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Now a days IoT technologies are emerging technology with wide range of applications. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are plays vital role in IoT technologies. Construction of wireless sensor node with low-power radio link and high-speed... more
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Expansive scale information accumulation by methods for remote sensor system and web of-things innovation postures different difficulties in perspective of the confinements in transmission, calculation, and vitality assets of the related... more
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      Computer ScienceEngineering Technology
In today’s everlasting technological world, information and data communication create more devices stay connected to the internet. This lead to achieving development for building different software and internet connection very inexpensive... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityInternet of ThingsHoneypot
Wireless sensor networks are the sensors which are acclimated to sense the environmental condition like temperature, pressure, sultriness, moisture etc, sensing the environment parameters and sending them to the gateway and retrieving the... more
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      Computer ScienceEngineering Technology
This paper subsumes the implementation of automation in tracking the electrical consumption data of household systems over the network (WEB). This could sub-sequentially cut down the manual work involved in the process of collecting no:... more
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      Computer ScienceWireless Sensor NetworkElectrical Computer Engineering
Clustering is a division of data into groups of similar objects. Representing the data by fewer clusters necessarily loses certain fine details, but achieves simplification. Cluster is nothing but a group. In the view point of data... more
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      Computer ScienceCluster AnalysisDocument ClusteringHierarchical Clustering
Social Network is a network where a set of individuals, groups or organizations interact and communicate, explore the social relationships and diagrammatically represented as a Graph. Social Networking Service is the service where... more
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      Social NetworkingSocial ComputingCloud ComputingSocial Engineering
In the centralized cloud controlled environment, the decision-making and monitoring play crucial role where in the host controller (HC) manages the resources across hosts in data center (DC). HC does virtual machine (VM) and physical... more
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      Computer ScienceCloud Computing
Nowadays most of the cloud applications process large amount of data to provide the desired results. Data volumes to be processed by cloud applications are growing much faster than computing power. This growth demands new strategies for... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingCloud ComputingSoftware
Hosts in distributed cloud environment configured with Local Resource Monitors (LRM) that runs autonomously, monitors underlying host's resource usage and balances underlying host's resource usage by migrating Virtual Machine (VM) to... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingCloud ComputingVirtual Machine
We propose a location geometric similarity scoring method that is invariant to rotation, scale, and translation, and can be easily incorporated in mobile visual search and augmented reality systems. We present a fast and efficient... more
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Epidemiology is the study of spread of diseases among the group of population. If not controlled properly, the epidemic would cause an enormous number of problems and lead to pandemic situation. Here in this paper we consider the... more
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      Theory Of ComputationCellular AutomataCompilerComputational Epidemiology
Epidemics is very important area of concern for most our living being family in the world. Any epidemic situation when properly not controlled could lead to a disaster when large amount of human population is involved. Here we... more
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The world without a disease is a dream of any human being. The disease spread if not controlled could cause an epidemic situation to spread and lead to pandemic. To control an epidemic we need to understand the nature of its spread and... more
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    • Cellular Automata
This paper is focused on a cellular automata based computational model for the spread of disease named Leptospirosis using voting rules. Leptospirosis is most commonly found in bovine rats and the humans get infected when they come into... more
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      Cellular AutomataComputational Epidemiology
Parsing is a technique for processing of sentence. Clinical parser is used for clinical narratives by using medical lexicons. These clinical narratives is in unstructured format so parser is used for converting in to structured format so... more
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    • Computational Linguistics
 Abstract: Clinical parsing is useful in medical domain .Clinical narratives are difficult to understand as it is in unstructured format .Medical Natural language processing systems are used to make these clinical narratives in readable... more
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    • Computational Linguistics
Agriculture plays a very important role in the development of Indian economy. Farmers if aware about their surroundings can contribute widely in the agricultural development. Many improvements and enhancement have been inculcated from... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)Smart FarmingIOT
The issue of leakage in the irrigation pipeline of an agricultural setup not only contributes to the wastage of water but if the water becomes contaminated then its spread due to leakage may harm the crop and also add to the spread of the... more
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      Cellular AutomataIrrigation EngineeringLeakage Detection
The research paper explains the cellular automata based model that uses pressure variation, soil moisture variation, rain sensor, and GPS sensor to detect and locate plausible leak in a prototype smart drip irrigation pipeline structure.... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsInternet of Things (IoT)Water PipelinesLeakage Detection