journal of innovative research and development, 2013
Kohli gives emphasis to independent political variables and provides autonomous significance to p... more Kohli gives emphasis to independent political variables and provides autonomous significance to political structures and processes. He believes in ‘state-in-society’ approach. In contrast with Kohli (1990), Glyn Williams (2001) regards that Kohli overemphasizes the political variables and the role of political parties and leadership in producing coherent rule, integrated domination, and social legitimization altogether. By emphasizing on the role of political organization Kohli disregards the role of political discourse and local political practice. The Left leaders were effective in engaging themselves with the everyday life processes of the rural people producing a politics of attachment through an organizational grid that has had skill and efficiency to keep attached at the local level. This type of leadership and organization promoted the Left and TMC failed to grasp. As a government the Left used ‘non-hegemonic conquest’ model to win electoral battles. The ‘hegemonic’ model ...

The Kusasi-Mamprusi ethnic conflict in Bawku, a border town located in the extreme Northeastern c... more The Kusasi-Mamprusi ethnic conflict in Bawku, a border town located in the extreme Northeastern corner of Ghana, which began in 1957, has become protracted. The two factions have clashed four times between 1980 and 2000. The disagreement has been over who should occupy the Bawku skin( a titled chieftaincy position) as Bawkunaba and control the Bawku land, as land ownership is tied to occupancy of the Bawku skin. Scholarly works on conflicts in Northern Ghana, have traced the root causes to the introduction of chieftaincy by the British colonial administration in the area. The policy that amalgamated smaller states with big kingdoms, created a subordinate-master relationship between the Kusasi and Mamprusi. Proponents of colonial government’s complicity argue that attempts by the Mamprusi to maintain the status quo during the post-colonial Ghanaian government, has provoked the recurrent ethnic conflicts between the two groups. This paper, situated within a broader historiographical c...

Among all the tribal families poverty is widespread and asset base is extremely low. They, the tr... more Among all the tribal families poverty is widespread and asset base is extremely low. They, the tribal people should have to be properly organized, politicized and mobilized imparting a sense of participation among them in view of productive resources, productive relations, manpower position and socio-economic orientation and in view of their dissociation from the control of the resources, dissociation from decisionmaking in resource utilization and productive resources. Participatory culture has not yet developed among the tribal people. Decision-making process is controlled by the party and panchayat leaders. Mobilization of middle class intellectuals and concentration and consolidation of party politics have become the reality. Participation of the tribal people in party politics, in the development process and empowerment process has remained confined to the level of formality, when and where the power elites try to manipulate benefits in their own interests and also in the inter...

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 2013
The question of Indian unity has never been settled beyond all differences and disputations. We h... more The question of Indian unity has never been settled beyond all differences and disputations. We have no culturally homogeneous, dominant and majority ethnic and religious group that could both dominate as well as effectively claim to represent all Indians. Group rights act as the regulatory devices for the accommodation of differences. From egalitarian view of justice minority groups have a moral justification for demanding cultural rights, which is the structure for belongingness. Many liberals call for greater tolerance of minority groups. Indian democracy is not consociational, but has adopted consociational devices for dealing with diverse conflicts within society. It has sometimes proved possible for various political parties (multiethnic) to co-operate, form coalitions after elections and even before that and reach agreements on controversial matters affecting the cultural and group rights.
22Ü MD. AVUB MALLICK deforestation, diversification aod submergence of tribal lands, displacement... more 22Ü MD. AVUB MALLICK deforestation, diversification aod submergence of tribal lands, displacement of the tribais with-out no compensation, over-exploitation of for-est resources in the processes of plunder, unequal investment-profit ratio and retarded eco-system (Sharma, 1977; ...

IntroductionFederalism is as much a matter of process as of structure, particularly if process is... more IntroductionFederalism is as much a matter of process as of structure, particularly if process is broadly defined to include a political cultural dimension as well. Elements of a federal process include a sense of partnership on the part of the parties to the federal compact, manifested through negotiated cooperation on issues and programs and based on a commitment to open bargaining between all parties to an issue in such a way as to strive for consensus or, failing that, an accommodation which protects the fundamental integrity of all the partners. Only in those polities where the processes of government reflect federal principles is the structure of federalism meaningful (Elazar, 1985: 22). Lijphart has identified few favourable factors contributing to federalism or so to say consociationalism in plural societies. To this end I have to specify these factors in figure 1.Federalism and ConsociationalismLijphart's consociational theory is applicable to Indian integration pattern...
The communal ownership of land, traditional methods and means of production, non acquisitive valu... more The communal ownership of land, traditional methods and means of production, non acquisitive value pattern and lack of any feudal hierarchy have become the realities of the past. The traditional occupations of the tribe has been changed to a great extent : it has become a part of the national or local economy. They are mainly settled agiculturists, owner cultivators, share-croppers and landless labourers at present. They are employed also in industries, collieries, educational institutions and tea gardens as daily workers, technical staff, teachers, and office bearer. They are impoverished now. This changed situation is the product of money economy. With greater interaction with Hinduism and its formal economy the tribals have been socially and economically absorbed, not totally into the religious beliefs and practices of the non-tribals.
Papers by Md. Ayub Mallick