Papers by Dwi Fitri Wiyono, M.PdI

مستخلص البحثعصر الثورة الصناعية 4.0 يتطلب تغييرا عالميا له آثار على التحولات الثقافية والميزة الت... more مستخلص البحثعصر الثورة الصناعية 4.0 يتطلب تغييرا عالميا له آثار على التحولات الثقافية والميزة التنافسية لمؤسسات التعليم العالي. الخصائص هي أنشطة العمل البشري التي يتم استبدالها بتكنولوجيا الرقمنة. في المستقبل ، تعد القيمة مكونًا مهمًا واستراتيجيًا كأساس فلسفي للثقافة التنظيمية في بناء ميزة تنافسية. الموارد البشرية هي رأس المال الرئيسي في خلق وتطوير القيم التي لن يتم استبدالها برقمنة التكنولوجيا. ستصبح القيم الفلسفية لثقافة المنظمة ميزة تنافسية إذا تم بناؤها مؤسسيًا من خلال استراتيجية تنمية الموارد البشرية القائمة على الثقافة التنظيمية. الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو العثور على مفهوم استراتيجية وتنفيذ وتقييم استراتيجيات تنمية الموارد البشرية على أساس الثقافة التنظيمية في بناء ميزة تنافسية في دراسات متعددة في جامعة مالانج الإسلامية وجامعة نهضة العلماء سورابايا. تستخدم طريقة البحث هذه نهجًا نوعيًا ، ويستخدم نوع البحث دراسات حالة بتصميم متعدد الحالات. تستخدم عملية جمع البيانات طرق المقابلة ، وملاحظة المشاركين ، ووثائق الدراسة. تم تحليل البيانات في وقت واحد باستخدام تحليل حالة واحدة وعبر. التقن...

Education is a foundation for advancing civilization, and can develop society so that later it wi... more Education is a foundation for advancing civilization, and can develop society so that later it will be able to make generations work for their interests, if a nation is in shock or progress is hampered, then the first thing to review is its education system. Seeing the quality and condition of this millennial era, the problems faced in the world of education, especially and almost a lot of people agree with, are Islamic education which is the main guideline for moral formation. Most of the people in society today still believe that Islamic religious education is very capable of directing life to a good goal. This research is a library research (library research) using a non-interactive approach or what is commonly referred to as an analytical researcher. This is non-interactive research, researchers collect, identify, analyze, and synthesize data, to then interpret concepts, policies and events that are directly or indirectly observed. Research has a descriptive analysis, which is a...

The blended learning model of islamic cultural history is a new challenge experienced by teachers... more The blended learning model of islamic cultural history is a new challenge experienced by teachers and students at MA Almaarif Singosari during the pandemic. The focus of the research discusses the planning, implementation, and evaluation of online and offline learning in the history of Islamic culture. To achieve this goal, the researcher uses a qualitative approach based on phenomenology by using a case study type of research. The researcher found the results of the study included planning which consisted of making a learning implementation plan, preparing learning media, and preparing teaching materials, for the implementation it included the media used, time allocation, and teaching materials used, then for evaluation included learning evaluation by looking at the results of the study cognitive, affective, and psychomotor values consisting of student learning outcomes, student scores taken from the results of daily assignments, and test scores

The role of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Ture... more The role of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Turen. The objectives of the teacher's role in fostering student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Turen are as follows: (1) To describe the role of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Turen Malang. (2) To describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in the nature of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering the morals of students at SMP Negeri 2 Turen Malang. The results of the study are: (1) The form of the teacher's role in exemplary at SMP Negeri 2 Turen Malang has several forms that are applied, so that with the various forms of exemplary roles that are applied, students are able to apply moral attitudes, as applied by exemplary teachers, namely: providing guidance students, the existence of moral material, performing congregational prayer attendance, the existence of punishment, giving advice, and religious activities. (2) Supporting ...

At MTs Negeri 2 Blitar, an appropriate learning method was found to increase students' learni... more At MTs Negeri 2 Blitar, an appropriate learning method was found to increase students' learning motivation during the pandemic, namely the mind mapping learning method. Mind mapping learning method is able to hone the left brain and right brain of students actively and synergistically, so as to overcome boredom in learning. The researcher acts as a human instrument. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of case study research. In collecting data, researchers used data triangulation techniques. The results of the study can be explained that the implementation of the mind mapping learning method on the subjects of aqidah morals class VIII is quite effective in increasing students' learning motivation. The response of students to the mind mapping method was very positive, marked by the increasing number of students who submitted assignments on time and had satisfactory work results. The implementation of the mind mapping method is said to be more interesting,...

In The essence of education is very important for human life, the existence of an education also ... more In The essence of education is very important for human life, the existence of an education also greatly affects the development and survival of humans. Therefore, education is teaching and training regarding the process of one's behavior. Especially Islamic religious education teachers are not only obliged to transfer or teach students about aqidah and shari'ah but Islamic religious education teachers are required to be professional in behavior, attitudes, and always take care of themselves in things that are not good in order to change the attitudes or behavior of participants. educated in accordance with Islamic teachings that have been determined. This research is a field research, namely research that goes into the field to conduct observations, interviews, and documentation. This study uses a qualitative method. The results of this study formulate that how is the role of Islamic religious education teachers in shaping students' morality at Madrasah Aliyah Babul Fut...

At this time at MTs Al-Qudsiyah Klotok Plumpang Tuban has implemented Blended Learning or better ... more At this time at MTs Al-Qudsiyah Klotok Plumpang Tuban has implemented Blended Learning or better known at the school with the term combination, namely face-to-face or offline learning and online or online learning combined into one with face-to-face or online learning done twice in a week by implementing health protocols while online learning is carried out in a flexible way through online media. blended learning or this combination is applied because not all materials can be delivered online or online considering that not all students have the same access and ability to receive learning materials. Covid-19 or commonly referred to as corona is a very dangerous virus and its spread can develop rapidly so social distancing is needed to break the chain of spread of the covid-19 virus. implementation of blended learning during the covid-19 period, which is a learning process that has been planned during the covid-19 period by combining face-to-face learning (offline) with virtual learni...
Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam, Jul 21, 2020
This article discusses the renewal of Islamic education found its significance through interlatio... more This article discusses the renewal of Islamic education found its significance through interlation methods over the dichotomy of modern and traditional Islamic science paradigms with conflict solution approaches. The results of studies and research in this journal are the reconstruction of Islamic education through interlation methods of islamic education reform, among others: First, make a firm distinction between normative Islam and historical Islam; second reconstruction of traditional Islamic sciences, Third, systematic historical studies, on the development of Islamic disciplines. Until now, Muslim intellectuals have not created an ethic of the Qur'an and social, both systematically and methodologically.

Jurnal Basicedu
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pelaksanaan supervisi klinis dalam pen... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pelaksanaan supervisi klinis dalam penerapan kurikulum merdeka di SDN 2 Jagong, Kunduran, Blora, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode desriptif. Hasil penelitian ini dapat ditemukan bahwa dalam supervisi klinis terdapat perencanaan penerapan kurikulum merdeka di SDN 2 Jagong, Kunduran, Blora, Jawa Tengah dengan menentukan rancangan rencana supervisi klinis sebelum melakukan supervisi klinis. Kemudian pelaksanaan supervisi klinis dalam penerapan kurikulum merdeka di SDN 2 Jagong, Kunduran, Blora, Jawa Tengah terkendala ketika pelaksanaan karena kurikulum merdeka masih terlalu dini untuk di terapkan dan rata-rata masih menggunakan kurikulum 13 sehingga diperlukan evaluasi untuk menindaklajut apa saja yang perlu diperbaiki. Dapat disimpulkan, bahwa implementasi supervisi klinis dalam penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar dapat terselenggara secara optimal apabila terdapat teknik penerapan ya...
Tadrisuna : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Kajian Keislaman, Sep 30, 2018
In the midst of an instantaneous and increasingly popular modernization era, Muslims are now more... more In the midst of an instantaneous and increasingly popular modernization era, Muslims are now more focused on getting worldly pleasures rather than promoting the value of Islam as the power of faith to receive the grace of Allah SWT. Not infrequently, as we know, the life of the Muslim youth today shows as if morals and good behavior are not important. Although in terms of educational facilities, print and electronic media, clothing, mosques, the quality of religious experts and even da'wah activities that are increasingly advanced and developing, this development is largely influenced by the modernization of Western-style Science and Technology. Kata Kunci: Moral Development, learning PA

Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M)
Desa Jenggolo yang mayoritas siswa siswi sendiri sangat membutuhkan pendidikan di masa covid, ber... more Desa Jenggolo yang mayoritas siswa siswi sendiri sangat membutuhkan pendidikan di masa covid, berbagai kesulitan yag dihadapi seperti sulitnya menerima materi, terlalu susah materi yang didapatkan, sehingga membuat siswa di desa jenggolo merasa malas untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran Daring. Dampak dari kemalasan siswa siswi di Desa jenggolo yang merasa malas dengan pembelajaran Daring adalah terlalu meganggap pendidikan adalah hal biasa. Berangkat dari asumsi-asumsi di atas dapat diatasi dengan salah satu metode yang dipandang cukup efektif yaitu metode layanan home visit dalam meningkatkan minat belajar maupun santri. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara langsung pada tanggal 1 Februari 2021 – 28 Februari 2021 di Jl Kalinyamat, Rt 03 Rw 03 Desa Jenggolo, Kecamatan Kepanjen, Kabupaten Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilaksanakan mahasiswa yaitu dengan melakukan sosialisasi. memantapkan kemampuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui metodologi ilmiah sehingga relevan dan berperan dalam...

مستخلص البحث وتتركز عملية إدراج المدارس الابتدائية في اندونيسيا الناجمة عن وجود مدارس خاصة في منط... more مستخلص البحث وتتركز عملية إدراج المدارس الابتدائية في اندونيسيا الناجمة عن وجود مدارس خاصة في منطقة العاصمة,ونتيجة لذلك ، فإن بعض الأطفال من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة الذين هم في مناطق نائية لا يستطيع الذهاب إلى المدرسة بسبب موقعها بعيدا عن الإقامة، ثم تحتاج إلى عناية كاملة في عملية تنفيذ التعليم الشامل في المدارس. واحدة من الأشياء المهمة في التعليم الجامع هو نموذج تطوير المناهج الدراسية والتعلم والتعليم بما يتماشي مع الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة .المغادرين من هذه المشاكل، والتركيز على هذه الأطروحة هو: (1) كيفية تصميم نموذج تطوير المناهج الدراسية والتعلم من التعليم الديني الإسلامي في إدراج المدارس الابتدائية في باتو، (2) كيفية تنفيذ تطوير المناهج الدراسية والتعلم من التعليم الديني الإسلامي في إدراج المدارس الابتدائية في باتو، (3) كيف تقيمون تطوير المناهج الدراسية، و التعلم من التعليم الديني الإسلامي في إدراج المدارس الابتدائية في باتو . يستخدم هذا البحث بحث نوعي وصفي.هذا النوع من البحث هو دراسة حالة باستخدام طريقة التثليث ،ويتم جمع البيانات عن طريق المقابلات المتعمقة،الملاحظة بالمشاركة...

The aims of this study to find the process of formulating , implementation and evaluation of the ... more The aims of this study to find the process of formulating , implementation and evaluation of the curriculum strategy strategy for the International Islamic Boarding School Islamic education model at the Thursina IIBS Islamic Education Institute Malang Regency . The method in this study uses a qualitative approach, case study research with multi-site design, data collection techniques, namely: interviews, observations, and document studies, analysis techniques using single cases and cross-cases. The results of this study are: (1) Formulation of the curriculum development strategy of the International Islamic Boarding School model through the following stages: first, the input strategy: combining the Islamic boarding school curriculum, the national curriculum and the international curriculum namely the Coumbridge Curriculum, graduates from the International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) will have a charter Coumbbrige, Second, process strategy: developing curriculum through language s...

The dialectic of the philosophy of Islamic education in the thinking of the three main schools of... more The dialectic of the philosophy of Islamic education in the thinking of the three main schools of philosophy, throughout its history is always interesting to discuss. The theocentric-style dimension of humanism is characteristic of the philosophy of Islamic education. The view of humanism in western modern philosophy is interpreted as limited as human-centered anthropocentric freedom, while humanism in Islamic philosophy is characterized by theocentric humanism. three Islamic thinkers: covering three important schools, namely: Peripetik (masy-syaiya) by Ibn Sina, Illumination (Isyraqiyah) by Suhrawardi, Irfan (Genosis, ma’rifat) by Ibn Arabi. The three schools have the same substance value of humanism, especially in the analysis of the context of Islamic education, namely, the soul of the soul relies on the theocentric theology of humanism even though the approaches of each of the Islamic philosophers are different from each other. Keywords: dimension, theocentric humanism, the phil...

Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Character education occupies a strategic position in Islamic education in Indonesia. its urgency ... more Character education occupies a strategic position in Islamic education in Indonesia. its urgency is felt to be conceptually formulated in an Islamic perspective. The study of character education in the thinking of classical to modern Islamic figures has always been an important theme to be studied and developed in the treasury of Islamic education. The underlying background includes: First; character education is an important theme that is of concern to policy makers in formulating educational goals. second; Character education is the main basis for the idea of Islamic education. Third; the concept and thought of character education initiated by classical Islamic intellectuals have similarities and differences with the concept of education originating from the west and the concept of inherited character education from ancient Greece and Arabia.
Papers by Dwi Fitri Wiyono, M.PdI