This community is for fans of Germany's striker Miroslav Klose.
This community is Slash friendly. If you don't like that, you might want to find another community to participate in.
We observe the right to change, modify or add to the rules at any time. If you'd like to be an affiliate, please leave a comment in this post.
1. No flaming of any kind. We're all here for one reason. To show our support for Miro. If we don't agree with everything, it doesn't mean we can't disagree politely like adults instead of like children. Rudeness and being mean, disrespectful and impolite of others will not be tolerated. 2. Keep posts on-topic. This community is for fans of Miroslav Klose. Therefore, posts should contain information about him. News about Bayern München and the National team are fine as well. 3. Posts must be in English. If you post something in German, please translate it. Not everyone speaks or reads it. 4. No l33t. And no fangirl OMGIWANTTOHAVEHIZBABBBBBIES!!!! Please. 5. LJ-cut is your friend. Spoilers from match results, large photos, icon posts with more than 3 icons, banners, wallpapers and long text posts need to be under an LJ cut. If you have questions about this, please ask. We're here to help. :) 6. Please tag your posts to the best of your ability. Whether it be news, icons, banners, picspams, etc. Please use the proper tags. They will help me when I start organizing memories for the community so that certain entries can be found easier.