Books by Erna Fiorentini, Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Dr. phil. habil.

On Visualization. A Multicentric Critique beyond Infographics
These are the table of Content and the inroductory chapter of the book "On Visualization. A Mu... more These are the table of Content and the inroductory chapter of the book "On Visualization. A Multicentric Critique beyond Infographics," edited by Erna Fiorentini, forthcoming with LIT Verlag Berlin 2023.
As an invitation to explore the all-encompassing term "visualization" from a new vantage point, this book suggests a topological approach to identify individual domains in the global stream of visualization practices and intentions. Here, particular and often hidden, partly non-visual or non-visible forms emerge as individual, distinct modes of visualizing that go beyond infographics as the idea informing most of the today understanding of visualization. These modes offer frames in which to put the phenomenon of visualization with a view to notions more appropriate to the plurality of its manifestations.
Erna Fiorentini is Extraordinary Professor of Art History and academic staff member at the IKB - Institute for the History of Art and Architecture of the KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Her latest book on topics of visuality and visual culture, Visual Worlds. Looking, Images, Visual Disciplines, co-authored with James Elkins, was published by Oxford University Press in 2021.
Visual Worlds. Looking, Images, Visual Disciplines. By James Elkins and Erna Fiorentini, (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, 2020
My co-author James Elkins and I have been working six years on this textbook for Oxford Universit... more My co-author James Elkins and I have been working six years on this textbook for Oxford University Press. The book is out now and there is an e-book at
Thanks everyone who commented on drafts of chapters we've posted here, on Facebook, Twitter, and on Jim Elkins' my website over the last six years !
Visual Worlds: Looking, Images, Visual Disciplines, 2020
My co-author Erna Fiorentini and I have been working six years on this textbook for Oxford Univer... more My co-author Erna Fiorentini and I have been working six years on this textbook for Oxford University Press. This is the table of contents, just sent to us Nov. 20, 2019. The book will be published in 2020. Thanks everyone who commented on drafts of chapters we've posted here, on Facebook, Twitter, and on my website over the last six years!
in: Erna Fiorentini, Jörn Steigerwald (Hg.), Illuminismo - Jenseits von Aufklärung und Gegenaufklärung, Themenheft DAJ – Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 38/2 (Wolfebüttel: Wallstein Verlag, 2014), 141-145., Dec 6, 2014
Fluid/Gestein-Wechselwirkungen und die Mechanismen des O-Isotopen¬austau¬sches in langsam abkühlenden Gesteinskomplexen: Geochemie stabiler Isotope in silikatischen Granuliten Sri Lankas, 1991
Papers by Erna Fiorentini, Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Dr. phil. habil.
Daniel T. Braun, Lichtstoff Photometabolisms, Kunstbuch-Edition, 2023
Landscape is not merely the physical space that surrounds us. It is far more complex, as it is co... more Landscape is not merely the physical space that surrounds us. It is far more complex, as it is constituted by our presence in that space, by the way we experience it and by the way in which we project our own experience, our memory and expectations onto it. This kind of experience exceeds the plain physiological and cognitive perception of the physical space. It is a wide-ranging, individual, in every way private experiencing and perceiving that first turns nature into landscape. This quality of landscape as experienced space is palpable in the history of landscape images and their practices from the 18th century onwards. In as dissimilar media as sketches and photographs, the success of such images persists until now. For them, I propose in this paper the idea of "Erlebnisraumbilder; – "images of experienced space."
Anschauung und Anschaulichkeit, 2015
Rezension zu: Jonathan Crary, Suspensions of Perception. Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture... more Rezension zu: Jonathan Crary, Suspensions of Perception. Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture, Cambridge/Mass. und London, The MIT Press 1999. 397 S.; 107 Abb. ISBN 0-262-03265-1
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
Kultur- und Medientheorie, 2008

Precambrian Research, 1994
Eutectically solidified portion, which should be liquid at 673 K, remained in alloys containing m... more Eutectically solidified portion, which should be liquid at 673 K, remained in alloys containing more than 7.8 mass% Zn. From change in area fraction of the liquid phase with Zn content, boundary composition between Lϩa and a regions at 673 K was estimated as about 6.7 mass% Zn. Resistivity of a specimen containing 7.8 to 8.6 mass% Zn increased with descending temperature treatment starting from 673 K and saturated at 633 K. Treatment at 613 K, the reported eutectic temperature, prolonged for 602 ks gave a nearly same saturating resistivity which suggested a maximum equilibrium solubility of Zn to Mg to be about 8.5 mass%. Details to be paid attention are described for resistivity measurement of large cross section specimens requiring a large electric current to generate enough electromotive force. When the resistance was measured in liquid nitrogen, effect of Joule heat was scarcely observed. The heating effect was clearly observed when the resistance was measured in a kerosin bath. Even in this case, the effect can be eliminated easily by extrapolation of square of current versus measured resistance plots to zero current.
Books by Erna Fiorentini, Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Dr. phil. habil.
As an invitation to explore the all-encompassing term "visualization" from a new vantage point, this book suggests a topological approach to identify individual domains in the global stream of visualization practices and intentions. Here, particular and often hidden, partly non-visual or non-visible forms emerge as individual, distinct modes of visualizing that go beyond infographics as the idea informing most of the today understanding of visualization. These modes offer frames in which to put the phenomenon of visualization with a view to notions more appropriate to the plurality of its manifestations.
Erna Fiorentini is Extraordinary Professor of Art History and academic staff member at the IKB - Institute for the History of Art and Architecture of the KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Her latest book on topics of visuality and visual culture, Visual Worlds. Looking, Images, Visual Disciplines, co-authored with James Elkins, was published by Oxford University Press in 2021.
Thanks everyone who commented on drafts of chapters we've posted here, on Facebook, Twitter, and on Jim Elkins' my website over the last six years !
Papers by Erna Fiorentini, Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Dr. phil. habil.
As an invitation to explore the all-encompassing term "visualization" from a new vantage point, this book suggests a topological approach to identify individual domains in the global stream of visualization practices and intentions. Here, particular and often hidden, partly non-visual or non-visible forms emerge as individual, distinct modes of visualizing that go beyond infographics as the idea informing most of the today understanding of visualization. These modes offer frames in which to put the phenomenon of visualization with a view to notions more appropriate to the plurality of its manifestations.
Erna Fiorentini is Extraordinary Professor of Art History and academic staff member at the IKB - Institute for the History of Art and Architecture of the KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Her latest book on topics of visuality and visual culture, Visual Worlds. Looking, Images, Visual Disciplines, co-authored with James Elkins, was published by Oxford University Press in 2021.
Thanks everyone who commented on drafts of chapters we've posted here, on Facebook, Twitter, and on Jim Elkins' my website over the last six years !
The paper appeared in an expanded version as
Erna Fiorentini, „Popularity Despite Anti-Popularization. Thinking of Optical Drawing Devices in the Early 19th Century,” in: Jesús Muñoz Morcillo / Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha (eds.), Genealogy of Popular Science. From Ancient Ecphrasis to Virtual Reality (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2020), 367-390,