Papers by lavanya sivapurapu

International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope, 2024
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's novel The Forest of Enchantments (2019), popularly known as Sitayan ... more Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's novel The Forest of Enchantments (2019), popularly known as Sitayan revolves around the journey of Sita, the wife of epic hero Rama, who emerges as a harbinger of change, lending her voice to the muted echoes of marginalized women characters within the expanse of Indian mythology, Ramayana. The study analyzes the character of Sita with the societal challenges confronted by her and also her quest for identity and space within the constraints of a patriarchal milieu. Using the tool of feminist revisionist mythology, Divakaruni undertakes a humongous task of scrutinizing the narrative of Sita-a quintessential figure in Indian mythology. Revisionist writing, which received significant applause in recent times, presents an alternative perspective by deconstructing the age-old mythological narratives. Moreover, it highlights the adaptable quality of myths to address contemporary challenges. By employing feminist lens, this study not only unpacks the strictures of patriarchal conventions that dominate, exploit and marginalize the women characters but also establishes the fact that the age-old myths, written mostly by men, have become the victim of patriarchy. Sita's journey stands as a beacon of inspiration for women fighting for justice against the injustices perpetrated by patriarchal society. This paper delves deep into these issues, exploring how Sita navigated the patriarchal landscape while simultaneously amplifying the voices of marginalized women characters. Her story serves as a powerful catalyst for resurrecting and empowering women relegated to the periphery.

Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, Sep 6, 2023
This study aims to examine the benefits of using ICT and AI technologies to aid the improvement o... more This study aims to examine the benefits of using ICT and AI technologies to aid the improvement of students' spoken communication skills, as well as the factors that contribute to students' difficulties with speaking. The study's primary goal is to provide useful recommendations for students, teachers, and learners that will facilitate better English language instruction and learning. Different studies were analyzed, and elements related to difficulties with communication were separated into three distinct groups: linguistic, social, and affective. We looked into numerous information and communication technology (ICT), Apps, and artificial intelligence (AI) resources that help in teaching and learning English. 100 students are participated in our experiment, who were placed into two groups: ICT and Non-ICT. Taught English for the Non-ICT group using traditional methods and for the ICT group using ICT and AI tools. When compared to non-ICT students, ICT students demonstrate superior performance in all parameters of the speaking test. ESL students will see significant improvements in their communication skills with the use of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for teaching and learning language.

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 2023
This research article primarily focuses on how speaking competence can be enhanced by Socratic Qu... more This research article primarily focuses on how speaking competence can be enhanced by Socratic Questioning Approach. There are several methods and approaches formulated and applied at different levels to enhance speaking skills, but critical thinking and questioning attitude is still lacking at undergraduate levels. 32 heterogeneous professional undergraduate students (Creswell, 2018, p.157) have participated in a five months twenty-one days intervention study (Yin,2009 & Stake,1995, p.123) to know the desired outcomes. The pre and post-tests results have considerably and possibly been recorded during the study. CEFR (Common European Framework of References) CAN DO descriptors (Council of Europe, 2018 p.171), are adopted to assess the speaking competence. The pre and post-tests have been assessed based on CAN DO Descriptors. After employing Qualitative Research Methodology (Creswell, 2018) to analyze the data obtained through both succeeding and preceding tests, significant results have possibly been founded and observed that p r o f es si o na l u n de rg r ad ua te s t ud en t s h av e considerably enhanced their speaking abilities and competences. CEFR levels of individual performance and variations have scrupulously been observed. This research article ontologically asserts that professional undergraduate engineering students can enhance speaking skills by thinking critically and applying Socratics Questioning Approach (Paul,2006) implicitly and explicitly.

World Journal of English Language, Feb 21, 2023
Communicative knowledge and digital knowledge have become essential components of our everyday li... more Communicative knowledge and digital knowledge have become essential components of our everyday lives. English language is one of the major global means of communication. Information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role in many areas of life, including education. The contemporary immense waves of globalization and the increased dominance of the English language over the political, cultural, and economic levels necessitate our effective preparation for the young generation to acquire the abilities and skills that help them meet the needs of their future careers. The ability to speak English effectively and to handle various ICT Tools purposefully has become an essential need for the young generation to cope with the current information revolution. The aim of this study is to evaluate the function of ICT technologies, in English language instruction and acquisition with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. This study focuses on ICT resources including systems, Internet, mobile apps, websites, language learning centers, and YouTube, how ICT tools were used during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they helped teachers and students in the classroom. The study concludes that each instrument described plays an important role in English educational activities, as well as in increasing the learner's skills, helps learners work at their own pace and gives learners more control over their own learning, and facilities collaborative and cooperative learning.

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
: This research article primarily focuses on how speaking competence can be enhanced by Socratic ... more : This research article primarily focuses on how speaking competence can be enhanced by Socratic Questioning Approach. There are several methods and approaches formulated and applied at different levels to enhance speaking skills, but critical thinking and questioning attitude is still lacking at undergraduate levels. 32 heterogeneous professional undergraduate students (Creswell, 2018, p.157) have participated in a five months twenty-one days intervention study (Yin,2009 & Stake,1995, p.123) to know the desired outcomes. The pre and post-tests results have considerably and possibly been recorded during the study. CEFR (Common European Framework of References) CAN DO descriptors (Council of Europe, 2018 p.171), are adopted to assess the speaking competence. The pre and post-tests have been assessed based on CAN DO Descriptors. After employing Qualitative Research Methodology (Creswell, 2018) to analyze the data obtained through both succeeding and preceding tests, significant results have possibly been founded and observed that professiona l unde rgradua te student s have considerably enhanced their speaking abilities and competences. CEFR levels of individual performance and variations have scrupulously been observed. This research article ontologically asserts that professional undergraduate engineering students can enhance speaking skills by thinking critically and applying Socratics Questioning Approach (Paul,2006) implicitly and explicitly. Keywords : CEFR, Critical Thinking, Intervention Program

World Journal of English Language
Communicative knowledge and digital knowledge have become essential components of our everyday li... more Communicative knowledge and digital knowledge have become essential components of our everyday lives. English language is one of the major global means of communication. Information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role in many areas of life, including education. The contemporary immense waves of globalization and the increased dominance of the English language over the political, cultural, and economic levels necessitate our effective preparation for the young generation to acquire the abilities and skills that help them meet the needs of their future careers. The ability to speak English effectively and to handle various ICT Tools purposefully has become an essential need for the young generation to cope with the current information revolution. The aim of this study is to evaluate the function of ICT technologies, in English language instruction and acquisition with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. This study focuses on ICT resources including systems, Intern...

This paper throws light on the need for the selection criteria of literary texts. While such crit... more This paper throws light on the need for the selection criteria of literary texts. While such criteria are essential, it is very rarely that a teacher is allowed to choose books for the class. We could say that the prescription of literary texts is one of the necessary "evils" of our curriculum. It is essential because the availability of a larger corpus of literature for selection is not to be expected or possible for each teacher, and even if it was; it is doubtful whether each teacher would be willing or able to exercise a sophisticated choice for his or her learners at all times. It is an "evil" because it is the prescription of such texts for examinations that have brought about a form of teaching that ignores the needs, problems, and progress of the learner. By focussing on the book as content, note-taking, and rote-learning are encouraged, rather than the appreciation and the interpretation of texts and the activity of meaning-making by the learner.

Critical Thinking is a great concept for centuries together. It is a wide range of deep thinking ... more Critical Thinking is a great concept for centuries together. It is a wide range of deep thinking and thought-provoking idea. It has been developing for the past 2,500 years. It is universally accepted that critical thinking has no particular scope to use its mammoth qualities in any field. It is applied and used in all fields. The Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had started using Critical thinking in their teachings. Thinking is directly interlinked with speaking to be flawless and perfect speakers in English language, critical thinking hones, undoubtedly, speaking skills. It plays a significant and constructive role in education. Critical Thinking is not such an easy task; it is a meticulous and magnanimous task. Speaking plays, a prominent role in the defined four skills of English communication. Speaking is very indispensable in the modern and sophisticated world. Students do try to be good speakers in English language, but their analytical and evaluative skills are, unknowingly, paid deaf ear. Critical thinking makes students to speak effectively after analyzing and evaluating. English language labs are very good kind of arenas to develop their language abilities and traits. Critical thinking in language labs like CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and ICS (Interactive Communicative Skills) will make students to observe meticulous ideology to speak freely and fluently. Critical thinking would create language platforms where learners imbibe sound vocabulary, flawless sentence constructions, understandability, interchangeability, effectiveness, analysis, elucidate and creative expressions. Critical thinking liberates learners from rote memorization learning. It does encourage students from routine questioning attitude to self-guided speaking attitude, which is very much needed for technical and non-technical students since they are going to be in the fast revolving world .One can be very good speaker in English language provided learners inculcate language skills through critical thinking. Over the language activities like Group Discussion (GD), Role-Plays, Just A Minute (JAM) sessions and Mock-Interviews, would vigorously focus and remain to be thinkers and Critical Thinking Speakers (CTS). When students think critically in language labs, they can easily know the background of history, psychology, science and technology of any topic. So, critical thinking-students can speak on any issue or topic easily by making out the basic concepts. Though my research focuses on speaking skills it also focuses other unmentioned skills in English language. This article asserts and emphatically stresses how learners learn perfectly the constructive mechanism of speaking in English language labs and classrooms through critical thinking.
experience in teaching multiple classes each semester, including general English courses, technic... more experience in teaching multiple classes each semester, including general English courses, technical writing courses, professional ethics and many other management courses. She has been into syllabus designing and curriculum designing keeping abreast with the industry needs and research requirements while maintaining global standards, trainer for campus recruitment / placement drives, designing standardized placement tests, assessing students
Papers by lavanya sivapurapu