Papers by Andrea Acle-Kreysing

México en el espacio germanoparlante, 1910-1945. Facetas de una representación, 2024
Los libros que Alfons Goldschmidt (1878-1940) escribió sobre México son, posiblemente, los textos... more Los libros que Alfons Goldschmidt (1878-1940) escribió sobre México son, posiblemente, los textos más empáticos jamás escritos por un autor alemán sobre este país. Así, "Mexiko" (1925) y "Auf den Spuren der Azteken" (1927) constituyen un elocuente testimonio de la gran curiosidad intelectual de Goldschmidt, un economista y escritor que, tardíamente, se convirtió en activista político y marxista itinerante. Estas obras reflejan el rasgo que más lo distingue de sus contemporáneos: su rechazo tanto de posturas racistas como de la supuesta superioridad cultural europea. En este capítulo, su obra publicada se pone en diálogo con textos inéditos para revelar aspectos desconocidos de su relación con el México de los años veinte, una relación marcada por el afecto, pero también por la crítica y la complejidad.
Tesis de Licenciatura (El Colego de México, 2006)
Matices. Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal, 2022
Una reflexión sobre mi experiencia como voluntaria en un banco de comida (Tafel) en Dresden a pri... more Una reflexión sobre mi experiencia como voluntaria en un banco de comida (Tafel) en Dresden a principios de 2022, esto es, poco después de la invasión rusa a Ucrania.

Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 2021
"Dissent is the great characteristic of liberty" was the central tenet in the life of José María ... more "Dissent is the great characteristic of liberty" was the central tenet in the life of José María Blanco White (1775–1841), a Spanish exile in Britain, whose fame as a man of letters often obscures the fact that he was first and foremost a religious thinker. The milestones of his life were set by his conversions, from Catholicism to Anglicanism (1814), and finally to Unitarianism (1835). Yet his theological ideas continue to be the least researched part of his oeuvre, mostly due to the problematic reception of his work, so that the ex-Catholic Blanco White – rather than the Protestant Blanco White – continues to occupy centre stage. This article reconstructs the spiritual biography of Blanco White, showing how skilfully he navigated through the world of European Protestantism, arguing that it was in Observations on Heresy and Orthodoxy (1835) that he reached the peak of his creative powers as an original religious thinker.

German Life and Letters, 2021
Alexander von Humboldt was regarded as an anti-fascist symbol among German speaking exiles who, f... more Alexander von Humboldt was regarded as an anti-fascist symbol among German speaking exiles who, fleeing persecution from the Nazi regime, found refuge in Mexico. Humboldt's legacy was read as being an endorsement of the country's struggle for political and cultural emancipation, while his famously anti-racist stance proved helpful in framing the exiles' unprecedented encounter with Mexico's indigenous peoples. Moreover, as I argue, Humboldt's approach to creating knowledge indicated a willingness to treat non-Europeans as intellectual peers, paving the way for a more egalitarian relationship between Germans and Mexicans. Yet the legacy of Humboldt, as will be seen with reference to several German writers between the 1920s and 1940s, was far from being an unfailing antidote to both racist attitudes or the tendency to exoticise. These tensions will be exemplified through works by Alfons Goldschmidt, B. Traven, Egon Erwin Kisch, Ludwig Renn and Gustav Regler, using novel sources and calling into question some of the established truths in the literature about German exiles in Mexico. In particular, I will show why Goldschmidt was considered by fellow exiles to be Humboldt's successor, insofar as both gave a political and ethical dimension to scientific practice.
Matices, 2021
Noch wichtiger als auf eine exotisierende Sicht auf Mexiko zu verzichten, wäre es, neue Werke übe... more Noch wichtiger als auf eine exotisierende Sicht auf Mexiko zu verzichten, wäre es, neue Werke über Exilautoren nicht als feel-good, sondern als think twice Literatur zu gestalten.
En el marco de / Im Rahmen von:
Hispanística en el espacio público digital (Asociación Alemana ... more En el marco de / Im Rahmen von:
Hispanística en el espacio público digital (Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas)
Hispanistik im digitalen öffentlichen Raum (Deutscher Hispanistenverband)
A masterpiece of Mexican poet Carlos Pellicer translated into English. It was supposed to be my e... more A masterpiece of Mexican poet Carlos Pellicer translated into English. It was supposed to be my entry for the Stephen Spender Prize for poetry in translation, but I noticed too late that only UK citizens/residents are allowed to participate. Yet the job is done, and the poem is waiting to be enjoyed.
Dimensión Antropológica, 2018
Exilios del intelectual cubano Juan Marinello: "un hombre con una filiación y una fe" ana m. suár... more Exilios del intelectual cubano Juan Marinello: "un hombre con una filiación y una fe" ana m. suárez díaz 25 El exilio republicano español en México y Venezuela. Paralelismos y divergencias agustín sánchez andrés / tomás straka 59 El exilio filosófico español del 39 y México en la década de los cuarenta antolín sánchez cuervo 88 Cómo crear una clase obrera marxista y antifascista: la participación del exilio alemán en la Universidad Obrera de México en las décadas de 1930 y 1940 andrea acle-kreysing 109 Desde la embajada de México en Costa Rica: exilio de comunistas, calderonistas y legionarios laura Beatriz moreno rodríguez / José Francisco meJía Flores 150 6

Verbum et Lingua, 2018
Este artículo explora el papel desempeñado por “Alemania Libre” (Bewegung Freies Deutschland), la... more Este artículo explora el papel desempeñado por “Alemania Libre” (Bewegung Freies Deutschland), la organización pro-comunista más significativa del exilio de habla alemana en México durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, para crear conciencia acerca de los crímenes cometidos por el nazismo alemán en contra del pueblo judío. El presente texto se centra en la colaboración entre este exilio y la comunidad judía de México, la cual fructificó en la publicación, en diciembre de 1944, del primer número de Tribuna Israelita. Esta revista mensual tuvo un carácter excepcional, siendo capaz de dar voz a una variedad de agendas, la de los partidarios de la Unión Soviética, así como la de aquellos comprometidos con la creación de un estado judío en Palestina, siendo además una expresión de los esfuerzos de la comunidad judía local por enraizarse en México. En particular, para el período entre 1944 y 1947, años en que la dirección editorial de la Tribuna Israelita estuvo en manos de exiliados de habla alemana, se destaca cómo los debates en torno al Holocausto dieron lugar a reflexiones más amplias sobre el antisemitismo y el racismo, no sólo en Europa sino también en México.
Andrea Acle-Kreysing (2018), "El exilio antifascista de habla alemana en México durante la Segund... more Andrea Acle-Kreysing (2018), "El exilio antifascista de habla alemana en México durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial: una peculiar adopción del mito de la Revolución Mexicana" en Elena Díaz Silva, Aribert Reimann y Randal Sheppard (eds.), Horizontes del exilio. Nuevas aproximaciones a la experiencia de los exilios entre Europa y América Latina durante el siglo XX, Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert.

Between the late 1930s and early 1940s Mexico City and Buenos Aires became the centres of activit... more Between the late 1930s and early 1940s Mexico City and Buenos Aires became the centres of activity for the two most relevant anti-fascist organisations of German-speaking exiles in Latin America: the communist-inspired Free German Movement (Bewegung Freies Deutschland; BFD) and the social-democratic oriented The Other Germany (Das Andere Deutschland; DAD). Both organisations envisaged the creation of an anti-fascist front within Latin America, one which would allow for greater unity of action, and thus carried out extensive congresses at Mexico City and Montevideo in 1943. Due to crucial ideological and tactical differences, this dream of anti-fascist unity led to a power struggle between BFD and DAD, well illustrated in the impact it had on Bolivia. This article seeks a new perspective on how, thanks to the establishment of transnational networks, a continental debate on the meaning and methods of anti-fascism then took place, while also shedding light on the influence the Latin American context had in shaping the exiles’ plans for a new Germany.
Este artículo propone una lectura original del antifascismo, entendido como una cultura política ... more Este artículo propone una lectura original del antifascismo, entendido como una cultura política trasatlántica, a partir del caso del líder sindicalista Vicente Lombardo Toledano. Se discute la evolución del significado del antifascismo en México, centrado en la recreación del
legado de la Revolución Mexicana, en el período comprendido entre la Guerra Civil española y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, enfatizando la colaboración entre el exilio antifascista europeo y los círculos izquierdistas locales. A partir de varios documentos inéditos, se reivindica el protagonismo que México ejerció entonces en virtud de su compromiso ideológico.
Acle-Kreysing, A. (2017): "Exiliados europeos y cultura antifascista en Ciudad de México yBuenos ... more Acle-Kreysing, A. (2017): "Exiliados europeos y cultura antifascista en Ciudad de México yBuenos Aires (1936-1945). Algunas hipótesis de trabajo“, in Ramón Villares and Xosé M. Núñez Seixas (eds.), Os exilios ibéricos: una ollada comparada. Nos 70 anos da fundación do Consello de Galiza, Consello da Cultura Galega: Santiago de Compostela, pp. 171-192.
En contraste con el retrato tradicional de Balmes y Donoso Cortés como las figuras más importante... more En contraste con el retrato tradicional de Balmes y Donoso Cortés como las figuras más importantes del catolicismo español en el siglo XIX, que da por sentado que persiguieron los mismos objetivos, este artículo señala diferencias cruciales entre ellos, centrándose en tres aspectos: la relación entre catolicismo y liberalismo, la relación entre Iglesia y Estado durante la década moderada (1843-1854), y la situación de la Iglesia en Europa en el contexto de las revoluciones de 1848. Sus proyectos políticos muestran cómo el catolicismo de su época osciló entre la intransigencia y la apertura ideológica.
Estudiar a José Bernardo Couto y José Joaquín Pesado, figuras relativamente olvidadas del México ... more Estudiar a José Bernardo Couto y José Joaquín Pesado, figuras relativamente olvidadas del México del siglo XIX, ofrece una ocasión idónea para resaltar la fluidez y pluralidad de las filiaciones políticas en esta época. Comprender cómo su entusiasmo juvenil por el liberalismo devino en el conservadurismo de su madurez resulta fascinante por una circunstancia especial. Además de primos hermanos, Couto y Pesado fueron amigos y estrechos colaboradores durante todas sus vidas. El tema central de sus ideas, fraguadas en un contexto de inestabilidad, fue cómo mantener la unión entre los mexicanos. Desilusionados, Couto y Pesado terminaron por preferir las creencias religiosas sobre las convicciones políticas, en cuanto aquéllas eran un cemento social más eficaz. La guerra de Reforma puso trágicamente a prueba los límites de su ideal: una república fincada en valores católicos.
La Furia De Marte Ideologia Pensamiento Y Representacion 2012 Isbn 978 84 9828 358 7 Pags 159 173, 2012
Books and edited volumes by Andrea Acle-Kreysing
Campus Verlag, 2022
Jaime Balmes and Juan Donoso Cortés, the most significant traditionalist thinkers in 19th century... more Jaime Balmes and Juan Donoso Cortés, the most significant traditionalist thinkers in 19th century Spain, sought to infuse the emerging liberalism with an ecclesiastical and monarchical agenda
and, at the same time, aimed to challenge the stereotypical view of Spain as a backward country. Although they pursued similar outcomes, they applied different means in order to achieve them. Towards the end of their lives, whereas Balmes advanced a socially-oriented Catholicism, Donoso posited Christianity as incompatible with modern ideologies such as liberalism and socialism. Andrea Acle-Kreysing highlights the unresolved tensions in their works and shows that Spanish political thought was a compelling variation – rather than aberration – of contemporary European debates.
German Life and Letters, 2021
Talks by Andrea Acle-Kreysing

This workshop aims to explore the intersections between the personal and the political in the exp... more This workshop aims to explore the intersections between the personal and the political in the experiences of antifascist fighters in the 1930s and 1940s. The mid-twentieth-century wars against fascism were profoundly transformative on multiple levels; they produced seismic social, political and economic changes throughout Europe, and in many cases, they impacted forcefully on their participants’ political and cultural identities. Consequently, wartime experiences often led to radical personal transformations and left a lasting legacy on fighters’ personal trajectories.
In many ways, the achievement of such personal transformations was an integral part of the fight against fascism. To reach this fundamental goal, anti-fascist resistance movements across Europe launched mass campaigns of political education and cultural mobilisation and experimented with various forms of radical political participation. Thus, for many participants, the war was not only a military struggle but a complex experience through which they became conscious political subjects.
This workshop will engage with core aspects of these revolutionary experiences. What practices of political participation did antifascist resistance movements develop and how did these differ across Europe? What strategies did they adopt to enable marginalised populations to enter the political sphere? How were ideological goals reflected in resistance organisations’ educational and cultural programmes, and how were these programmes shaped by the fact of mass participation? What did ideology and political concepts mean to grassroots participants in antifascist struggles, and how did their understanding of politics change as a result of the war? Finally, how did these wartime lessons in radical political citizenship shape veterans’ post-war lives and political participation?
Papers by Andrea Acle-Kreysing
Hispanística en el espacio público digital (Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas)
Hispanistik im digitalen öffentlichen Raum (Deutscher Hispanistenverband)
legado de la Revolución Mexicana, en el período comprendido entre la Guerra Civil española y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, enfatizando la colaboración entre el exilio antifascista europeo y los círculos izquierdistas locales. A partir de varios documentos inéditos, se reivindica el protagonismo que México ejerció entonces en virtud de su compromiso ideológico.
Books and edited volumes by Andrea Acle-Kreysing
and, at the same time, aimed to challenge the stereotypical view of Spain as a backward country. Although they pursued similar outcomes, they applied different means in order to achieve them. Towards the end of their lives, whereas Balmes advanced a socially-oriented Catholicism, Donoso posited Christianity as incompatible with modern ideologies such as liberalism and socialism. Andrea Acle-Kreysing highlights the unresolved tensions in their works and shows that Spanish political thought was a compelling variation – rather than aberration – of contemporary European debates.
Talks by Andrea Acle-Kreysing
In many ways, the achievement of such personal transformations was an integral part of the fight against fascism. To reach this fundamental goal, anti-fascist resistance movements across Europe launched mass campaigns of political education and cultural mobilisation and experimented with various forms of radical political participation. Thus, for many participants, the war was not only a military struggle but a complex experience through which they became conscious political subjects.
This workshop will engage with core aspects of these revolutionary experiences. What practices of political participation did antifascist resistance movements develop and how did these differ across Europe? What strategies did they adopt to enable marginalised populations to enter the political sphere? How were ideological goals reflected in resistance organisations’ educational and cultural programmes, and how were these programmes shaped by the fact of mass participation? What did ideology and political concepts mean to grassroots participants in antifascist struggles, and how did their understanding of politics change as a result of the war? Finally, how did these wartime lessons in radical political citizenship shape veterans’ post-war lives and political participation?
Hispanística en el espacio público digital (Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas)
Hispanistik im digitalen öffentlichen Raum (Deutscher Hispanistenverband)
legado de la Revolución Mexicana, en el período comprendido entre la Guerra Civil española y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, enfatizando la colaboración entre el exilio antifascista europeo y los círculos izquierdistas locales. A partir de varios documentos inéditos, se reivindica el protagonismo que México ejerció entonces en virtud de su compromiso ideológico.
and, at the same time, aimed to challenge the stereotypical view of Spain as a backward country. Although they pursued similar outcomes, they applied different means in order to achieve them. Towards the end of their lives, whereas Balmes advanced a socially-oriented Catholicism, Donoso posited Christianity as incompatible with modern ideologies such as liberalism and socialism. Andrea Acle-Kreysing highlights the unresolved tensions in their works and shows that Spanish political thought was a compelling variation – rather than aberration – of contemporary European debates.
In many ways, the achievement of such personal transformations was an integral part of the fight against fascism. To reach this fundamental goal, anti-fascist resistance movements across Europe launched mass campaigns of political education and cultural mobilisation and experimented with various forms of radical political participation. Thus, for many participants, the war was not only a military struggle but a complex experience through which they became conscious political subjects.
This workshop will engage with core aspects of these revolutionary experiences. What practices of political participation did antifascist resistance movements develop and how did these differ across Europe? What strategies did they adopt to enable marginalised populations to enter the political sphere? How were ideological goals reflected in resistance organisations’ educational and cultural programmes, and how were these programmes shaped by the fact of mass participation? What did ideology and political concepts mean to grassroots participants in antifascist struggles, and how did their understanding of politics change as a result of the war? Finally, how did these wartime lessons in radical political citizenship shape veterans’ post-war lives and political participation?
Im Workshop „Re-Spatializing Spain“ werden diese Einordnungen und Verortungen Spaniens und seiner Zeitgeschichte hinterfragt und die Ansätze kritisch diskutiert, die den Topos des spanischen „Sonderwegs“ reproduzieren. Die Beiträge der Referent*innen nehmen das Verhältnis zwischen Spanien und der europäischen Geschichte unter die Lupe, gehen transferhistorischen Fragestellungen nach oder zeigen mit mikrogeschicht-lichen Fallstudien, dass die konsequente Einbettung spanischer Zeitgeschichte in einen europäischen Untersuchungsrahmen innovative Perspektiven eröffnet, von denen sowohl die hispanistische als auch gesamteuropäische Zeitgeschichtsforschung profitieren können.
Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten: [email protected]
Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist kostenlos.
Andrea Acle-Kreysing, Universität Leipzig
José Luis Aguilar López-Barajas, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Alexander Behr, Universität Wien
Anna Delius, Freie Universität Berlin
Leopoldo Domínguez, Universidad de Sevilla
Linda Erker, Universität Wien
Jannis Girgsdies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Anna Catharina Hofmann
Andreas Jünger, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Till Kössler, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Claudia Kraft, Universität Wien
Toni Morant i Ariño, Universitat de València
Florian Musil, Universität Kassel
Xosé M. Núñez Seixas, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Kathrin Raminger, Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
Julian Rieck, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Katharina Seibert, Universität Leipzig/Universität Wien
Konzeption und Organisation:
> Linda Erker (Universität Wien)
> Katharina Seibert (Universität Leipzig/Universität Wien)
Gefördert durch die Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Wien sowie durch den Forschungsschwerpunkt „Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Europawissenschaften“ an der Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien.